Racial Obama Joke Leaves Crowd Gasping At Banquet

January 17th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

look at em...heh heh
Farr after his joke silenced the room, drawing gasps…

From an article by John Ensslin in Rocky Mountain News:

A Greeley businessman apologized Wednesday after a joke about Illinois Sen. Barack Obama fell flat during the National Western Stock Show’s annual Citizen of the West banquet.

William R. Farr was pretending to read telegrams congratulating this year’s award recipient, University of Colorado President Hank Brown, when he pulled out a piece of paper and said, “I have a telegram from the White House.”

Then he added, “They’re going to have to change the name of that building if Obama’s elected.”

Witnesses said they could hear people gasp in the ballroom of the Adam’s Mark Hotel.

“I gasped,” said Gov. Bill Ritter, who was sitting at the table with Farr.

Mayor John Hickenlooper said, “I don’t think he (Farr) intended any mischief or malice, but it was inappropriate.”

Afterward, Farr said he regretted making the remark and apologized to anyone offended.

“I apologize for that,” Farr told a reporter as soon as the banquet ended.

“I mistook it to be humorous, but it was something I shouldn’t have said.”

Farr, a member of a pioneering Colorado ranching family, also said he regrets detracting from an evening intended to honor Brown, a longtime friend.

“All that I can say about that is that it was unfortunate and most inappropriate,” said Albert Yates, a former president of Colorado State University, who is black. “Even though Bill Farr is a friend, there’s just no way to defend what he said.

“I think it was uncalled for and atrocious,” said U.S. Sen. Ken Salazar, who was also in attendance.

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11 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    And then Farr quickly shouted, “what? you people seriously dont enjoy a good black joke every now and then?”

    Some people just dont know when to behave

  2. jim

    Hell, he should have just farted in the mic….”gasp that mother beetches” surely they would have enjoyed a good ol’ volare…besides, fukem if they can’t take a joke. :beer:

  3. Fripp

    If that joke is considered racist, then I must be living in the wrong damn country. I though we had a sense of humor here in America. That joke was definitely going to be told sooner or later anyway. If not William Farr, then it was gonna be Jon Stewart or Chris Rock.

  4. John Goodrow

    What ever happed to that sicks and stones saying?

    People need to grow up and realize that words are only words. We tell our kids to be grown up and ignore stuff like this. But people make a huge deal out of shit like this on almost a daily basis.

    Toughen the fuck up! I’m so sick of hearing about pussies being offended I could puke!

  5. Sandy


    As soon as I read this story I thought the same thing. I could just hear Chris Rock or any commedian saying this and getting huge laughs.

    It is sad how far things have gone where everything is turned into something hateful that was meant in jest.

  6. just posting


  7. just posting

    ^^^ The fairy crowd

  8. Kevin M

    I’m not terribly impressed with the “joke,” but it is clear that black comedians can make racist jokes all day long, while white people are simply accused of being in cahoots with the Klan. The duplicity is outrageous.

  9. Goodbye Natalie

    More proof that those that browbeat the rest of us for our “intolerance”, speech and exclusion, are the world’s biggest hypocrites and even bigger joy killers. This is the world the libs live in - joyless, colorless, meaningless.

    Hate to tell all you folks preaching your faux racial harmony line about how we must kowtow to what you think we should say and how we should live, but everytime you force us to measure, you make things that much worse. I really don’t give a shit if you’re offended. Toughen up…or go home and sulk. But get out of my face unless you want a fist to your nose.

  10. Indy

    “They’re going to have to change the name of that building if Obama’s elected.”
    What in the hell is racist about that? Liberals need to grow a spine.What a non story. You would think he was suggesting they should call it the “N” house, I’m sure Chris Rock would have got around to that one eventually. They call themselves progressives? Progressing to stupidity.

  11. IP727

    hung on our own petard of political correctness.

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