The Russia - China - Iran Axis

January 22nd, 2008 Posted By The Bashman.


A very eye-opening interview in FrontPage magazine with Steve Schippert, co-founder of the Center for Threat Awareness and managing editor for

Below is an excerpt from that interview, but I suggest/recommend you read the whole thing here.

Iran has notched yet another major victory over the West, which remains quick and eager to talk while slow and reluctant to act. Iran smartly feeds the Western obsession with talks and negotiations, while acting without pause or regret. The West, in this regard, is persistently, willingly and knowingly being played.

The first question that should come to mind should be, why then does Iran need to continue enrichment if Russia supplies the fuel for its only production reactor? And, what use does Iran have for the enriched uranium it will soon begin producing in significant quantities itself? With the Russian-built Bushehr reactor on the Arabian Gulf operating on Russian fuel and no other light water plants in operation – let alone being built – the answer is either benevolent stockpiling for future plants or the development of nuclear weapons. Of course, there’s the Arak heavy water plant nearing completion, which will be used to create plutonium.

Recall that Iran steadfastly refused a deal tabled in which they would have received Russian enriched uranium fuel in exchange for scrapping their enrichment program. What ended up agreed to in 2005 was a Russian supply with no enrichment cessation requirement at all. Until now, Russia hesitated to deliver the fuel. This Iranian victory, which few discuss from this perspective, has afforded the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism both the preservation and advancement of its nuclear enrichment program and the Russian nuclear fuel for the low, low cost of…nothing. Iran ceded nothing and has now received both.

If that were not disconcerting enough, consider the timing of the sudden arrival of the first Russian enriched uranium fuel shipment. It was just two weeks after the early December 2007 National Intelligence Estimate on Iran which was worded in a manner to state that the whole of the Iranian nuclear weapons program had been halted and thus does not exist. (In the footnotes, it was stated that “weapons program” did not mean the whole program, but just the weaponization program – or warhead/bomb design development program. But widely quoted and championed was straight text from the body that “Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program.”


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One Response

  1. Erik Marsh

    Steve Schippert, I’m sorry to say, is a day late and a dollar short on his assessment.

    Not only is it extremely late in coming (I myself wrote about it in 2006 -

    It also fails to grasp the breadth and seriousness of the situation.

    And for all of ya’ll that think this is only happening because we went into Iraq, think again. The dragon has reared its ugly head before -

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