NY State Dhimmi Senator Pushes “Halal Menu”

January 12th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Excuse the fuck outta me?

They refuse to call it Christmas vacation, or Easter Vacation, replaced instead with Winter Recess and Spring Break…but you want to give them an EID break and a “Halal” Menu.

Fuck you….

The powerful US Senate is likely to witness a bill from Democrat Senator John Sabini, who is pursuing to ensure ‘halal food’ for Muslim students in schools of the city and the state as well.

“The ‘Halal Food Bill’ will be placed before the State Senate shortly,” John said at a fund-raising meeting in the city on Thursday.

John Sabini has made a success last year, when he put forward a bill in the senate asking government to keep Eid days free from public examinations for Muslims. The bill has been passed to enact a new law.

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13 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Just make sure someone spits in it before it gets served.

  2. POD1

    Make sure its got lots of bacon in it.

  3. martymar

    Wait just a damn minute, I thought the State is not supposed to promote a particular religion. Huh?

  4. martymar

    Oh yeah, and good luck if any Christians in those schools try to say a prayer anytime soon.

  5. Mark Tanberg

    Thanks to a new law introduced by State Senator John D. Sabini (D-Queens) and carried in the Assembly by Assemblyman Jeff Aubry (D-Queens), the State Education Department is no longer allowed to schedule mandated statewide exams during religious holidays.

    Here we go, I submit to you that this time we are living in today has more the feel of the CIVIL WAR to it than it does
    the VIETNAM WAR.

  6. danielle

    This is horrible. Plain horrible. What the hell is up with Muslims? Why the hell do they seem to get whatever they want? This is only making me pissedf.

  7. Kevin M

    1. Yet another reason to home school: Keep your kids free from the PC bullshit foisted on them by asshole legislators.

    2. Can you imagine, during WW2, a lawmaker pushing for knockwurst and sauerbratten to be served in the capitol cafeteria?

    I am so sick of this stupid cult of tolerance and multiculturalism. And Danielle’s point is a good one: “Why do [Muslims] seem to get whatever they want?” That’s easy. Muslims negotiate with other Muslims. With non-Muslims, they only make demands. They never, ever make concessions. And our culture of multiculturalism is founded on self-loathing and accommodation. We apologize for everything and then expect to be loved and respected when we bend over to take it in the ass.

  8. mindy abraham

    If I may play devil’s advocate here(sorry) I am not offended by this. I am annoyed when muslims sue for millions over discrimiation, but Having know people of other faiths who are accomidated, I can’t see what is wrong with doing this(reasonably ) within a diverse state. Maybe they could just bring in their own food, but as long as they do not sue to get this it does not offend me. Insult at will. :roll:

  9. Paul Ron

    Foolish multi-culturalism. Its your America men!

    The most dangerous bill in America is Congresswomans Jane Harman’s bill on Domestic Terrorism. Disaster for America of old. Classic speech suppresion.

    Second- Mr Taneberg.

    The US is more Weimar Germany circa 1928!!!!!!!!!!! Total absolute corporate corruption, pathetic political hacks running the show, disunity, unemployment much higher than the stats show, financial manipulation, race strife, closed factories, low wage service jobs, etc etc ad naseum!!

  10. Dan (the Infidel)

    Rhue Paul:

    Take your Ron Paul talking points elsewhere. The US isn’t even close to resembling your Nazi ethos…

    The only thing that is wrong with this country is the influence of Edward Said and Chomsky on our education and political systems. When the US loses the westophobic mindset and gets down to the business of fighting both its far enemy (Islamofacism) and its near enemies (the aforementioned) and of couse dickheads like you…this war will be won and scumbageetes like yourself will just be an annoyance on the way to the gallows.

    Sieg Hel schweinhund.

  11. lofty

    not sure of the color for the people, they have lot of time to waste though :


  12. Laura (no longer liberal)

    And the bill to accommodate the dietary needs of other religions (e.g. Judaism, Buddhism) will be coming when?

  13. Fripp

    To Mindy Abraham:

    You’re missing the point. Passing a law that says you HAVE to serve food to accomodate one religion is showing government favoritism, as well as discriminating against students of other religions. It would be okay if it there was no law involved and it was simply an independent school’s decision to serve Halal food, or Kosher food, etc, to its own students. That would be fine because each school retains its freedom to do so, or not to. Once you start creating legislation for such things, we might as well just all turn back the clock and move back to England to live under state sponsored religion. It’s like a gateway drug. It starts with just one hit. Next thing you know, you’re living under sharia law.

    To everyone else:

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! I am so sick and tired of these liberal democrats forcing their views on us. Leftists are ruining this country!

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