Tell Us: Are You A Republican First? Or A Conservative First?

January 31st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


I have noticed a few comments of the last couple of days that tend to hint that some people believe that being a Republican is more important, and takes priority, over being a Conservative, and vice-versa.

So what do you believe? And why?

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59 Responses

  1. Right_is_Right

    Conservative first - Republican because it is the only party that typically suports the conservative agenda. Sure as hell can’t be a Democrat…and Libertarian will never have much impact (not to mention some of their ideas are a little too far out there for me).

  2. Reign in Blood

    Conservative first. However, I don’t think I will see a Democrat ever that I could vote for in good conscience in my lifetime.

    Will vote for whatever Republican is nominated seeing the alternative is wholly unacceptable. We will never have a canidate with a voting record of 100% conservative but you can be sure that I will never want to allow a president with a 0% conservative voting record. (Obama and Hillary)

    You sit out and don’t vote or vote for a third party, like a little child having a tantrum because you don’t get what you want, you do nothing but add a vote for the Demon-crats. :evil:

  3. Goodbye Natalie

    Definitely Conservative. The only reason I am registered Republican is that the party (”generally”) more closely fits the bill of the conservative meme allowing me to vote in the primaries.

    And I disdain RINOs equally as much any feckless SP type. To me, they’re one and the same.

    Find me a Dimocrat that is a true conservative, both socially and economically, and I guarantee you I would pull the ‘D’ lever. Problem is, I haven’t found one in 25 years. Haven’t found too many Republicans that are real conservatives either.

  4. G-man


    I won’t comprise my beliefs to elect a Republican.
    Republican will compromise his belief to elect a Republican.

    I’m sitting this one out.

  5. Monkey3531

    I think that being a conservative is much more important than being a Republican. Being conservative, or having beliefs that are conservative, is an example of people having the right to think/act of their own accord. I feel that being a Republican simply lumps a person into a group where you just follow whatever line the “party” has laid out. I’m definitely a conservative but I don’t always like/agree with what the Republican party says/does. Conservatism just happens to be a building block of the Republican party.

  6. Steve in NC

    How can you be a Republican first? I agree with much of the philosophy of the party and have since I awoke from a liberal fog as the carter years ended. If the party slips too far from it’s roots than I will look elsewhere. But I will not abandon it and not vote because the nominee is not in lockstep with me. If needed I will use the party to defend us from a worse fate, ie hussein obama or billary and vote on that principle.

    I have to admit I have thrown the one party lever since ‘84, so I guess I am a Republican.

  7. gramps

    Conservative first. Hell I got so disgusted with Bush for supporting the shamnesty bill that I’m no longer even a registered Republican.

    I’ve noticed in the comments lately that there are many who comment here that are Republicans first then conservatives, the LT comes to mind right away.

    LOL….see comment right below.

  8. LT J Fishman

    I am a Republican first. I support whoever the candidate is against the liberals. I would vote for Rick Santorum, Rudy Giuliani, Tom Coburn, Arnold, Brownback, Collins, Lott or Snowe. ANY Republican is better than any Democrat when it comes to the most important issues of the day- and especially when it comes to controlling the executive branch.

  9. Steve in NC

    :arrow: G-man -

    wear an obama button on your lapel while you are at it

    you really have to grow up and join the world of adults

  10. Kurt(the infidel)

    Conservative first!

    If there was another party that went more strictly to the conservative agenda i would vote for them. Im not a Republican first. but If McCain wins I will vote for him because I will never vote for Democrat. or havent seen one in my lifetime i would vote for at least. prove me wrong and maybe

    There are a few simple things I know in my heart to be true and they sway my political leaning.

    1) God is real
    2) Abortion is wrong- no pro choice candidates for me
    3) The US is a force for good in this world and not bad.
    4) I support the military with everything i have. I will never be against them. ever
    5) Family values

    The list i just made out is not particularly in any certain order. and there are more but these are very important to me.

  11. skh.pcola

    I won’t be voting for the Republican candidate, either. It is amusing that some “conservatives” who liken principled conservatives to children are the ones who vote blindly with total disregard to the issues or character of the RINOs. You can call me juvenile, childish, &c., but voting for faux conservates only perpetuates the disaster that the Republican party has become. I didn’t leave the party, it left _me_.

  12. newhumandesign

    I am a conservative first, no question. I don’t even much care for the Republicans anymore.

    Rick Santorum for Pres!

  13. gramps

    Steve in NC,
    I tend to agree with G-man. Although I won’t sit it out, neither will I vote for Mr Mcshamnesty if he ends up as the Republican nominee. I’ll do a write in for Duncan Hunter or Mickey Mouse.

    I know you’ll say that’s the same as voting for the Dem nominee, but I won’t sacrifice my principals just to vote R.

  14. BirdEye

    Conservative first. Parties don’t matter. I’ll vote for the fucking Black Panther party if they are the only real conservatives in an election…I’m jus sayin.

  15. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    Conservative - Resigned from the Republican Party regarding the border issue. I will not vote for McCain. I made my final decision following last night’s debate. He was a disgrace.

    A couple of you mentioned Santorum - I love Rick Santorum and also Michael Steele. Both would be great vice presidential nominees on the Romney ticket.

  16. Caligula

    i’m a conservative… but i also believe that a 3rd party would fail…

    if conservatives separate from the republican party we will be like the libertarians… unable to put any candidate in office… when was the last time an independant was elected president?

    therefore i am a conservative AND a republican… it’s our party too guys!!

    the problem isn’t with the republicans….

    it’s the fact that people who don’t know what the fuck is going on are allowed to vote… that’s whats sent the party screeching to the left…

    and why i believe some form of civics test should be a requisite to vote… that, civil service, and property ownership!!!

    lets disenfranchise the poor uneducated fools who don’t give a damn about their country and only want to greedily mooch off the rich!!!

  17. BILL

    “STEVE IN NC” You continue to show your lack of intelligence buy telling people to grow up becaue they don’t agree with you, as a so called conservative that is lock step with the Republican Party! In fact it is not the fact that you might need to grow up it is that you need to better understand politics. I tried to teach you a valuable lesson using history since Bush 41 and you still can’t figure it out. You are in fact a Republican first and I am not so sure that you are a conservative with any convictions. G-man is exactly right! There is not one Republican running that is a conservative not even close. Name one! Each one of them is more liberal that Bush 43 and they flip flop more than John Kerry ever thought of doing (ALL FOUR OF THEM HAVE) and that is scary. True conservatives have not left the Republican Party the Republican Party has been steadily leaving us since Bush 41. You may want to throw your vote away for a liberal Republican that we are going to be stuck with for eight years but I am not. What did Bush 41 say about drawing a line in the sand??! A REPUBLICAN LOSS TO PRESIDENT CARTER GAVE US ONE OF THE GREATEST PRESIDENTS THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN! YOU GROW UP!!

  18. West

    I think the question boils down to whether your group membership is more important to you than your principles.

    Now, you may still be a conservative, yet make a tactical decision to support Rebublicans because they more closely (and not much at that) align with your principles - or not.

    Me? Conservative, and the tactical decisions have yet to be made as the situation is still fluid.

    Voting for McCain will be very difficult, yet I may still do so because of one, and only one issue - finishing, and winning, the War in Iraq. Our service people are fighting and dying over there to make this effort a success for our safety and the safety and stability of a nation of 20 million people. The least I can do to support them is vote for a hack like McCain, because on that single issue he seems to be solid - and the opposition is 100% solid on purposely losing the war and potentially plunging the middle east into greater chaos.

    Other than that single issue, I identify as a Conservative, and identify McCain as anything but.

  19. the gunslinger

    Conservative 1st.

  20. Jeff

    Conservative first.

    No candidate in my 20 years voting has ever been a perfect fit for all my values but Republicans consistantly match up the closest.

    However, that does not mean I’ll vote for a RINO. I don’t care what a candidate calls him/herself as long as their actions are consistant with conservative values.

  21. gramps

    I got to give ya credit Bashman, ya really know how to get the commenter’s here riled up…LOL

  22. Still-a-NeoCon

    National Security Independent.

    Voted for Gore in 2000. Voted for Bush in 2004 after being mugged by reality. National security trumps all else for me. I’m independent who can’t vote for any current democrat while we are at war (Lieb. would be okay as VP for me). This makes me a de-facto Republican voter apart from Ron Paul.

    Conservative ideas are very appealing—but it takes a lot of effort to learn about them in our current popular culture where conservatives are just assumed to be mean, pro big business, and prudish.

    Limited government (meaning low taxes and regulation and more freedom) is the most appealing conservative principle to me. Abortion is wrong but the libertarian in me does not want the federal government involved—apart from ensuring that we do not get activist judges.

    I am happy to vote for McCain if the alternative is Clinton, Obama or Nader…

    …We have troops in the field and I will not do anything to put them in harm’s way or demean their sacrifice to date… not supporting the Republican candidate is a way of abandoning our troops, Marines, sailors and airmen.

  23. Ivan the Kafir

    Elect who you like (who’s Republican). He may not mesh with your beliefs 100% but he is an elected official. As an elected official, he has to listen to the people - especially if they start getting in his face. The key is keeping our politicians’ feet in the fire and keeping the fire hot. That way, you can bend the likes of McCain to your will (I am not making an endorsement of McCain). As long as the president remembers who he has to thank for his office, all is well.

  24. BILL

    TO ALL YOU LOCK STEP REPUBLICANS. Ann Coulter is finely got it out for all to see! Thank you Ann!!!! She is saying what I have been saying for weeks to lock step repubs.

  25. Steve_Montana

    God fearing conservative idealist!

    The problem with “sitting it out do nothing” mentality is that one of the canidates on the ticket is going to win.

    Normally the one with the most votes!!!

    I would rather have some one in office that is at least 50% for my ideals than 100% against them.

    A NO VOTE is a VOTE for the opposition!!!

  26. Dannyboy

    Conservative first. I especially will not vote for a Republican who misrepresents conservative values. To me, the differences between McCain/Huckabee and Romney/Thompson are huge. Almost as big as Democrat vs. Republican. I’d rather see the GOP lose the election, then have conservative ideas be watered down by a weak candidate, as they were under GW.

  27. Steve_Montana

    100% God fearing conservative idealist!

    BUT… I will vote for someone who is at least 50% for my idealology than someone who is 100% against it.

    If was in the military during the first half of Clinton… Please God never let another one like him in the Whitehouse.

  28. David Ross

    Conservative FIRST but I understand that the mentality of “letting the country experience a liberal Democrat” in hopes that a Reagan is born is a scary thought considering the likelihood of screwing things up so badly in the GWOT that even Reagan couldn’t repair in 8 years! I dislike McCain but if it comes down to it I don’t agree with cutting off my nose to despite my face. Reagan (my hero) was a Godsend, but the damage that Carter did, not only to the military but the policies surrounding the CIA and the way we gathered intel for the next decade set the course we find ourselves in now! Let’s not repeat history because we have an enemy that is much more dangerous that what Carter crapped out on us 10 times over.

  29. Wendy

    I am with Steve in NC and LT.
    I guess that makes me a republican first. I will vote for whoever will work hard at getting rid of entitlement programs. Believes in smaller government, welfare reform. Mostly that people should rely on themselves and not the government and most important big on our military and defense etc. That is my kind of people and I will vote for whoever has at least some of these things on their agenda. Since the Republican Party basically stands for most…….

  30. Still-a-NeoCon

    I want to reinforce the idea that not voting for the Republican candidate among the current field (Clinton/Obama/Nader) is a vote against the troops who are in the field in a time of war!

    I will not, I cannot abandon the troops. In my opinion, not voting for the Republican–even if it is McCain–is abandoning the troops. Can’t convince me otherwise.

  31. Jarhead68

    American 1st, Conservative 2nd, Republican 3rd.

    I have a question for you all.

    If Bloomberg were to run 3rd party, would that take away from Republicans or democRats? If both, which one the most?

    Interesting prospect, no?

    Perot got us Clinton. Would Bloomberg get us McCain or Romney?

    The world wants to know.

    Bash, do you think this is a good question for its own thread?

  32. CJW

    Conservative first. If the Republican party wants my vote, they need to earn it via showing they support conservative values. McCain does not fit. Smilin’ Bob does. I will write in Smilin’ Bob if McCain is the Republican nominee.

  33. kabukivillager

    Bill Buckley said it best many moons ago…”I will vote for the most conservative viable option” Sometimes that has me holding my nose when I pull the lever.

    I am a conservative first. I will always push for those positions to be at the top of my list when picking someone. But to suggest that I would pick up my toys and go home and saddle myself and my children with a PResident Obama of Clinton??? No way.

    I really hope it isn’t McCain. I just can’t get psyched up about him. I will vote for him if he heads the ticket, but I can’t see myself busting my ass and working the streets the way I have in prior presidential elections.

    I hope that at least the Veep pick would get me happy…JC Watts….that would do it…

  34. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    All of those who will go ahead and vote for McCain even though you don’t like him - you are being USED by the media and by manipulative liberals (well those are one in the same), but they are manipulating the polls in the various states and manipulating you to vote for him because you think he is the only one that can win. That is what happened in Florida. When the nomination process is over, they (the media) will turn on McCain and then you will be standing there thinking : “but the polls said that lots of independents liked McCain? Why is everyone against him now?”

    The liberals do not want to run against Romney - they do not want to run against the more conservative candidate. They want you to vote for McCain.

  35. Mart (just another infidel)

    Independant conservative here. Republican / Democrat whats the difference??

  36. Jon

    Conservative first. I will not vote for McCain, will not vote at all for the first time in my adult life if he’s nominated. I’d rather see the Democrats win and take the heat for the crap that will befall us for their policies. It might lead to the Republicans getting back to conservative principals four years from now.

  37. Dannyboy

    Right on LMcG! You hit the nail on the head. McCain is the Dems version of the perfect GOP candidate. He ain’t our choice.

  38. 007

    I would vote for a MUPPET before I vote for a Liberal standing side by side with Reid or Pelosi.

    (Republican) Go McCain. :beer: :beer:

  39. 1madpittbull

    I would have to say that with out a fraction of a doubt…
    I am a Conservative first…Republican second.

    I will dump the GOP faster than a hooker leaves Salt Lake City if the Republicans continue on their destructive, self indulgent path toward socialism. This is one thing that the GOP needs to realize as a whole; the Republicans need my vote (IE conservative working American) to win elections…I do NOT need to support, campaign, and vote for GOP candidates if this party continues to mock, defame, and slander my cherished values.

    Ever since I have turned 18 (oh so many years ago) I’ve done nothing but punched the (R) ticket. But I ONLY did this for candidates that deserve it. If I had a choice between a Democrat and a RINO, who in all essence is “Democrat Light”, then I would write in a candidate and simply vote for the local issues (taxes, school board etc.).

    My values are staunch, powerful, tried and tested. I fall under the ideas and ideals of Ronald Reagan! And I’ll be dammed if some manse pansy country club, Ted Kennedy loving, never shot a gun in their life, Democrat Light RINO has the audacity to besmirch my concrete beliefs as being “wrong” or “outdated”…

    There is nothing “Wrong” or “Outdated” with

    Wanting the Government to stay the hell away from my crucifix…
    Wanting the Government to stay the hell away from my paycheck…
    Wanting the Government to stay the hell away from my guns…
    Wanting the Government to stay the hell away from my choice of schools for myself, or my children…
    Wanting the Government to stay the hell away from the business of murdering unborn children…
    Wanting the Government to stay the hell away from what kind of car I should drive…
    Wanting the Government to stay the hell away from what kinds of foods I should eat…
    Wanting the Government to stay the hell away from how I live my life…
    Wanting the Government to stay the hell away from politically correct “social reprogramming” methods in both the military and civilian life…
    Wanting the Government to stay the hell away redistributing wealth from one citizen to another…
    Wanting the Government to stay the hell away granting millions of illegally trespassing foreign nationals immediate citizenship for simply cutting through the legal waiting lines to demand services and citizenship (Damn it, if my family could legally immigrate and assimilate they every-other piss-ant in the world can!)
    Wanting the Government to stay the hell away taxing me or my relatives after I’ve died and left this Earth…seriously, why are they taxing my corpse for the privilege of dieing in the US?
    Wanting the Government to stay the hell away manipulation of the free market…
    Wanting the Government to stay the hell away making new laws viva judicial fiat!

    And many more…

    Point is as a Conservative, I will find my own route because I am a rugged individualist, not a yellow dog GOP(er)…

    They need my vote…I do NOT need their scorn.

    If you piss me off to the Nth degree, and I abandon the GOP…
    The Party of Lincoln (The Grand Old Party) will collapse as fast as the wigs…leaving nothing but pissed off country club ex-GOP(ers) and their memories about how I was a knuckle dragging Neanderthal for abandoning them.

    I’m done ranting… :beer:
    Pit Bull

  40. ticticboom

    Conservative with more than a little libertarian thrown in.

    Like it or not, we have a two party system, which is better than the tail-wagging-the-dog system most of the world uses.

    Barring a revolution within the Donkey clan, I’ll vote for whoever the Elephant clan nominates for the foreseeable future, if at times grudgingly. I’ll also vote in the primaries for the most pro-individual rights, pro-Constitution candidate on the ballot.

    The only reason McCain’s doing so well is because the morons running the party let anyone vote in what should be a closed primary. Open balloting is for the general election.

    Romney might not be a perfect, pure, 100% conservative, but he sure as shit ain’t a liberal or ‘moderate’, whatever the fuck that is, so I feel no revulsion for voting for him.

    This obsession with ideological purity, while understandable, is never going to end. There were plenty who didn’t consider Reagan a ‘true’ conservative. There is no perfection this side of Heaven. To think otherwise leads to a lifetime of disappointment.

    I despise McCain as a person and as a polititian, and will not vote for him in the primary. However, if he gets the nod, I’ll pull the lever for him in November, simply because as bad as he is, Comrade Hillary or Mullah Obama are worse. Not exactly a ringing endorsement, but what’re you gonna do?

    Everyone bitching about not voting for McCain in November, here’s a little suggestion: Make sure it doesn’t come to that. Pull out all the stops to get Romney the nod. Donate or volunteer for his campaign. Put up signs and flyers. Make some calls. Talk to your conservative friends and get them fired up. Get your sorry asses to the polls. Take back the Republican Party.

    If you sit on your asses and do nothing, then don’t bitch to me.

    “We’ll give the Democrats victory, and that’ll mean we’ll get another Reagan in 2012!” BULLSHIT!!!

    You’re the ones who put Bill Clinton in the White House instead of Bush the Elder. Great fucking move. That really fired up the base, and made sure an ideologically pure conservative became president in ‘96. Who won that year? Oh, yeah, Bill Fucking Clinton.

    Stop making the perfect the enemy of the good. That never ends well. Some people would rather die of cancer that deal with the side effects of chemo. I do not admire them or respect their decison. Suicide is for losers.

  41. 1madpittbull

    Oh as a side note…this upcoming election will be something else.
    As a GOE member, I always want to give the best to the troops to help us in the WOT…

    But if it’s McCain… :mad:

    But if it’s Clinton… :evil:

    Does everyone fathom the dilemma here?

  42. A. S. Wise- VA


  43. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    Texas governor endorses McCain - “woo hoo - keep those wetbacks coming - Texans gettin’ rich” . . .

    Perry is a backstabbing piece of shit.

  44. KBoomr113

    You can be whatever you want to be now, but I hope we’re all Republicans come November. A non vote for the Republican candidate is a vote against winning the GWOT. We live in dangerous times indeed…

  45. Kilemal

    If the Repubs. can’t make this time.
    They will have no problem wining after L.A. & N.Y. are vaporized. :smile: have a nice day

  46. Ranger

    Like some others, I vote national security above other concerns. Which means I’m always voting for a conservative or a Republican.

    In local elections, I tend to be a Republican party loyalist, but will vote for Dems who are quantifiably better candidates or who better actually match my conservative politics.

    Things change at the national level. The Dem party leadership is insane and borderline suicidal in terms of national interests, so voting R is beyond necessary.

    Basically, I want my brand of conservative candidate to win the primary, but if he doesn’t I’ll be there to pull the lever on the other R because the alternative is too horrible to consider.

    So I’d prefer President Romney, but because I believe he’d never win against either Dem (to say nothing of the primaries so far) I will vote for McCain.

    Even though some of the shit he said during the war was the most scandalous and injurious of all. Fucker’s gonna get that Presidency he always wanted. And it will probably kill him.

    So the key question is: who do you want to be Vice President?

  47. Trialdog

    Proud American first.
    Always prefer the conservative.
    GWOT must be won and won decisively.
    Nothing else is as important. Thus, the candidate that will beat Obama or Clinton gets my vote. I know many conservatives don’t like McCain. They have good reasons. So what and tough. McCain will beat Clinton or Obama. McCain will pull congressional seats to the Republicans. As long as he is firm on GWOT, we’ll have to let the rest of the Repulican party keep him in line on other issues. The party is after all, more than one man. McCain might not be the weapon we want in the conservative fight, but we have to use the weapon that will win this battle.

  48. old11B

    Any view other than conservative is:

    Communist/socialist/dictatorship or anarchist…..

    Considering that, if any candidate is not 100% conservative, then that person is yielding ground to the enemy……….

    Of all the candidates, not one will gain ground for, but all will lose ground for conservatism, all will yield……….

    If a RINO gets in office, then we will just moan and groan about more of the same shit……

    If a democrat gets in office then all of us moaners and groaners will have no choice but to “open the gates of hell” to get rid of the enemy ! At least we will get something done, and earn back our freedoms !

    “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Thomas Jefferson

    I will do a write in for “Howdy Doody” ,….. and open the gates to hell…………………

  49. gramps

    Interesting read at
    It appears McCain isn’t drawing a great deal of support from Republican politicians.

    8 (of 91) Republican endorsements

    New Hampshire
    19 (of 232) Republican endorsements
    10 (of 114) Republican endorsements

    0 (of 35) Republican endorsements
    South Carolina
    48 (of 110) Republican endorsements

  50. just posting

    im more conservative. I can understand people who say they wont vote republican if they disagree with them, but this is too important of an election to stay home in my opinion.

  51. Professor Bill

    This is a nobrainer, conservative first.

  52. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    For those of you who can’t understand how some can’t vote for McCain, you don’t live in a border state where:

    Our taxes go to education millions of illegal immigrants;
    Our taxes go to feed millions of illegal immigrants;
    Our taxes go to house millions of illegal immigrants;
    Our taxes go to birth millions of children for illegal immigrants;
    Our taxes go to treat millions of illegal immigrants in the emergency rooms or state funded hospitals;
    Our taxes go to house millions of illegal immigrants in local jails and state/federal prisons;
    Our taxes go to clean up the litter left by millions of illegal immigrants on the border;
    Our taxes go to hire more policemen to chase down millions of criminal illegal immigrants;
    Our taxes go to chase criminals across the border into Mexico so that they can EVENTUALLY be brought back to the US and tried without risk of the death penalty even for the most horrific of crimes;
    Our taxes go to bury policemen and citizens who are killed by illegal immigrants;
    Our taxes go to pay Rudy Giuliani’s law firm to hire an international company to build a highway so that illegal immigrants can travel through of our state more easily;
    Our taxes go to hunt down terrorists who are living in our state escorted in by illegal immigrants;
    Our taxes go to pay for rehabilitation of drug addicted youth who are sold drugs by illegal immigrants;


    And John McCain smirks and makes snide comments and curses out anyone who has a problem with open borders.

    The border is part of the War on Terror.

  53. Gary in Midwest

    1st and always conservative. Parties change with the wind. Building a base on the 10 Commandments,the Constitution and a “free market society” makes for a solid foundation.

  54. Chuck

    Conservative. Not really a republican. I thought Zell Miller was one Hell of a Senator as a democrat. Everyone who thinks Romney is a Conservative only needs to look at his history of changing his ideals depending on where he’s running, particularly in Mass.. None of these guys pass the conservative test, but any are better than Clinton or Obama.

  55. EDinTampa

    Conservative Democrat & I am telling you that if you let the Clintons back in the White House you will get exactly what you deserve!

    I support Romney but if McCain is the nominee he would be by leaps & bounds a Conservative President compared to the option.

    If the GOP is stupid enough to lose this election to the competition, SO BE IT!

  56. Jim

    American 1st…Jarhead68, props :beer:

    and an American last…everything else is just the pink () in the middle

  57. Goodbye Natalie

    Should have added that though I consider McCain a borerline RINO, he is infinitely better than the alternatives IMHO. At least, he’s pro-life and pro-military.

    Sure would like to hear what his idea of a SCOTUS is…one reason I would have held my nose and voted for Rudy G., assuming he was telling the truth about a strict constructionalist…

  58. Phil N Blanx

    Conservative first because I’d actually like to think I have some chance of getting into heaven.

    Interesting read. Looks like there will be a good number of folks sitting this one out. I won’t be making that decision based on emotions. So now is probably not a good time for me to make that call — based on our current options, I’m bordering on depression.

  59. POD1


    The Republican party mirrored many conservative ideals in the past.
    If the GOP gets a queer-eye liberal makeover,
    true conservatives won’t ever vote “R” again.

    Some people here are making the argument that a bowl of soup made up of 50% shit
    is some how less offensive than the 100% variety.

    Even a tiny speck of liberal fecal matter ruins the soup.

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