Video: Gabriel Bitch-Slaps Liberal On GITMO

January 14th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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14 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    Hey, eggs used to have a bad rep/publicity at one time … Until the Atkins Diet became huge …

    Oh, hell … I say we release them back in A-stan and Iraq … Right in front of our troops who have them in their sites …

    Yeah, put the filthy bastards in our prison system so they can recruit the stinking Muslim convert-convicts inside.

  2. Zeke Eagle

    See what happens when you take irhabi prisoners.
    Return them to the battlefield on C-123s with remote control, cockpit welded shut and fuel for 200 miles. Their ACLU, NLG lawyers are welcome to accompany them. B’Bye….

  3. jam

    Right on, Drillanwr. McCain’s position on Gitmo is enough, all by itself, to disqualify him for Commander in Chief, IMHO. And what’s with the bitch in the middle? Eye makeup to die for!

  4. CJW

    Just take no prisoners in the future…

  5. cb10

    Turn the pigs over to the Iraqi judicial system, being they are all of the same “brotherhood”. Let Iraq deal with them.

    In the old day’s one would take the bad boys for a huey ride, seemed to work well.

  6. 0311inOHio

    Well, perhaps it might not be a bad idea if once the shit heads are transferred, just turn them loose in general population. :cool:

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    Sheppard Smith is a clueless lib…so’s the idiotic Black dude…Close Gitmo? No…expand it after sending the current occupants to an aligator farm somewhere in the everglades.

    If you want to hear more of Brigette Gabriel, she’s on ISPN at 9PM EST 1-15, 16 17. 18 in a new series about What Americans need to know about Islam.

    You go girl….Keep smacking the near enemy(libs, soft jihadis) in their ignorant faces….

  8. A. S. Wise- VA

    Well then, let’s place the goddam hajjis in Pretty Boy’s backyard, as well as that bleeding-heart lib, Boyer’s. See how they like that. Who knows, maybe the hosts just might convert to Islam to appease their guests.

  9. Trindam

    Hmm, let me see here. The point of Afghanistan and Iraq was to take the war to them so we do not have to deal with them on American land.

    Now the idiot leftists want to bring the people that we capture within our borders.

    The very thing we are trying to prevent by fighting over there.

    Apparently these people are more stupid than I originally thought.

  10. a Golden BB

    I say, return them to their country of origin.
    If said country will not have them, then they should be dropped off into international waters.
    That way no country will be liable for future acts committed by these unholy-rollers.

    Besides, sharks need to eat too. :wink:

  11. drillanwr

    A couple years ago we set free hundreds of prisoners we had detained in Iraq.

    My Father, a staunch union-dem was quite puzzled and nearly horrified as he sat watching them flowing from the prison buildings back into the streets.

    Dad said: “We’re just letting them GO?!?”

    I said: “We can’t “kill them” in prison, Dad …”

    Took Dad a moment before he glanced over at me with that [ding!] light bulb look on his face.

  12. LMcG

    I love Brigitte . . . I mentioned in a previous post, my 15 year old daughter told her High School Young Political group that the terrorists at Gitmo should be “killed”. Since she is the only conservative in the group, that went over really well . . . I am teachin’ her right!

    I can’t stand that pansy Shep Smith . . . earlier today I saw him do a story about Santana Batiz Aceves - the DNA squirting serial rapist of little girls in Chandler AZ - forgetting to mention that he is a twice deported, drug dealing, illegal alien . . . He is not fair in balanced - Shep is a pansy ass liberal.

  13. infdel

    “Meager benefits of keeping GtMo operating”!!!!!!!! did I hear him right???

    I guess not being attacked in over six years is a “meager benefit”. These bleeding hearts love the military when they agree with Liberal defeatist tactics.

  14. redhawk

    I am OK with releasing them to their Country of Origin and accompanied by all the ” America is bad” Contingent.. then Liune them up in front of some anti AQ or terrorists natives and.. Voila’ Issue solved…

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