Video: Obama Victory Speech With Bashman Ending
Here is a snippet of Obama’s victory speech tonight, and I added a little something to the end that I feel really drives home the liberal democratic message…
When it comes to liberal Democratic politics I have always believed they are full of emptiness.
All they talk about is what they are against. No good ideas, no intelligent planning, no strategy other than “You are sick and tired of the status quo, so vote for my liberal Democratic ass, because you don’t want what you have now.”
One of the first videos I made exclusively for taked about this very thing. Ever see “Liberals Carry Empty Briefcases“???
“more cars than kids in Africa. You know what that means? Shazaam!”
That was a lot more interesting than anything that Obama had to say …
January 26th, 2008 at 8:12 pm“When it comes to liberal Democratic politics I have always believed they are full of emptiness.”
Yep…..just like the empty-headed people in the crowd….applauding nothing but vague and “empty” promises for “change”!
You go and elect that asshat, and we’ll be in for change alright…….to a socialist state!
January 26th, 2008 at 8:51 pmhate to step on a snake here, but if obama was a republican i would vote for him
January 27th, 2008 at 4:20 am