Video: Peters On O’Reilly On NYT Bullsh*t Killer Vets Story

January 17th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

I won’t let this story go. It is the worst, most unbelieveable piece of bullshit journalism of the last hundred years.

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9 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    And Jane Hull from AU was defending the Slimes tonight on O’Reiley. Naturally, arrogant twits like her would do that.
    She much like her libistan buddies are, and remain, our near enemy who must be defeated at any cost.

  2. Afghani Stan

    Wow. I haven’t read the article yet but if it’s as true as they say it is, maybe someone should go down to the New York Times and punch someone out. It isn’t fair to any vet to have that kind of stigma hanging over their head.

  3. jim

    The NYT are the first ones to complain about unprofessional bloggers…

    They do their best to help keep “A Land of Confusion”

  4. drillanwr

    :arrow: Bash -
    I won’t let this story go. It is the worst, most unbelieveable piece of bullshit journalism of the last hundred years.

    And don’t you dare! NONE of us should. We all vowed, when the left started their shit about this war, that we had these guys/gals (our troops’) backs. We were going to make sure the MSM and the left didn’t do to them what was done to our brave warriors from Vietnam. And g. damnit, that is exactly what this newspaper is trying to do.

    And I disagree with Bill O. This is against the troops/military as much as it is against the Administration/President. And if not directly so, the NYTimes is USING our troops as so much political fodder (pawns in their BDS political game) as to outweigh any [perceived] injustice the MSM has tried to hoist upon the President in “using our troops as blood for oil”.

  5. Caligula

    Makes Sense, the wussy liberals are afraid of REAL men… when one of these pussy, dateless, sniveling, momma’s boys are confronted with someone who has more charachter an machismo than they do, they are reminded of the highschool bully that gave them wedgies every day!!!!!

  6. John Cunningham

    Because of the parts of Philadelphia where they shoot each other everyday there has been serious talk of the National Guard being used to patrol those parts of the city. Something like the Guard still being used to patrol New Orleans. They’ve started using State Police to patrol the expressways in the city so as to be able to put more “boots on the ground” in those parts of the city. Many Guard units have been to Iraq. Seen one city you’ve seen them all except in Baghdad they have extremists, in Philadelphia they have democrats. But, of course Bush makes them shoot each other everyday. The new mayor, his name is Nutter, can’t make this up, had a part in one of his campaign commercials a scene where he says, “we have to make them pay for what they’ve done” while there’s a picture of the President and vice-President in the background. The city is run by clowns and useful idiots.

  7. Reagan T.

    Total bullshit

  8. mindy abraham

    I’d feel VERY safe with a vet or soldier next to my house-I’d rather have a vet neighbor than a NYT one. :mrgreen: I don’t know why they hate vets. i like them

  9. drillanwr

    :arrow: John Cunningham

    That’s just fucked up … typical, but fucked up.

    The media and leftist powers that be have successfully deconstructed the mindset on how this country works (probably from the ground level in the schools). LOCAL governments are responsible for what goes on in their cities … The media, democrats, and [others] played on the ignorance of this FACT during Katrina in New Orleans. THAT is why N.O. was soooo heavily covered (MSM), and more “personally responsible” hard-hit areas of Mississippi were NOT (and to this day). People USED to know how this country was set up and how it ran … local, state, and then federal government chain of commands. Why do you think local police get so pissed off when the feds (FBI) are brought into a criminal case in their own jurisdiction? It’s not just some pissing contest. Ya aren’t completely aware of your own power until you see someone heading onto your turf to take it from you.

    Having said all that, the basic foundation in ALL of this is individual personal responsibility … beginning with the citizens. Hurricane coming at ya? Get the hell out of the way. Somebody selling drugs on your street … Rat them out to the cops. Get your kids in line, make them behave, know and follow the law.

    As much endless credit as I give our military, I have to shake my head in total commiseration with our law enforcement in this country, especially in the big cities. They have an arm and a leg tied behind their backs these days with the MSM and bastards like the ACLU breathing down their backs and picking to pieces everything they do when enforcing the laws and trying to keep order. It is quite apparent the (criminal element) of the populations of these troubled cities (yes, usually heavily leaned toward the D-party) are taking advantage of this. But, since the “officials” of these cities politically can’t/won’t address this truthfully and responsibly to their public, and playing the political game for them is so much more important than civil law and order … well, then, it’s that fucking Bush and Cheney’s fault!

    NO city should have to bring in troops, of any stripe, to keep law and order … unless it is a situation that borders on Marshal Law (as it spiraled into in New Orleans). But EVEN in New Orleans, the local police and officials could’ve/should’ve/would’ve had control … had they not been so “Big Easy” laid back f-ing lazy, and politically corrupt and inept from the grass roots up to the state governor’s office.

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