Tell Us: Would A Bloomberg Bid Hurt Republicans Or Democrats More?

January 31st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Jarhead68 pushed me off the fence on this one. I first began mulling this question over yesterday after seeing something about Nader setting up an exploratory website, which got me thinking about Perot, which got me thinking about Bloomberg.

So Okay, here’s the question: Would a third part run by Bloomberg hurt Republicans or Democrats? If both, which would be most hurt?

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6 Responses

  1. Steven D

    Very interesting question, Bash.

    There’s very little difference between Hillary, Obama, McCain and Bloomberg, politically, so if the contest were between any of them, then the defining issues would be their positions on the war and the economy, which (at least at present) appear to the the defining issues of the campaign.

    However, if Romney were the Republican nominee, I think that Bloomberg would pull more votes from the Democrat candidate, as Romney is trying to run as a conservative (and is certainly more so than McCain).

    I’m curious what everyone else has to say on the matter.

  2. David Ross


  3. Caligula

    more specifically it would hurt McCain… appealing to the democrats and liberal republicans… just like him… maybe he SHOULD run so Romney will get elected by us true conservatives!!

  4. TBinSTL

    He would take the squishy middle out of the race, which would give the power to the candidate most in line with their party’s base. I’d give the advantage to Hillary. If he announced now, he would help kill Mac’s campaign, so I don’t expect that.

  5. Crikey

    What if Bloomberg was McCain’s VeeP?

  6. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    What if Lou Dobbs ran? I don’t know how I feel about it? He would be good on my big issue - the border - but I don’t know how he would be regarding Iraq?

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