Video: Slaughterhouse Accused Of Waterboarding Cows

January 31st, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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14 Responses

  1. Uncle Sam

    :evil: Whoever does or done that to those animals are Bastards just like the Islamists that think animals are unclean and treat animals like sh**, hell, they treat their women like sh**, that makes it easier for them then against animals… :evil:

  2. LftBhndAgn

    Here is the entire story Pat:

    USDA to Review Calif. Slaughterhouse

    I hope to God they throw the book at this slaughterhouse and never allow them a license again. If NOT due to the treatment of the animals then because the animals they are taking in are VERY sick and who’s to say the meat is NOT being sold for human consumption. If they weren’t so concerned about it, then why issue this statement:

    USDA regulations and California law generally do not allow mistreatment of disabled animals, such as dragging them by chains or lifting them with forklifts. Federal regulations also call for keeping downer cows out of the food supply because they may pose a higher risk of E. coli, salmonella contamination, or mad cow disease since they typically wallow in feces and their immune systems are often weak.

    Schafer said “appropriate actions will be taken” if violations are found in the facility but he said there was no evidence that the nation’s beef supply was at risk. In the meantime, USDA has barred any use of meat coming from the slaughterhouse in federal food and nutrition programs.

    I’m getting sick & tired of not being able to trust ANYTHING I buy anymore. Be it the toys with lead from China or the food I put on my table grown right here.

    Remember when the USDA stamp actually meant something?

  3. John Cunningham

    They should be bunking with Michael Vick.

  4. John H

    A man that will so mistreat an animal in public, will also mistreat other people, and his family when no one is looking.

  5. franchie

    Eat more vegetable and fish, you don’t need meat more than twice a week to be healthy ; it would be a solution to “global warming”, as the cattle is at the beginning of the pollution chain with farts, and the soils that are dedicated to their food could be as so useful for vegetal culture

  6. Uncle Sam

    I think the animals and cows we shloud leave alon..their not the Pollution cause…I think its Gore and the Left with the Islamists thats are the Pollution Cause, just their Presence here give me a headache.

  7. franchie

    uncle, I was making derision, you were quick to jump on the “clichés”

    prout prout :lol:

  8. franchie

    “Belching Bovines Are Bad for the Environment:
    How to Clear the Air” Amy Cortese

    “Sure, fossil fuels are a major global warming culprit — but so are cows. Thanks to a ruminant stomach and a diet heavy in grass, a single heifer belches up to 300 pounds of methane a day (oddly, very little comes from flatulence). The natural gas is 20 times worse for the atmosphere than CO2, yet it also dissipates faster. Stop the burps and the air clears. Here’s what researchers propose.

    5 Ways to Cope With a Gassy Cow 1. New Bacteria Large kangaroos eat like cows but produce less methane. The Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries in Australia posits that bacteria in marsupials’ intestines are key, so giving the organisms to bovines may cut methane production.

    2. Gas Capture California inventor Markus Herrema proposes a special pouch to be worn over ow’s mouth. The bag captures exhaled methane, then microbes inside consume the gasses, growing into a biomass that can be used as a cleaner source of energy.

    3. SupplementsLike Beano for bovines, feed additives (such as vegetable oils and fumaric acid) have been shown to cut cows’ methane production up to 20 percent. Chlorinated hydro-carbons could inhibit methane. Down side: They’re expensive and can cause cancer.”

    may-be a Kangaroo curry instead of a Tbone steak :lol:

  9. Frozen Tex

    Damn dirty cows… a little waterboarding, and they’ll soon spill the beans about their insidious plots…

  10. Professor Bill

    Downer cows are scary, when I see downer cows going into a slaughterhouse I think BSE, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, otherwise known as mad cow disease. Hopefully these losers are better at dressing out and slaughtering the animals than they are dealing with the cows.

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    Interesting reaction from people who care more about animals than they do the unborn. The unborn are slaughtered every day…but these cows are given more publicity?

    No, I’m not for this kid of thing. I use to milk dairy cows for a living and we treated them all as family pets. We treated their ills and pains like one would treat a small child.

    My experience with raising animals doesn’t change the fact that animals in many cases are treated better than our young.

    Not so in this case. Those animals should have been put down and properly disposed of. There is WAY too much disease
    in this type of animal. Those diseases will infect the rest of the herd. So it is for the herd’s benefit and the benefit of people to destroy them.

    Using them for people food is insane. Lock up the perps, shut them down permanately. Fine the owners and lock them up too.

    Even so. The unborn are more important. Who will stop their slaughter? Or must we continue to offer sacrifices to Baal ad infinitum?

  12. LftBhndAgn

    As far as the left leaning dumb ass water-boarding line in the story, I just have 2 words.

    Al Cowda

  13. Jim

    “Al Cowda”
    :mrgreen: :beer:

  14. KarfAgora

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