Photos Of The Day: You Write The Captions

January 5th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

Photo 1…

OK Originial Photo 2 had no takers, here’s new Photo 2.

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27 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    #1 Dick Morris’ fantasy date

  2. latheman

    #1 honey I’m home and I had a hard day….

  3. Dave

    Allah’s namw written in toe-nail.

  4. 0311inOHio

    “There is something to be said for the people who chew their toenails”

    After a hard long day of shopping.
    “So, that is where I parked that bitch”

  5. 0311inOHio

    Bash! WTF? You changed the 2nd picture.

  6. Mark

    I should of had a V-8 !!

  7. Bash (the infidel)

    “…Bash! WTF? You changed the 2nd picture.”

    LOL, sorry, people were only doing the first one so i figured I’d find another.


  8. 0311inOHio

    Here goes for the 2nd, 2nd picture. :razz:

    “That was one mean cat” was the quote from the 2nd cousin of Cleveland, Ohio’s Dennis Kacunich before he boarded his space craft at Burke Lakefront Airport for his return trip to the far reaches of a distant galaxy.

  9. John Goodrow

    #2 Real life Beavis.

  10. DC

    2nd pic:
    “Hey, Butthead…..what are all these scratches….hmmm um?

  11. drillanwr

    #1 Okay, Bash … GAG! PUKE!

    #2 This is your Metalunan on drugs

  12. Mark Tanberg

    Can you tell who’s been using their head?


    son of the old Star Trek episode aliens that used ESP as a weapon.


    Another democrat leader willing to lead the way through the
    wilderness ——- 20 feet off the parallel of the road.

  13. Dan (The Infidel)

    Doctors at NIH have discovered a new disease affecting the minds of Obama supporters.

    Here in pic #1 we see the progression of this mental disease as it metastises and begins to affect the extremeties.

    In pic #2 we see the terminal form of the disease after dimentia sets in.

  14. DC

    #2 pic:

    Mr. Brain says “You’re ALL IDIOTS”……

  15. Rudemeister

    Honey, I shrunk the face!

  16. franchie

    1- a chinese foot ; someone there let grow his nails to avoid the chinese tortures that are those with a enlighted match under the nails ; I bet this is impossible with this feet :lol:

    but more seriously, could be a sick person who can’t move

    2- one of the famous pinheads on that board :mrgreen:

  17. cb10

    #2 Biker bad boy after crossing the west Texas plains at 80 mph in the spring.

  18. LadyAngler

    Pic#1 Please go see the Vietnamese. You are desperately in need of a pedicure.

    Pic#2 Looks like a meth head’s been spending too much time in the mirror to me.

    I think person one should allow person two to trim them bad boys after a few lines.

  19. Goodbye Natalie

    #2 for all you Star Trek fans (let’s see if you can name the episode):

    “They rebuilt me. Everything works. But they had never seen a human. They had no guide for putting me back together.”

  20. Goodbye Natalie

    @John Goodrow…LOL!

  21. Egfrow

    1)Reporter: This is the first photo of the great Mr Howard Hughes we have ad in 20 years. It’s not what we expected.

    Beav:I am the Great Cornholio! I need TP for my Bunghole! TP, TeeePeee! Hmm, Yeah. Are you threatening me? ooah - hoah hoah hoah!

    Butt: Beavis? Huh Huh, You can’t skateboard dumbass?

  22. Jarhead68

    #2: Ted Nugent fan Chester Hunnihugger has “catscratch fever.” Film at 11.

    #1: There’s a fungus amongus…

  23. allahlovesporkchops

    1. Trying to get into the Guinness Book of World Records for procrastinating.

    2. Doh! I could have had a goat!

  24. dad3-7

    i was on an ambulance run once where we found an old man conscious on the floor,been there for days. when we got him to the hospital the doc took off his shoes and his socks stayed in the shoes.. his feet looked much worse that this,, the toe nails wrapped around his feet twice..his wife had died more that 2yrs prior and he never undressed since..he didn’t smell bad though..

  25. 007

    Pic#1 Bash Please SEEK HELP?

    Pic#2 Car Windshield won!

  26. keyless

    #2 Who shrunk Willem Defoes face

  27. keyless

    pic 1 welcome to universal health care

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