Video: McCain’s Statement Here: True? Or False?

January 30th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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12 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    If you looked up RINO in the dictionary his picture is next to the meaning.

  2. Steve in NC

    He may have started that way, but his senate record shows otherwise.

    I hope there are puke buckets in the voting booths this November.

  3. RTLM

    Not so much;

    >Voted for pull out of the Multinational Force in Lebanon

    >Voted to override Reagan’s Veto of the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act
    (South African Sanctions bill)


  4. Judith

    Well, are we going to pull the wagon or be a one issue minority party in the forseeable future? I don’t like him either but he beats Hil, Bill, Osaka or whatever, and Glamour Boy all rolled up together. He is one of our heros lest we forget that…..

  5. LMcG (Texas Mom)


  6. ZekeEagle


  7. Joe

    McCain is the best out of all the candidates. He is the only candidate I can see who stays true to but he believes in even if it upsets others. Yes, most republicans do not like his immigration policies but will he change his position just so he gets more votes. No. He will do what he believes he can do. Not these other candidates with their false promises.

  8. Jerb

    I just have an eerie feeling about a Republican who is liked more by Independents and Democrats than by the Conservative bloc of the GOP. Just think about this, the NYT’s editorial page endorsed the guy. hmmmm….. Is it just me or is anyone else hearing warning bells?

  9. Jeff

    :arrow: Joe

    I am one who definitely does not agree with his immigration policies. He surrounds himself with people who openly defy our immigration laws.

    It does not impress me that McCain won’t back down from his position. It suggests that he isn’t listening to what citizens want. Polls clearly show most citizens want this problem reversed so why is he fighting us? I don’t want politicians telling us what is good for us. I want them to do what we tell them to do. A Government, of the people, by the people and for the people…..remember?

    McCain says he’ll lock down the borders. Great! I do believe he can do that if he is allowed to put the resources needed into doing it. Saying it is the easy part. How committed is he going to be in actually doing it, especially when we’ll now have 12 million new voters who are sympathetic to leaving the borders wide open.

    He claims he’ll get 12 million folks to come out of hiding, learn to speak English, pay back taxes, pay a fine and wait years for a *chance* to become citizens. Why would they do that when they’ve already clearly shown a complete lack of regard for our laws and a reluctance to assimilate. That’s a false promise if I’ve ever heard one.

    It all boils down to this, are we a country of laws or not?

    an·ar·chy Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[an-er-kee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
    1. a state of society without government or law.

  10. Mark Tanberg

    Seems we’re going to have to learn a dance that has a big slide to the left in it.

  11. EDinTampa




  12. Dan (The Infidel)

    McCain is full of himself. He’s always been the loose canon on deck. He’s all about himself and trying to live up to the legacies of his father and grandfather. In his world he will always be number one…And he will take a number two on everyone else.

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