Study Puts Iraqi Death Toll At 151,000 Not 655,000

January 9th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

dead pig

From a Washington Post article by Brown & Partlow:

A new survey estimates that 151,000 Iraqis died of violence in the three years following the U.S.-led invasion of the country. Roughly nine of 10 of those deaths were a consequence of U.S. military operations, insurgent attacks and sectarian warfare.

The survey, conducted by the Iraqi government and the World Health Organization, also found a 60 percent increase in nonviolent deaths — everything from childhood infections to kidney failure — during the period. The results, which will be published in the New England Journal of Medicine at the end of the month, are the latest of several widely divergent and controversial estimates of mortality attributed to the Iraq war.

The three-year death toll calculated in the new survey is one-quarter the size of the one found in a smaller survey by Iraqi and Johns Hopkins researchers that was published in the journal Lancet in 2006 and had the death toll at 655,000.

Both teams used the same method — a random sample of houses throughout the country. For the new study, however, researchers visited 23 times as many places and interviewed five times as many households. The project also involved greater supervision of the survey teams, which wasn’t possible when the Johns Hopkins study was conducted in the spring of 2006 because of safety concerns.


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9 Responses

  1. RVN68MIKE

    So the death rate due to the continuing conflict inside Iraq since the invasion is in fact lower than the yearly death rate due to Saddam’s policies prior to the invasion! There goes another lefty complaint out the window, though proof is no barrier to the crazies lies.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    I’d like to hear an estimate of Iraqi civilian casualties due solely to the insurgents. Collateral deaths because of US ops is probably very tiny in comparison to the overall death toll because of irhabi bombings, murders and the use of civilians as cover in irhabi ops against US troops.

    In no case do I trust WHO or any other UN-affiliated group.

  3. MIke W

    Clearly this article is insinuating that a large part of the death total is due to US Military Operations by listing it first.
    Also what part of this total is insurgents killed attempting to kill Americans or Iraqi`s?

  4. deathstar

    The lancet study was released just prior the the elections to hurt the war effort (the authors have even admitted this). Will this newer far smaller estimate be trumpeted in the MSM to the same extent that the flawed anti Bush lancet study was? My arse it will.

  5. deathstar

    …The project also involved greater supervision of the survey teams, which wasn’t possible when the Johns Hopkins study was conducted in the spring of 2006 because of safety concerns…

    And the WaPo rushes the cover for the leftist authors of the lancet study. The Johns Hopkins team didnt supervise the study because they wanted plausible deniability when people discovered that the Iraqi in charge of the study was an ex Baathist.

  6. tedders

    That would be 151,001 if you include the butcher of Bagdad, Saddam. Gotta love that!!!

  7. dad3-7

    i just read this on another site,,i’ll bet that won’t be in the nyslimes tomorrow.. the washington post today said that 2soldiers killed by a iraqi soldier were beating a pregnant woman and the iraqi was defending her… there was no proof of this but they heard it fm some source,, more attempts to defame our HEROS and distort the real truth,, somthing our MSM no longer abides by..dan rather journalism 101

  8. dad3-7

    9 soldiers killed and 4 wounded today in diyalia in a house born IED…20 bad guys killed

  9. Caligula

    not bad data… here’s something to think about… according to the CDC, in 2004 2,397,615 deaths occurd in the united states

    so… basically, while iraq lost 151,000 people due to war and disease and old age in 3-4 years… we lost something on the order 8 MILLION people

    and we’re loosing in iraq, FOOKIN’ LIBERALS!!!

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