Olbermann Calls Thompson “Worst” For 72 Virgins Debate Line
I swear I’d like to kick my TV in whenever Olbermann opens his pie hole. What’s worse is we had to listen to his dumb ass whenever NBC had a football game on this year.
The guy is a complete idiot.
From a Newsbusters article by Brad Wilmouth:
Add Keith Olbermann to the list of MSNBC hosts offended by popular applause lines from Thursday’s GOP debate on FNC. On Friday’s Countdown, the same day that Hardball’s Chris Matthews had earlier compared Mike Huckabee’s words regarding the U.S. military defending itself from Iran to “talking like jihadists,” Olbermann named Fred Thompson “Worst Person in the World,” contending that the GOP presidential candidate had “pulled another whopper” because the former Senator joked that Iranian military members on speed boats who harassed U.S. Navy warships came close to meeting “those virgins that they’re looking forward to seeing.” Olbermann further mocked Thompson by suggesting that his candidacy was just part of a “Candid Camera” stunt.
Because the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, which is believed to have given assistance to terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Iraqi insurgents, is technically not the same group associated with the “72 virgins” promise to suicide bombers, Olbermann used this as a rationale to impugn Thompson’s intelligence. Referring to the U.S. Navy’s interraction with the Iranian boats as a “supposed confrontation,” Olbermann brought up a time when the former Senator mis-spoke in calling Russia the “Soviet Union.” Olbermann: “Asked about the supposed confrontation between Iranian speed boats and three U.S. warships in the Gulf of Hormuz, Thompson, who last year said we couldn’t count on the ‘Soviet Union’ to help us with Iran in the future, pulled another whopper.”
After imitating Thompson’s voice to read the former Senator’s quote about the “72 virgins,” Olbermann, ignoring the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s links to terrorism, continued: “As the crowd cheered and Thompson gave that look he used in The Hunt for Red October when he wanted to seem tough, somebody at the debate probably realized that it’s terrorists and suicide bombers who have believed the crap about the 72 virgins, not the guys in the Iranian navy. Too bad the somebody wasn’t Fred Thompson.”
Thanks Olby!!
January 13th, 2008 at 10:53 pmThat’s probably the most helpful thing that’s been said about Fred Thompson on your network in….oh…..say…….EVER!!!
Keith Olbermann the Al Jazeera mouthpiece? Keep talking through your ass you no good shit for brains libtard.
“The pacifist is as surely a traitor to his country and to humanity as is the most brutal wrongdoer.”
~ T. Roosevelt
More reason to support Fred!
January 14th, 2008 at 2:03 amYou know what they say. No such thing as bad press….
Someone out there in Olderpedophilemans audience liked what Fred had to say and is now considering him.
Thanks Keith! Or would you like it to remain formal? Ok. Thanks Mr. Moppethead. Sucks having a huge forehead eh Keith?
January 14th, 2008 at 4:02 amDoes anybody even listen to the racist, pseudo-communist Bathtub Boy anymore? If it wasn’t for Gibson’s radio show I wouldn’t have even known he was still around.
January 14th, 2008 at 5:18 amMore words of genius from the mental midget rejected by ESPN.
January 14th, 2008 at 6:27 amWhy is it that everytime I see this goofball on TV I’m reminded of an old Stooges short…you know the one where they take an x-ray of Curley’s brain and instead of finding a brain inside his skull they find a cuckoo clock instead?
January 14th, 2008 at 6:40 amI can’t stand Olbermann. NBC/MSNBC should have fired him a long time ago for bringing disrepute to their network, but then again, the network gave up on its reputation a long time ago, didn’t it? There used to be a standard of respect in journalism that wasn’t crossed. Olbermann lives on the other side of it. He’s one of the lowest bottom dwellers on the planet.
January 14th, 2008 at 6:53 amKeith who? Does anyone watch MSNBC? That has to be the least watched network anywhere on the tube. DIY has more viewers than that hack network.
January 14th, 2008 at 8:13 amOlberman is just jealous that the women he hangs around with look more like Fred than Fred’s wife.
Keith–totally irrelevant.
People have grown up calling something one thing and then when you’re 40 or 50 and they change the name. Even today I have to think twice when it comes to Soviets or Russia. I don’t say Russia everyday. Gees, it was less than 20 years ago they changed it. Here in Philadelphia the buildings stay the same but the names change. I’m sure it’s the same where you live. A lot of times one will say to other locals, “you know, the old Brookline Theatre”. It was the Brookline Theatre for 75 years. Well, that’s not true, it was the Boulevard…never mind. It’s a health club now. But, a communist is still a communist whatever name they give the country. They don’t drive Zils, they drive Mercedes.
All I need to know about Olberman is what I read on Olbermanwatch.com
January 14th, 2008 at 8:29 amFred’s got balls! And my vote.
January 14th, 2008 at 9:29 amNothing to get in a twist over. Remember, of all the pricks on MSNBC, Keith Olbermann is the one who continually remains limp. Not even Chris Matthews is that lame…
January 14th, 2008 at 9:42 amOh, come on already, Keith! Have that damn on air breakdown already! I’d pay money to see that!
January 14th, 2008 at 10:02 am