Video: Romney Says McCain’s A Lying Sack Of…

January 26th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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18 Responses

  1. Jim

    weird…Romney said “I never set a date”… why didn’t he say I was never in favor of a timetable … maybe he misspoke

  2. RTLM

    The surge WAS the Rumsfeld strategy. The surge began in Jan of 2007 - Rumsfeld left office in Dec, 2006. Moving 30,000 troops and equipment is not an immediate gratification exercise. Soldiers were well aware of their upcoming surge deployment 6 months to a year in advance.

    McCain is a fuckin’ liar, a POS RINO and sure bet for defeat in ‘08. His sponging any credit at all for the surge concept is a meme that needs crushing now.

  3. DC

    I’ve never trusted McCain. He has historically used his past as a POW, to curry favor within the pro-military and conservative republicans, but has consistantly voted left of center and his more recent foray into border and illegal immigration issues with Terd kennedy just shows how much of a RINO he really is.

    If he wins the rep nomination, I’m really gonna have a hard time voting for him in November…….mostly because he will not fix what’s broke, and will most likely work for the dims anyway.

    IMHO….He’s no more of a republican than Jimmy Carter!

  4. Jim

    :arrow: RTLM

    Rumsfeld, Abizaid and Casey were against the surge


  5. Jim

    Not only were they against the surge they were the surge against the surge..Fact

  6. Jim

    “He has historically used his past as a POW”…
    (he said “historically” :mrgreen: )


    historically.. :?:

  7. RTLM

    :arrow: Jim - I’ve tried to find links to your claim that Rumsfeld was against the surge but can’t. (Save for a few wack left opinion sites) I honestly cannot recall ever hearing Rumsfeld speak adversely of the surge.

    Maybe you can educate me.

  8. KBoomr113

    Read FIASCO by Tom Ricks. It clearly portrays the failure of the rumsfeld doctrine of less boots on the ground and not more. If that books is not enough try Cobra 2 by Michael Gordon. If that doesn’t work to educate you, pick up any history book and try to figure out when an invasion of less than 200,000 soldiers has ever worked against a country of over 27 million.

  9. RTLM

    :arrow: KBoomr113

    If that doesn’t work to educate you, pick up any history book and try to figure out when an invasion of less than 200,000 soldiers has ever worked against a country of over 27 million.

    It seems to be working now. Total coalition forces now number less than 200K.

  10. RTLM

    But back to the original question as to Rumsfeld opposing the surge. To tell me that Rumsfeld was in lock step with Reid and Pelosi on this issue is BS. Sorry, but I’m not buying any left tilt media fraud that hands me this.

  11. EDinTampa

    RTML, you are right. Rumsfelds strategy was definately flawed, but constantly adjusting and being AGAINST a surge I simply cannot remember that either.

    Romney has my support here in Fla, working hard every day for him.

    McCain (D) should try some treatment ills & Cindy too.

  12. wendy

    I hate McCain! He is a dem pretending to be a republican. I am grateful for his service to his country, bottom line is he loves the illegals and he will let them walk right in while handing them money that I earned. I trust him about as much I trust Murtha whom also served his country. McCain in as president scars me as much as Hilary or Obama.

  13. BILL

    I don’t understand you guys!! You are so worried about McCain but all the Republicans running are Liberal! We are screwed no matter who wins… Oh, that is right we are supposed to vote anyway even though they are all socialist. We are supposed to forget about our morals and convictions and vote for one of these CRAP Republicans! That way the Republican Party will know that conservatives are stupid and lead by the nose to vote for a party that is just as Liberal as the Democrat Party. The Republican leadership take us for granted just like the Dems take the black vote for granted. Think about it…

  14. EDinTampa

    Well Bill, I can’t disagree with you on most of that post.

    Republicans are definately socialists too, but are still very different than the democRAT version of Kerry, Pelosi, Clinton, etc.

    And McCain is definately closer to the socialists on the left than those on the right.

  15. Phil N Blanx

    RTML — I tend to agree with you. The surge strategery could not have possibly been put together in 30 days.

    Jim — Could you link to some reliable sources for your assertion; “Rumsfeld, Abizaid and Casey were against the surge?” I’ve also been told by a sitting President that he didn’t have sex with that woman with no supporting facts and we all remeber how that turned out.

    KBoom — And was Rumsfeld supposed to just shit troops after eight years of Clinton balancing the budget at the high cost of dangerously down-sizing our military — which only served to embolden Islamofascists like Saddam and the Taliban in Afghanistan?
    Remember that the war on terrorism is being waged on just about every continent in the world — not just in Iraq. Read Rumsfeld’s War by Rowan Scarborough or The Rise of the Vulcans by James Mann which is a little more balanced assessment of Rumsfeld.

    “As you know, you have to go to war with the Army you have, not the Army you want,” — Rumsfeld

    There are mistakes made in every war. Focusing on the conflict in Iraq without considering very succesful US operations from the Phillipines to Yemin is an obvious rush to condemn Rumsfeld and a sad diplay of ingratitude for Rumsfeld’s participation in keeping the US free from another terrorist attack on American soil post 9/11. All of this while Rumsfeld was rebuilding our military to “fight a war, like no other war before” all across the globe.
    Arguably, Afghanistan is currently in worse shape than Iraq yet the world seems to tunnel-vision on Iraq in an obvious effort to make the US military (Rummy)a whipping boy while suffering coalition leaders in Afghanistan gladly. I’m confident the leftist demedia’s support of the Afghanistan campaign while virulently opposing “Rumsfeld’s war in Iraq” has a little something to do with the world’s preconceived opinion of both.

  16. Gandalf

    Considering the cost, in blood and treasure, and the results to date, the Iraq part of the war has been nothing short of incredible. Rumsfeld’s leadership will be considered brilliant in the history books 20 years from now. Were mistakes made? Sure, it was a human endeavor. Add to that the fact that it was war and we had crap for intelligence and I contend that we did good. Never forget that BDS and the democrat spin in the liberal media has had a huge effect on the enemy’s will to fight and has been a significant factor in making closure elusive. The enemy still thinks that all they have to do is wait until W is gone and then they can win. If the dems had been on board throughout the closure might have already been reached.

  17. LMcG (Texas Mom)


  18. Jim

    Guys your going to have to do your homework (starting in 2004 when the whole plan of the counter insurgency was placed on the table (the surge was the pre-emptive move for the counter insurgency strategy….initially rejected in 2004, Kilcullen/Pateaus .(the wild card, making analysis more erratic was Saddam fell to quick. This led to a failure of communication for the pre-planned acts of the insurgency) .. Based on that Kilcullen (back off any criticism when interviewed) found it hard to blame Rumsfeld for not starting the counter insurgency strategy earlier (like in 2004 when many wanted to. McCain did argue for that group, which for all intents and purposes didn’t help.

    This is based on a shitload of reading as well as conversation over the last couple of years not to mention opinion from rather advised (in the know) individuals…He was not overly popular (but respected) with many command and control military types

    Do your own research, it doesn’t diminish Rummy for me in the big picture

    I just broke my wireless F*King mouse, piece of sh*t

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