Vid: Senator Intros Bill Allowing Employers To Fire Non-English Speakers

January 18th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

I like to fuck around with telemarketers when they call me, I put on a weird accent and say “Me no speak engrish too good, you talk slow” and they do and I keep repeating it and they do and I’ll grab one word from whatever they said and spin it off in an entirely different direction.

They always end up hanging up frustrated. I love doing that.

How about when its the other way around?

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7 Responses

  1. 0311inOHio

    YES, YES, YES, YES….. :beer: :beer: :beer:

  2. John Cunningham

    About ten years ago there was a fire in the West Philadelphia part of the city, heavy Hispanic population. The firemen didn’t understand what this woman was saying. Turned out she was trying to tell them there was an infant in the building. Well, they figured later that since it was an infant there was no trace of it when they investigated. Fast forward ten years they found the daughter had been kidnapped by a relative and had been living in South Jersey. Mother was reunited with daughter. After ten years the stupid bitch still didn’t speak English, was interviewed through an interpretor. Needless to say she’s going to sue the City. Don’t know the outcome of that but a Spainish interpretor has to accompany all firemen because of that.

  3. fmder



  4. Caligula


    it doesnt take 10yrs to learn english… but when you’re also mooching off the welfare system who cares!!!

  5. ticticboom

    I couldn’t get this Mexican at a McDonald’s to understand me, so I wound up ordering in Spanish. As I was leaving, I mentally kicked myself for giving in. I should’ve just walked out the door.

  6. devdok

    I have travelled all over the world. In my travels I have had better luck with people speaking English in other countries then I do in America.

    But of course it is not politically correct to require an employee to be able to speak English. If you did that then you would be insensitive to their heritage and prejudice against a “minority.”

    To flip the page - it is all part of the socialist left wing liberial conspiracy to degrade the american idenity and assimilate america into the world village.

    To quote my mother-in-law “Why the fk should I have to push 1 for English!”

  7. Dannyboy

    Right on, Ken! ‘Atta boy.

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