The Hip-Hop Caucus

January 21st, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


This just showed up in my email inbox. Thought y’all might enjoy it in some perverse way.

Greetings from the Hip Hop Caucus,

We believe that we can create the same scope of change today that the civil rights movement generated forty years ago. It all starts with organizing, which is why we created the Hip Hop Caucus. The Hip Hop Caucus is a space for our generation to come together as people of all races and creeds to discuss, debate, and most importantly act on a new vision of a society and a government that works for everyone.
“We are simply seeking to bring into full realization the American dream – a dream yet unfulfilled. A dream of equality of opportunity, of privilege and property widely distributed…” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

We make up a list of 1 million (and growing!) people who want to see a better future for the world. Together we are a critical mass with a voice loud enough to affect change in our neighborhoods and all the way to the Halls of Congress. (Check our website to see what’s going on and how to get involved.)

This weekend, while we remember the life of Dr. King, the Hip Hop Caucus is at work, putting issues of poverty, inequality and opportunity at the center of our national debate.

To shed light on the hypocrisy of our unfair tax laws, we partnered with our friends at Brave New Films to release the second video in a five part series called the “War on Greed.”

The tax system in the U.S. is broken. Loopholes in our laws allow billionaires to use our tax dollars to get richer and make the poor, poorer. They buyout companies with borrowed, interest-free money, and by exploiting workers they turn profits of colossal proportions.
Watch this film “War on Greed: Fight for the Dream” and sign the petition asking the presidential candidates to pledge to close the tax loopholes for corporations that buyout companies and exploit the workers.

Then visit our website to get involved, because together we can and we will change the world!

For Future Generations,
The Hip Hop Caucus

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4 Responses

  1. Indy

    Why is this even news? It has about as much impact as MTV vote or die or whatever the hell it was called.

  2. Caligula


    The poor want to vote themselves money, the democrats oblige in exchange for power… the result? the people become enslaved and domesticated to the liberal-communist establishment and the govt. takes over!

    my advice; get a job and become a billionaire you poor wretched scum!!!

  3. jim

    KKR bought out Toyrus and imported 35% of it toys from China…18% were listed as poisonous from lead..Who pays for their bad investment practice… 1st the American toy manufacturer and then us with the tax right off from their bad investment…Simply no more aggressive leverage buy outs and mean penalty for all those who create huge losses

    Lets face it … you need workers or nothing gets built… we need quality products so the respect and compensation should be their as well.

  4. KBar


    I love how they work MLK in there:

    “We are simply seeking to bring into full realization the American dream – a dream yet unfulfilled. A dream of equality of opportunity, of privilege and property widely distributed…” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    Did “Dr.” King pay any taxes?

    These marxist morons should take a refresher course in economics. And do some research.

    The richest 1% of the population of the US pays roughly 62% of the taxes.
    From a New York Times article by David Cay Johnston - September 5, 1999

    Thats right. I just quoted the NYT!

    ….I need a shower.

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