Soros Funding McCain? Say It Isn’t So Michelle…

January 25th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Last night one of our readers asked my if I was a McCain spammer, you know, like, against him and posting stuff negatively against him and all. I didn’t think I was.

And I didn’t want to be…but his question got me looking further at John McCain…

I can’t even go on, Michelle Malkin has connected a bunch of dots, and they connect John McCain to George Soros.

So now…well, I’d still vote for him over The Bitch or The Empty Suit Kid with the “D” by their names, but, Good Grief…

This is rough for me in that I don’t like it when I disagree so much politically with a veteran, but, where is McCain’s head really at?

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11 Responses

  1. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    Bash . . . well, there you go again! :wink:

    This is the truth that many have known, but some refuse to look at . . .

    You were accused of spamming - I was accused of being on drugs! The McCain record is there for all to see, but you have to be willing to open your eyes and look . . .

    If faced with a McCain candidacy, I still can’t decide if I will pull the chad for him or write in someone else, but hopefully I will not have to make that decision. At this point, I am pulling for the plastic Morman man . . . and can only hope he will turn out to be a true conservative in the end.

  2. Zeke Eagle

    So much for the “hero”. Of course we knew the RINO was not a valid candidate but connections to Soros will disqualify McCain from serving as Senator, too.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    Especially with McCain being a veteran I always try to look at the good things about him as opposed to the bad. But seriously, his record as of late hasnt been very desirable to put it kindly. working with Feingold, Kennedy, the whole gang of 14 thing. I dont think McCain even believes we should have a border with Mexico and thats messed up.

    Why John? Why? I want to be able to vote for him so bad but we need a hawk right now.

  4. Jim

    :arrow: LMcG (Texas Mom)

    I accused you of all the above, but don’t worry about because I simply don’t give a flying F*K :beer:

  5. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    I am not worried . . . Have another drink, Jim.

  6. Phil N Blanx

    None so blind as those who will not see.

    Do so at your own peril but please, please don’t do so at others.

    It is possible to still respect McCain’s service while disagreeing with him on policy.

  7. Snooper

    McLame became so upset over something in 2000, he nearly changed Party affiliation.

    A vote for McLame is a vote for Czarina.

    Both are befriended by the One World Socialist Thug Soros.

  8. Grizzly Groundswell » Which Party Does McCain Affiliate With Again?

    […] Connect The Dots. […]

  9. Mark Tanberg

    McCains site says he’s pro life but whats his record?

  10. newhumandesign

    I had already come to the conclusion I could never vote for McCain. The only thing he has going for him is the war, and even on THAT he’s got serious issues.

  11. Dlano

    Follow the money: who is pulling McCain’s strings? Who benefits from border amnesty — Americans or globalists? It appears globalists have us just about sewed up. Why doesn’t Romney or Huckabee explain the stakes?

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