Political Photo Caption Needed…

January 29th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

A picture is worth a thousand words, but what are your words for this one? Write the caption:


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16 Responses

  1. deathstar

    Shes thinking: That little boy could be my driver.

    Hes thinking: That dumb cracker could be my bitch.

    Ted Kennedys saying: You want that Obama? You could so hit that if you want.

  2. John Cunningham

    kennedy: yes, ackbar obama, it will be funny watching her on a prayer rug. But, that’s one thing I wanted to ask you, do you think you could see to it that I’ll be given a dispensation, I have bad knees.

  3. IP727


  4. BT

    “So, do you think she would like to go for a drive with me?” Ted asks Obama slyly.

  5. Goodbye Natalie

    Obama: Teddy, how could that apple cheeked white bitch have those thunder tights but titties so small? Still beats what I get at home…would you tap that Senator?

    Hillary: (thinking) YOU GO GIRL, but whatever you do, you’ve got to remember not to use the ‘N’ word in public!

  6. One Shot

    Somebody needs to hit the flush lever on everything that I see in that photo…

  7. drillanwr

    I’m with One Shot :beer:

  8. Maynard

    Et tu Teddy?

  9. franchie

    et tutu won evidently !

    black magic, I recommand

  10. LadyAngler

    Kennedy: “Barack… Barack Obama…. Barack Hussein Obama. You must stop Hillary. You must stop her now.”

  11. Monkey3531

    ted “hiccup”: hey, osama..obama..hey man..you should ask her if she’ll give you a reach around at the same time!!!!

    b. Hussein Obama: (yeah, a reach around would be awesome!)

    hillary cuntin: “you think thats funny, you should hear the noises b. Hussein Obama makes when I’m behind him!!!”

  12. Moe

    ted: so were gonna do it for real this time? dont pussy out man

    obama: lets beat this bitch… fuck im too scared…

    ted: COME ON MAN!!

    OBama: I GOT IT!!


  13. drillanwr

    The Swimmer: That red suit makes her look fat.

    Osama Bama: Yessss, but how would I look in it?

  14. Brian H

    “She actually prefers doggie-style …”
    :oops: :roll:

  15. ticticboom

    Ted, how about you offer her a ride home. You have to drive over the Potomac, right?

  16. TerryTate

    Brian H

    “She actually prefers doggie-style …”

    I think anyone who would do that bitch would insist on doggie style… At least they wouldn’t have to look at her.

    I think I’m gonna be sick…

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