Pissed Off Mama Vid: SC Woman Bitches MSM Regarding Campaign Spin

January 24th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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7 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    The MSM always tries to put the whole south in one category. (those who wont vote for a black person). I hear that all the time and thats a messed up thing for the news to report and untrue. Its about time someone stands up and clears something up with them.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    The only ones that give a shit about color anymore are the race-baiters Al, Jessie and Louis; the LLMSM and the Klintons. Everyone else thinks about race the same way as this woman. We don’t care. Got that Dhimis and main scream media? Or is that too hard of a concept for you fucksticks to fathom?

    And oh BTW…the same is true in the south. Surprise!!!

  3. donnieb

    Amen, from NC. Write in Kathy for President!!! :razz:

  4. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    I wish conservatives would get that riled up!

  5. Kermit

    She’s got it right. A funny thing is that the father of one of my former tenants (who was from NYC) told me that race relations appeared to be far better in the South than the North.

    Of course there are problems of race and gender in the South. We are not blind to that, but I would say that the North tries to put it on the South to avoid being looked at themselves/

    My experience is that where a race is a tiny minority in an area, then there really isn’t any clash of culture, it is all one way, and both sides know it. The issue in the South is more of culture and/or class than it is race. Each race seems to have some who prey upon the lower classes within its own race than anything. This creates the Congressman Jeffersons, Sharptons, Jacksons, etc…

  6. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    Kermit - That is interesting. I am thinking that it is not so much a North or South thing anymore. White folks down here over the last 20-30 years tried to raise their kids to be colorblind as far as I could tell (those I interacted with while trying to raise my child) . . . I live in a large city in the south and NOW there is so much anti-white stuff going on, you can not even imagine AND we are not supposed to complain at all because I guess, we deserve it . . .

  7. Kermit

    @LMcG (Texas Mom)
    You have hit the nail on the head here in the South. I live in Baton Rouge and have some rental property in New Orleans (actually my wife’s but I take care of it). The former tenant’s father owns a fair chunk of rental property in the Bronx and some in South Beach. We had a lot of conversations right after Katrina.

    What the lady in SC said is so true about the MSM. Nagin’s chocolate city comment was not the full statement publicized by the MSM, they are just too happy to yell and scream about racism in the South on both sides. Remember, it was 80% white conservative vote that re-elected him. The alternative was Mitch Landrieu, son of Moon Landrieu, a member of Carter’s cabinet. Jefferson, even with his problems, was re-elected due the alternative was worse as well. The MSM seems to ALWAYS misses what is really going on down here due their EXTREME Liberal bias.

    FYI, one of my ancestors ran for Pres. of the CSA, and I have done nothing wrong to feel guilty about.

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