Vid: Despite MSM Economic Sirens, We Actually Have It Pretty Good

January 8th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

luxury lifestyle with a hillbilly mentality
I am so sick and tired of all of the doom and gloom that the Mainstream Media is whining about. There is NO doom and gloom…perspective. I grabbed a short segment off Cavuto’s show yesterday because I really felt like what he said NEEDS to be said, and said often. For example, from Newsweek:

Unemployment hits 5 percent. Can you say the R-word?

Yeah, Republican. There is NO recession on the horizon. The housing market is correcting itself from the whacked out couple of years it had at the turn of the century…same with the Stock Market. Bah, I’m rambling, and I’m no economist either…here, listen to Neal:

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3 Responses

  1. REN

    Business and politics as usual.

    With the Global War on Terror becoming a trickier and trickier political tool for stumping (did you notice how nutty Richardson seemed in contrast to the other three in the NH debate?), the media and the candidates are shifting to the domestic economy and their old tried and true economic class warfare. This is hardly new or unexpected.

    Interesting note: Greenspan himself, quite a good deal of time ago, attributed the housing bubble and crash to globalization and the market workforce influxes more than to the Federal Reserve itself. It was a most interesting argument and much more complex and nuanced than the usual “Americans are fiscally irresponsible, from the top, down” diatribe.

  2. John Cunningham

    People have always ‘been movin’ on up and movin’ on down’. Five percent are having problems meeting mortgages but 95% aren’t. Those that took $500,000 mortgages moved on down to $250,000, those that took $250,000 moved on down to $100,000 and so on down the mortgage line. What will the neighbors think, we had to move back into an apartment. Please, cry for me Hillary. And the President is going to offer some assistance to some so they can re-finance. Both parties knew they were taking a chance and some lost. I really don’t care. It’s sad, but no one’s out on the street but the main scream media would have you believe that the bread lines are forming. And they still keep tripping over themselves to enter illegally to try to get a piece. God dam ungrateful sons of bitches.

  3. REN

    I’ve been listening to my Democrat supporting friends and am convinced that this is PURELY POLITICALLY MOTIVATED. Things will suddenly be looking brighter and better in the media if a Democrat takes office, and you KNOW IT!

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