The Tax Plans Of Each Republican Candidate

January 17th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


The Wall Street Journal today has an interesting article that rolls out each Republican candidates tax plan.

Rudy’s gonna cut and slash and simplify the process, Thompson talks flat tax option, McCain wants to cut the corporate rate and give an R&D credit, and eliminate the AMT. Romney proposes tax free savings accounts and talks “vaguely” of cutting tax rates, while Huckabee wants to replace all federal income and payroll taxes with a national 30% sales tax. Hunter wasn’t mentioned, it seems the media has simply written him off. Ron Paul’s tax plan involves killing the IRS, blimps, tin foil, and some kind of weird coin.

Read the WSJ article here.

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6 Responses

  1. Cathy

    The most effective way to restrict democracy is to transfer decision-making from the public arena to unaccountable institutions: kings and princes, priestly castes, military juntas, party dictatorships, or modern corporations.
    Noam Chomsky

    After reading the article and your comments, I went to Ron Paul’s website, I must admit I did not see anything concerning blimps, tinfoil, or weird coins.

    I did see several things that I agreed with:

    Killing the IRS-No income tax-Yes!
    Less spending by the government-Yes!
    I know better how to spend my money than the government.

  2. John Cunningham

    Do I detect a Paulbot?

    Anyway, a flat tax sounds great, but, I do have a problem with big business that gives huge golden parachutes to it’s CEOs. Big business should be given a break only if they employ Americans instead of outsourcing to India and China. In source to Americans.

  3. hoplitesamurai

    Since Cathy started her post with a quote from a commie, I figured I would as well.

    “The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.”
    Vladimir Lenin.

    The IRS is a criminal organization that should never have been allowed to exist. Remember though the Feds are not the only looters of our bank accounts. Do not forget all the State, Local, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, Property, Gasoline, Phone, Internet, and Sales taxes that we pay. Of course this is all on top of the robbing of our income.

    The government’s spending should be cut. It should also be only on expenditures allowed specifically by the Constitution and be almost completely transparent. Please note this applies not only to Federal, but state and local spending as well.

    We really need to get the politicos to understand that the sweat of our brow belongs to us. Not the state, it is our earned income not theirs.

    Sadly however, when we talk about eliminating or restraining the IRS, we hear cries of, “How much is it going to cost the government?”

    Then when we discuss cutting government expenditures nine times out of ten the fight is not about a cut in actual spending on a particular item, instead it is a brawl over a cut in the rate of growth in spending.

    Finally how many people do you know that view income tax refunds as a sort of once a year everybody wins lottery? Instead of the government refunding your own money that was taken away from you in the previous fiscal year, sans interest, which is what it actually is.

  4. John H

    OMFG….Did someone on this site quote Noam Chomsky?
    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    LOL…..wait no Really? Here’s another quote of that needle dicked Chomsky.

    “There are many terrorist states in the world, but the United States is unusual in that it is officially committed to international terrorism.”~Noam Chomsky

    Chomsky is a POS Anti-American, that opooses almost every basic value that is the cornerstone of military and American ideals. He is scum…..and on economics he is sofa king we todd id.

    What’s next quoting Hugo Chavez? Leon Trotsky?

  5. hegelbot

    Ron Paul, you had me at blimps and tin foil, lol… taht sensible tax policy.

    please, john don’t call them bots, at least for the sake of the other bots on this site.

  6. kevin

    Ron Paul has outlined the best plan for the economy. He’s also been the leading advocate for limited government, which is the crux of the Republican party.

    Unfortunately, Paul doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about when it Iraq, Afghanistan, and the rest of the world.

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