Psycho Video: Why Immigrants Should Learn Fucking English!

January 27th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


So I’m working on this movie review series, I review movies that flew under the radar, movies made outside of Hollywood over the years, but had good showings at film festivals and/or cult followings. And I’m re-watching one of my favorites “American Psycho” and this scene…I just had to use it as an example why these freaking immigrants should learn English. They MUST assimilate, we should not have to adjust for them.

Has something like this ever happened to you?

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9 Responses

  1. NickD

    Oh, tell me about it - the damn cleaners can NEVER get all the blood out of my sheets. :mrgreen:

  2. John Cunningham

    Geno’s Cheesesteaks in South Philadelphia. About a month ago an employee of Geno’s was attacked outside the store. They recently got the attacker. Turned out to be a white suburbanite from an affluent part of the suburbs. He was able to damage Geno’s employee because he was familiar with that type of physical abuse because of being on the high-school wrestling team. Really did a number on the employee. I don’t know why I brought this up.

  3. John Goodrow

    One of my favorites too. Pretty funny movie I think. The end cracks me up.

  4. John Cunningham

    Geno’s in Philadelphia, I could have at least mentioned the “This is America, speak English” sign in his window he’s been getting a lot of flack from some nut job city government agency. It’s an exercise of the clowns and useful idiots. From the city where they shoot each other everyday.

  5. A. S. Wise- VA

    “Welcome to the United States, NOW SPEAK ENGLISH!” That bumper sticker put it so right… I have met plenty of immigrants from all nationalities, and think we benefit from them being here; indeed some of them appreciate the American Way more than the natural-born citizens here (i.e. leftists). BUT, the ones that don’t assimilate (i.e. mostly illegal aliens) put a strain on this great nation that must not be overlooked.

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    Ever watch “Dirty Jobs”? Seems like there are a whole lot of Americans doing the dirty work that supposedly only illegals will do?

    I see Blue Collar types in my neck of the woods all the time. Most of them are white???? Hmmm….now what’s wrong with this picture?

    Oh I know. Press one for English assholes.

  7. Phil N Blanx

    Gee Nick we used to have the same proplem. That is until our family switched to the No Muss No Fuss Disposable Sheets from Psycho with the guaranteed no-leak plastic bottom layer. Just slice, burn, replace and we’re ready for the next unsuspecting guest.

  8. zzwhale

    If they dont speak English why do busines with them??

  9. will

    people just tryin to make a living, its hard to study english when your up all day for yrs trying to make a living, youll learn a few words here n there but its hard. im sure if you came to korea (for some reason lol) and you lived there for 20 yrs raising your family you would still be shitty at the language, because all your times spent on working. but the young kids do learn the language they have time togo to school.

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