Obama To Tear Bill Clinton A New One On “Good Morning America” Tomorrow

January 20th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


ABC News:

Sen. Barack Obama says he’s ready to confront former President Bill Clinton, calling his advocacy on behalf of his wife’s presidential campaign, “troubling.”

In an exclusive interview with ABC News’ Robin Roberts to air Monday on “Good Morning America,” Obama, D-Ill., directly engages Bill Clinton on a series of issues.

“You know the former president, who I think all of us have a lot of regard for, has taken his advocacy on behalf of his wife to a level that I think is pretty troubling,” Obama said. “He continues to make statements that are not supported by the facts — whether it’s about my record of opposition to the war in Iraq or our approach to organizing in Las Vegas.

“This has become a habit, and one of the things that we’re going to have to do is to directly confront Bill Clinton when he’s making statements that are not factually accurate,” Obama said.

Watch the full interview on “Good Morning America” Monday at 7 a.m. ET.

Obama was apparently referring to Clinton’s comment that it was a “fairy tale” that Obama has consistently opposed the Iraq war from the start, and that Nevada union officials backing Obama were strong-arming members into caucusing for Obama.

The former president took on Obama’s record on Iraq at a Dartmouth College event days before the New Hampshire primary, saying that it was wrong Obama was able to trumpet superior judgment on Iraq by claiming that he had been against the war from the start.

“Give me a break. This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I’ve ever seen,” Bill Clinton said.

Clinton was making the case that Obama — just like Sen. Hillary Clinton — has voted to fund the war since he’s been in office.

In his interview with Roberts on “Good Morning America,” Obama said the former president has taken his campaigning on his wife’s behalf too far.

“I understand him wanting to promote his wife’s candidacy,” Obama said. “She’s got a record that she can run on. But I think it’s important that we try to maintain some — you know, level of honesty and candor during the course of the campaign. If we don’t, then we feed the cynicism that has led so many Americans to be turned off to politics.”

Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager Howard Wolfson said Obama may just be smarting from his loss to the New York senator in the Nevada caucuses on Saturday.

“We understand Sen. Obama is frustrated by his loss in Nevada, but facts are facts,” Wolfson said. “Sen. Obama’s allies in Nevada engaged in strongarm tactics and intimidation against our supporters and his record against the war has been inconsistent. President Clinton is a huge asset to our campaign and will continue talking to the American people to press the case for Sen. Clinton.

“Of course Sen. Clinton and Sen. Obama are the candidates on the ballot and she is winning because she is giving voice to the Americans who will provide real solutions to the challenges they face in the daily lives,” he said.

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3 Responses

  1. TerryTate

    Gee. And to think, Republicans have been saying Bill Clinton is a major lier for 15 years now. Just took awhile to sink in eh Dems. Guess its different when its you….

  2. Tony Iovino

    If he is going to confront Bill–disbarred for perjury–Clinton every time Bill lies, Obama is going to be the busiest man in America.

  3. Caligula

    sadly, Billary is right… Obama is lying. i went through his voting record and on several bills to fund the iraq war, with and without timetables and benchmarks… wether vetoed or not… he has voted for some bills for funding and voted against others…

    the only reason why that would be is because he’s playing politics with the lives of our soldiers, the iraqi soldiers and civilians, and the fate of a newly created democracy.

    that behavior is disgusting and treasonous. but hey, the left values agenda more than truth.

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