Political Correctness Will Be The Vehicle For Islam To Slither In

January 26th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Now I’m not saying that Islam is sliiming its way in via this story, but it clearly reveals why the UK is almost lost to Islamization, because they cannot pull back from the insanity that being politically correct has led to.

As evidenced in this story:

White Men Banned From Applying To Be Firemen
From an article in the Daily Mail:

Avon, Yorkshire, UK–White men have been banned from fire brigade recruitment sessions because bosses want to hit their diversity targets.

Four out of five “open” days held by Avon Fire Service were restricted to women and ethnic minorities.

Avon’s bosses insist their ban on white men is simply “positive action”.

The five “have-a-go” days at the brigade’s Bristol HQ were set up to allow potential job applicants to try out firefighting equipment.

They also had the chance to chat to staff and learn more about selection tests ahead of an application deadline next week.

Two of the six-hour sessions have been limited strictly to women and ethnic minorities. Another was for women only and a fourth was laid on exclusively for ethnic minorities.

Philip Davies, Tory MP for Shipley in West Yorkshire, said: “This sort of thing just makes people’s blood boil and does more damage than good to race relations in this country.

“How would people react if women and black people were banned from an open day?

“If the chief fire officer is so concerned, he should give up his job to an ethnic minority woman instead of depriving other white men of a job.”

One Avon fireman, speaking anonymously, warned that the targeted recruitment drives were ‘not helpful’ and would cause resentment.

“It has a very negative effect on everyone,” he added.

“When you see people from black and ethnic communities the first thing you think is ‘has he or she only got the job because of their minority origin?”

“It’s not helpful to them as they may also feel that this is the case. Open, across-the-board recruitment is the only way to stop this.”

Kevin Pearson, the brigade’s chief officer, said: “I totally refute the allegation that Avon Fire Service is engaged in any form of positive discrimination.

“It is unlawful and we wouldn’t do it. We are doing what we can to encourage applications from women and minority groups who are currently under-represented in the fire service.

“It is my concern to improve diversity so the service reflects the community it serves and we can provide the best possible service.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission said the fire brigade appeared not to have broken any equality laws.

Avon Fire Service said 103 women and ethnic minority hopefuls had attended the three restricted open days held so far.

The women-only event was attended by 47, the ethnic event by 28, and the joint women and ethnic event by 28. The final event, also joint, will be held today.

Avon and Somerset Police were embroiled in a race row two years ago when the force rejected 186 white applicants at the first stage of selection.

The force received 800 applications for just 180 jobs and admitted it had “deselected” white male applicants in a bid to increase ethnic diversity. Chief Constable Colin Port was forced to apologise.

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5 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel

    Tolerance is a decidedly western concept that flowed out of societies that were built on a Jdeo-Christian value system.
    It doesn’t work on a people who are unwilling to assimilate and adopt those western values. It is not a suicide pact either. However, for the west it has become just that.

    Poor Yorik, I knew him well. And unless things change he’s totally fucked.

  2. Firebad

    Unfortunatly this happens here in america too, just not to this extreme yet. I myself am in the fireservice and can atest that many larger departments do hold this type discrimination in there hiring process. Many departments offer points on written tests for minorities and women, over white applicants. i believe the PC term is affirmitave action.

    It is absolutly discrimintaion. In a job that could very well end your life, i don’t know about you but i wan’t the best to stand side by side with me, not someone who had to get through the process by having the almighty race card.

    I don’t care what colour you are, male, female, what religion you follow, your politics, or preference on flavour of icecream. I wan’t someone who can do the job. Who WORKED to get where they are.

    We all take the same tests. and Fire don’t care what colour your skin is.

  3. intrepid

    W.T.F. these brits have got friggin blinkers on. doh ? :sad:

  4. Marc

    So much for judgement based on “content of character, not the color of their skin”.

  5. drillanwr

    Political Correctness Will Be The Vehicle For Islam To Slither In

    Now, I KNOW someone in Dollard-ville can draw.

    Try your hand at depicting that one … Would love for you to submit the finished product to Bash/Pat so it can be posted here, and possibly picked up by others.

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