Opinion Poll: Can McCain Or Mitt Win General? What’s The Winning Combo?

January 30th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Well? What’s going to be the ticket that can beat the Dems in the General? Why?

Must stick with reality here, folks, which means our nominee will either be McCain or Romney.

Who can win it all, and with what VP?

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18 Responses

  1. John H

    Romney can not win in the south……pure and simple….if by some miracle he gets a GOP win….he’ll lose the general election becaus eof apathy by both the south and the religious right. Our democrats in the south are more conservative then Romney.

    The winning combo that might fend of Hillary or Obama?

    McCain/Giuliani 2008 Not by top choices, but they’ll play well with America……and neither Hillary or Obama stands an ice cube in hell against them in a debate…..unless it’s moderated by “Real World” and “American Idol” audiances…..and as we know that crowd rarely get their butts up long enough to go vote.

    Though if I had a choice it would be

    Hunter/Rumsfeld 2008……

  2. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    Romney/Thompson or Romney/Steele or Romney/Hensarling or Romney/E.Dole or Romney/Inhofe or Romney/Coburn . . . conservative ideology wins out over liberal ideology - it is only logical.

    McCain/Anybody versus the Democrats - That is just liberals versus liberals and CONSERVATIVES WITHOUT A VOICE.

  3. Jeff

    Gotta give credit for my choice to Irish Gal. She came up with this mix and I think it’s unbeatable.

    Romney, President
    Fred, Vice President
    McCain, Secretary of Defense

    Romney - Will continue the war against goat molesters, knows a lot about economics and will at least try to reverse the illegal alien flood damage.

    Fred - Good balance for Romney, and will keep Romney’s fingers out of the Second Amendment.

    McCain - Defense is his strength, a natural for the job.

  4. Swanny

    Dems keep telling us that McCain’s the scary one for them, so therefore, Romney’s the winning choice for all real Americans.

    Plus the added advantage of not having to regret voting for McCain when he stabs us in the back again (whether in the Senate or in the White House doesn’t matter).

    Here’s the litany:
    (1) illeagals - enough said, oh and we’re racists if we don’t support amnesty and by the way its not amnesty, you see, they would have paid a fine of $3,000;
    (2) McCain-Feingold - no paid advertising before an election except by politicians? what the hell? free speech, guess that went out the window;
    (3) brokered deal with dems on Supreme Court nominations that almost fucked us also claimed to a Fox reporter that he wouldn’t nominate anyone as divisive as Alioto, Roberts, Thomas or Scalia, basically, the conservatives;
    (4) envirofreak - he’s on board with Gore basically and we don’t need a Republican (in name only) legitimizing any of that idiot’s idiotic positions, which even scores or climate scientists are disputing; and
    (5) voted against Bush tax cut, yeah he’s cool on fighting to reduce spending but at the cost of a higher tax bill-basically cut early and often and force the government to starve (except the military budget, double it).

  5. GBU43

    If I wanted a democrat in office I’d vote for Hillary/Obama. No way in hell am I voting for McCain. At least with a democrat in office when they fuck the nation I know who to blame. When McCain does it who do I blame?

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    Here’s the latest Rasmussen report on McCain:


    Didn’t see anything on Romney…But yes, I think the Repubs will beat whomever the Dhimis put up.

  7. Bob

    As much as I hate to admit it Mc Cain looks like he’s capable of beating the Wicked Witch of Westchester County. Let’s face reality. Anybody that the Republicans nominate is infinitely better than Clinton or Obama. Most of us are going to vote Republican or we will be biting off our noses to spite our faces! How would J C Watts do for a running mate? Maybe we could get some Black voters who now hate the Clintons!

  8. Chuck

    Romney has quite the liberal history himself. Mccain is strong on defense, at this time that is most important.
    Mccain/ Lieberman would be unbeatable, but will never happen.
    Mccain/ Giulianni is as good as it can get right now.

    Beating Hillary is way more important than saving the republican party.

  9. KBoomr113

    I will bet my Political Science degree that McCain is our next President. I expect it to be McCain and Charlie Crist, the governor of Florida, as the VP. He’s young (early 50’s) and has a bright future in the Republican Party. If Romney wins the nomination, we lose the White House, then the Iraq war.

  10. Jim

    McCain is going to win it …. either one I know can handle the job… anything else is just a pissing contest. :beer:

  11. Brian H

    McCain/Hunter or McCain/Thompson. Please.

  12. Erik Marsh

    McCain is a lying liberal..that’s it, nothing more.
    He turned his back on free speech with feingold
    He turned his back on me, my fellow veterans and ALL active duty service men and women when, during the time that Cristian Menchaca and Thomas Tucker were being dismembered and dragged behind pick-up trucks he supported giving Geneva protections to terrorists that no other country on this planet grants!!!!!
    And last, but definately not least, he turned his back on our country and us citizens by trying to give our sovereign nation away to the illegal invaders (mccain-kennedy)
    Oh wait we can’t forget mccain-lieberman which would have had every US citizen paying an additional 50 cents per gallon of gas in taxes just so he could make himself look good to the “progressive” crowd.

    He CANNOT beat billary!
    He CANNOT beat b. hussein obama!
    So don’t even accept the dillusional theory that he is the “last great white hope” for the republican party and conservatives!! Where did that moniker get Tommy Gun???

    If we want to keep this country, put it back on track and defeat our nation’s enemies, there is only one way to go.
    He’s a man that has had success in the private sector just like the Gipper (business v. acting)
    He’s a man that has successfully served as a republican governor in a democratic state (mass. v. cali.)
    The Gipper was first pro-choice then became pro-life just like this man (all ya’ll old enough to remember the debates back then know how the dems tried to discredit the Gipper the same way huckanuts and mckookies are trying to do now)

    As far as VP’s go I would have to say Steele or Hunter.

    By the way, for all you sheeple out there that think mccain’s the guy because he is a vet with command experience, just look to the history that we’ve had with that choice…Eisenhower- nothing but highways…Grant-such a horrible alcoholic, etc. that the gov. was totally ran by Congress and the uber-rich that bought up all the gold and wrecked our economy and almost caused the dissolution of our federal govt (why the gold standard doesn’t work-sorry paulites YOU SUCK)…W. Harrison died 31 days into his term…Jackson gave us a depression and the “Indian Removals”…Taylor owned slaves and died while in office and he also went against the party that elected him…Pierce who is known as the worst president in US history…Andrew Johnson - IMPEACHED…Hayes deployed federal troops on US soil and ordered them to fire on US citizens…Garfield was shot after only 4 months…Ben Harrison gave us wounded knee and the pan american union.

  13. Kevin

    We are winning the war because of the surge - and that was pushed by John McCain from the start. That is the single most important thing going on for this country right now and he made that call early on. Now it may not have mattered - maybe Bush would have done this with or without McCain’s bitching - but it turned out to the be the right call and you have to respect his wisdom at the time.

  14. Jon

    I’ll second what Erik said. If McCain gets the nomination, I’ll probably stay home on election day and get exceedingly drunk, no way I can pull the lever for him. As for his supporting the surge….what good is saying you support the war on terror when you’re willing to have a wide open border??? BTW, the McCain/Lieberman bill on global warming works out to an ANNUAL cost of $1.2 trillion. Think the deficit’s big now?

  15. fan

    LMcg and Bob have some good combinations. On any level a Dim in the whitehouse is far worse than a rhino. With Supreme Court appointments coming, a Rhino might appoint someone who actually wants to read the Constitution. So don’t stay home and let a Dim win.

  16. Dan

    Mitt can win in the general against Hillary or Obama because the American people will finally get to know Mitt and see that he has answers for the problems our country faces and even has an universal health care plan that keeps insurance private and cheap and doesn’t involve raising taxes.

  17. Tim J

    Mitt Romney has the only chance of beating the Democrats, because he will not give up on Conservative principles.

    The media and liberals have made McCain what he is. The blogs like Slate are already starting to reveal how they are going to destroy the Maverik straight talking image that they gave him. Conservatives didn’t build his image the MSM did, and they are going to burst that bubble once he goes head to head with a Democrat.

    Mitt may not have the hearts of as many liberals as McCain does at the moment, but he does have the backing of a lot of Conservatives, with more joining his team every day.

  18. Rick

    Huckabee brings everything to a winning ticket. Romney is just not a likable guy and does not connect with voters.
    He does not have a long history of conservative voting.
    He is a closet liberal. Mccain will struggle to campaign with this guy.

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