Speaking Of Dark Presences In The UK…

January 23rd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Pictured is Natasha Randall, close friend of earlier victim Liam Clarke, hanged herself in her bedroom.

Seven young people, all from the same hometown and all part of an Internet community, have committed suicide in the past year…many connected others, have unsuccessfully attempted to kill themselves.

One commentor on the article, which I have pasted in an excerpt from below, from that same small town as those who have committed suicide as a part of the virtual community, said this:

“I live in Bridgend, suicide in Bridgend is a huge issue, it’s not just these poor deluded kids, nearly every week for years now in the local newspaper someone tries to commit suicide, some succesful some not.”

From an article in ThisisLondon.co.uk:

A coroner yesterday launched an investigation into the link between the internet and young suicides - as an MP hit out at websites for “romanticising” teenage death.

Phillip Walters, the coroner for the town of Bridgend where seven young people have hanged themselves in a year, fears the teenage sites such as Bebo play a part in the spate of mystery deaths.

Mr Walter said he is “desperately concerned” about the chain of young suicides - and of the connection to teenage social network sites such as Bebo and MySpace.

The coroner said: “I shall be looking at these networking sites myself to see if there is a link between them and the growing number of youngsters committing suicide.

“But in the meantime I want to warn youngsters about the possible dangers these websites can pose.

“I would also like to warn parents to be actively on the alert for signs of their children being influenced by others on these sites.

“We never seem to get to the bottom of these deaths and no-one seems to be able to explain them.

“It is of great concern that some of them seem to be happening for no apparent reason.”

Mr Walters has already held hearings into four of the young suicides - Dale Crole, 18, David Dilling, 19, Thomas Davies, 20, and Zachery Barnes, 17.

He opened inquests on the other three - Liam Clarke, 20, Gareth Morgan, 27, and Natasha Randall, 17 - to await full police investigations into their deaths.

The small town of Bridgend has been rocked by this string of copycat suicides

Local people fear the hangings are linked to a chilling internet cult which has become “a cool thing to do” in the town.

Within 24 hours of the latest death last week, two friends of the teenage girl had also attempted suicide.

Bridgend MP Madeleine Moon told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “This is not just happening in the town of Bridgend, it is happening across a 15-mile radius.

“This is a small community. People know each other. Family links are very easily made and friendships are very easily made because most people tend to socialise in the evening in the town of Bridgend.”

Full article here.

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7 Responses

  1. just posting

    This is fucked up..

  2. franchie

    -“romanticising” teenage death-

    we had the case a few years ago, that was to celebrate Kurt Kobain’s death

    It might be cause there is a lack of ritual initiation to pass from the childhood to the grown-up statut, that the parents still beared in the “elder times” by being severe ; there were religious ritual that did help too alike communion…

    poor kids

  3. ArleighB

    Hmmm…maybe Darwin was right…

  4. franchie

    oh my : “that the parents still beared in the “elder times” ; I ment that the parents still supported…

    well, that suicide romantism “might” be a natural selection, uh, that means that the bearded will win… well we ought to invade UK again to regenerate the “will to power”…

    hehe, Nicholas the conqueror, sound great in a history book ; will Cecilia and Carla make a tapesty while he is over the channel :lol:

  5. Mark Tanberg

    DARWIN? Hitler took dumbwins beliefs to their rational end.
    so in that case, maybe.

  6. Kathy

    Maybe the UK Government shouldn’t have dumped all that nuclear waste near Bridgend in the 1960’s… Check the what’s in the local tap water…

  7. Kathy

    Check the local tap water contents! The government dumped nuclear waste near there in the 60’s and 70’s….

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