Rasmussen: McCain Beats Both Hillary And Obama

January 30th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.



The latest Rasmussen Reports survey of Election 2008 shows Republican frontrunner Senator John McCain with single-digit leads over Democratic Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. McCain now leads Clinton 48% to 40%. He leads Barack Obama 47% to 41%.

In a Rasmussen Reports poll conducted mid-January, McCain was two points behind Clinton, five behind Obama. A couple days later McCain won the South Carolina primary.

McCain has led Clinton in four of the last five polling match-ups conducted by Rasmussen Reports. He has had the edge over Obama in three of the last four polls. (see history and trends). Following his victory in Florida, Rasmussen Markets data indicates that McCain is the overwhelming favorite for the Republican Presidential nomination.

This weekend, Rasmussen Reports will begin daily tracking of general election match-ups featuring McCain vs. both Clinton and Obama.

Individual polls can sometimes overstate volatility in a race, especially during the ups and downs of a Primary Election season. This is especially true when the results carry a four percentage point margin of sampling error. One way of addressing this is to look at a rolling-average of three consecutive polls. Using this approach, McCain now has a narrow advantage over Obama 45% to 43%. Prior to this latest poll, they had been tied at 44%. Both men have now been within four points (the margin of error) of the 45% mark for seven consecutive individual polls. Using a three-poll rolling average, McCain leads Clinton by five percentage points, 47% to 42%.

In the new survey McCain enjoys an 22-point advantage among male voters with Clinton as his opponent. He lags by only three points among female voters. There isn’t much gender discrepancy in the McCain-Obama match-up. Here McCain leads by eight points among men, five points among women.

McCain does better than either Democrat with unaffiliated voters in the new survey, but especially when Clinton is his opponent. Against the former First Lady, he leads 52% to 31% with unaffiliateds.

John McCain is viewed favorably by 52% and unfavorably by just 43%. His favorables have been in the 50%+ range since late November.

Hillary Clinton is currently viewed favorably by 47%, unfavorably by 51%. Barack Obama is viewed favorably by 51%, unfavorably by 45%.

Rasmussen Markets data gives Clinton a 62.5% chance of winning the Democratic nomination and Obama a 38.3% chance. On the Republican side, McCain is now given a 82.5% chance of winning the nomination while Mitt Romney is at 13.7%.Using a trading format where traders “buy and sell” candidates, issues, and news features, the Rasmussen Markets harness competitive passions to provide a reliable leading indicator of upcoming events. We invite you to participate in the Rasmussen Markets. It costs nothing to join and add your voice to the collective wisdom of the market.

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7 Responses

  1. (CAPT-DAX)

    Fuck Rasmussen , and fuck McCain!!

    i’m pissed, i’ll vote for Clinton and ride the bus to hell.

  2. drillanwr

    :arrow: (CAPT-DAX) … (WOW! You use the “Cold Case” theme on your myspace! … cool!)

    Here ya go :beer: :


  3. A. S. Wise- VA

    Folks, I just don’t know whether I support Romney or McCain. As most of you know, I found Duncan Hunter to take pretty much every position I support. Sadly, he didn’t get traction. Romney may have gotten Tancredo’s endorsement, but he just doesn’t come off as authentic to me. What I do like, is his optimism, and his experience as a businessman. I’m of the opinion that businessmen make better political office holders over lawyers, any day of the week. I’m not a Mormon, but I still have yet to meet a Mormon I did not like, and believe that their teachings preach strong moral values (Harry Reid seems to be an exception to all of this). Call me biased, but I just have huge reservations for voting for a Massachusetts politician, Republican or otherwise. We all know McCain’s stance on illegal immigration. But, my views are more inline with those of the Arizona electorate. To McCain’s credit, he staked his campaign on the Iraq War, and he has visited the theater of operations more than any candidate running. There’s also a sentimental connection I have with McCain–he announced his candidacy at VMI (where I started my college career before my sinuses were fouled up by the dust of renovating the barracks), as well as him being a Vietnam Veteran (I’d prefer every candidate have some experience as a military officer, particularly combat (as well as my dad being a ‘Nam Vet and fellow EHS grad)). McCain’s record isn’t exactly as bad as that of Lincoln Chafee (no loss with him gone), nor Arlen Specter. I guess what I’m saying, is that I’ll touch the screen for McCain, should he get the nomination (Romney too). After all, whoever wins in November, will be my Commander in Chief when I take the oath. Just one man’s stance.

  4. CJW

    I still won’t vote for any of the Washington insiders.

    They are the problem from not enforcing illegal immigration laws to passing free trade agreements, rather than fair trade agreements, with both issues causing losses of jobs and deflating wages of the jobs we have left for millions of legal American citizens.

  5. Caligula

    McCain has the charisma of a rutabaga… even if i agreed with his liberal stances on stuff… i don’t see how he could pull enough democrat votes (from the charismatic obama and hillary) to make up for the conservatives he’s alienated…

    don’t see it…

  6. EDinTampa

    Dear Conservatives:
    For those of you who have children & grand children, the fight for their rights never ends.

    I agree that our party has been infiltrated by liberal republicans but we have a say from a grass roots level up. So, let’s clean the party out and put forth true conservatives.

    That’s very tough task when education has converted them to liberals, but never give up the fight.

    We have to rally behind McCain (if or when he’s clinched the nomination) unless we’ve surrendered to the liberal left.

    We HAVE TO BE LOUDLY heard if McCAIN is going to represent us!


    NOT THROUGH IMPEACHMENT but through a TRUE CONSERVATIVE challenger in 2012… meaning that WE MUST WIN IN NOVEMBER 2008, at least by GOP name.

    There will be no rest for a President McCain and we’ll see his true colors emerge in his term. I pray that he will be conservative!

  7. Brian H

    To paraphrase Reagan, conservatives are prone to getting 75-80% of what they want and then throwing a hissy fit because it’s not 100%, right now, today.

    Get over yourselves.

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