Thompson Gets Great Question - “You Got A Bowie Knife And A Strong Pair?”

January 18th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Great freakin’ question by some good ol’ boy to Fred Thompson on the campaign trail.

From a Newsweek article by Andrew Romano:

CLEMSON, S.C.–Imagine a wiry little man with a flop of gray hair. He’s wearing a brown leather bomber jacket. Medium build. Every word he says, he shouts. Like he’s half deaf. Sounds like an irate hillbilly, even if he’s not. (He could be.) After each sentence, he pauses, lifts his chin, then plunges back in. Theatrical. Now imagine him saying the following to Fred Thompson at the Stable Steakhouse in Prosperity, South Carolina, with one hand resting on the back of his booth and a portrait of a horse hanging over his head:

Thompson: Yes, sir.

Man: Fred, I drove over 500 miles to see you.

Thompson: Bless your heart. Let’s give this man a hand. (Applause, cheers)

Man: I came over Finch Mountain in a snowstorm. (Pause) May I call you Fred?

Thompson: Absolutely.

Man: That’s okay until January and I can call you Mr. President. (Laughter, more applause). Now, I’ve got a question.

Thompson: Yes sir.

Man: (Pause) I’m looking for a tall man who will stand tall for America. (Pause.) Who will cut the ears off of earmarks! (Pause.) Stop dead illegal immigration! (Pause.) And pull the teeth of activist judges…

Thompson: Yep.

Man: … who take your house to build 7-Eleven! (Pause, then louder) And I want to know if you’ve got a Jim Bowie knife and a good strong pair (pause) of Channellock pliers! (Laughter, even more applause, calls of “That’s right!” and “Hear, hear!”).

Thompson, for his part, answered with deep-fried aplomb. “Did you ever see the movie ‘Walking Tall’?” he said, referring to the 1973 action flick about Buford Pusser, a Tennessee sheriff who single-handedly rid his town of crime and corruption. “You know the ax handle that old Buford used to carry? I got me one of them. I knew Buford Pusser. His daughter gave me one of those ax handles and I still got it. I thought about it many, many times. There’s a lot you can do with that.”

Nods to Hot Air.

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9 Responses

  1. EDinTAMPA

    FRED IS MY MAN HERE IN FLORIDA! I’ve donated to his campaign and am hopeful SC gets the ball rolling on a true man of his word and a defender of freedom and justice!


    We all need to get hot for FDT!

  2. fmder

    Here, Here! :beer:

  3. TBinSTL

    Might be time to take that “big stick” out of retirement! :twisted: :twisted:

  4. Man Asks Thompson: “And I want to know if you’ve got a Jim Bowie knife and a good strong pair…”

    […] Hat Tip: Pat Dollard […]

  5. Igor R.

    Fred is the best candidate and will be the best President in at least 100 years. He doesn’t pander, he doesn’t lie, he doesn’t cheat, he just tells the truth and defends the Conservative values. Say no to the RINOs, vote for the man who walk tall, speaks softly, and carries a big stick. The next President of the United States, the great Fred Thompson!

  6. jerr

    Fred is the direction America needs to take to get our identity back. Not the closet liberal john mccain, not the liberal ‘Reganism is dead’ huckabee. America was built on hard work and daring do, not hand outs and pissing/moaning.

    Oh, did I mention I despise liberals? :evil:

  7. ticticboom

    One of my requirements for a good president is the willingness to beat the living shit out of punks who got it coming. Didn’t Fred use to work as a bouncer back in the day?

    For those in the know, Rudy grew up a Yankees fan in Brooklyn.

  8. devdok

    Yep, Fred Thompson for President.

    Someone who will do what’s right not politically correct.

  9. Gary in Midwest

    I’d pay a good buck to see Fred wield that ax handle in Washington.

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