Video: Helen Thomas Blames Bloggers For “Lousy Job” On Iraq War

January 6th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Yeah, Helen, it’s the bloggers who’ve ruined the esteemed business of journalism, not partisan hacks like yourself and smear fags like NBC, Dan Rather, Keith Olberman, Greydon Carter and the “journalist” whores who write without ethics and truth in order to fellate their pay masters in the hopes of future work.

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14 Responses

  1. danielle

    She’s so annoying.

  2. TerryTate

    Sucks when you and your job become irrelevant doesn’t it Helen…. Maybe you’ll even live long enough to get a pink slip.

    As far as Bloggers not having your set of ethics, all I can say is “THANK GOD”. Its nice that the bloggers have a good set of ethics that helps get out the truth.

    And oh Helen, Sit and Spin you wicked old witch.

  3. TerryTate

    You know speaking of witches. I happened to watch the movie Stardust with my kids and wife tonight. In the movie Michelle Pfiefer plays an evil knarled up old witch that looks truly nasty in parts. The sad part is Michelle still looks better made up as an old crone than Helen Thomas. I’d definitely rather do a gnarled up old Michelle Pfiefer, geeze I can hardly even say this, than that bag of bones called Helen Thomas. I think I just threw up in my mouth.

  4. One Shot

    I cannot believe that there are people that still subscribe to anything this bitch spews. I thought I heard a couple of people actually applauding her.

    Thankfully, she won’t be around much longer.

  5. cb10

    Won’t this bitch ever die?

  6. Dave

    You’d look that way if you slept with every Democrat president since the start of the democrat party.

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    Helen Thomas is the irrelevent emeritus of the news biz. She should pack up her broom and go fly away.

  8. drillanwr


    Sucks when you and your job become irrelevant doesn’t it Helen…. Maybe you’ll even live long enough to get a pink slip.


    And therein lies the proverbial “rub” the MSM has with the blog-world, ain’t it now?

    I can HONESTLY say I have gotten more honest, accurate, intelligent, unbiased,and raw war coverage from blogs such as this one, milblogs, and responsible watch dog blogs (watching and debunking the MSM) than I have from the MSM … even from FNC!

    And I know we all enjoy the war videos we get to see here and on other blogs … but you know what, we should be seeing something like that on the MSM coverage. Hell, if we have access to it, they do too!

    So, Helen Thomas, go to hell, you jealous media dinosaur!

    Rock on, blogs!

  9. latheman

    That was her foot yesterday on Bash’s pic of the day

  10. John Cunningham

    Anybody ever think of throwing a bucket of water on her? Anybody seen Dorothy?

  11. Goodbye Natalie

    “They certainly don’t have our standards. They don’t have our ethics, and so forth.”

    I suppose the thought never occurred to Medusa that this is exactly why the conservative blog world has exploded in popularity? Like maybe it was the lack of standards, blatant lefty bias and amoral ethics of the Camelot and Pali loving crowd, “hey Helen?”

    Make up your frickin’ mind hag. Just two years ago you were spouting the conservative talk world and pajama media types were irrelevant and you would kill yourself if Dick Cheney ran for Presidency.

    RUN DICK 2008 RUN!

  12. jim

    “they don’t have our standards, they don’t have our ethics”

    With all undue respect Helen, F*ck you. At the very least it’s the pot calling the kettle black…at the most, you can’t hold a candle to most of the bloggers. The one main fact you haven’t realized is your old fat ass can’t even go to Iraq to decipher what the truth even is. So now shut the F*ck up and thank G.d you made your living as a poser of imaginary status while you could.

  13. Brian H

    How anyone can tout journalism’s ethics after the run of fake and erroneous reports and documented slanted coverage is utterly beyond me. The Big Lie technique in play, maybe?

  14. Fraser

    I AM SO SICK OF THIS FAT WHALE! I have a idea on how to get rid of liberals. Step one, I will go down to DC, shoot this whale in the head and quater he whale size layers of fat. Step two, I will feed the starving children of this great country with the fat and solve our “health care problems” because everyone will be fed. Step three, tell the liberals to shut the fuck up because now they don’t have anything to bitch about!

    sempre fi

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