Video: The Democrats’ Favorite Republican

January 26th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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8 Responses

  1. Jim

    What’s not understood is this is helping McCain, not hurting him…This will push many moderates and Dems not happy with Hillary to vote for him..My perspective anyway

  2. RememberOurFathers

    Well, if he’s the democrats favorite republican, i dont really give a shit. He’s been endorsed by the NRA and Norman Schwartzcopz, he has the only viable stragedy to actually win the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan by sending in more troops, and he is a war hero whose love for country sustained him while being tortured by our enemies. Republicans aren’t right about everything and McCain votes how he feels is best for the country, not whats best for a party. McCain ‘08!

  3. KBoomr113

    Until we have 60 Republicans in the Senate, whoever the new president is will have to work with both parties to some degree. His past work with democrats will give them the ability to separate themselves from the democratic party on some issues and actually do whats right for America instead of adhering to the current poisonous political atmosphere where nothing gets done. McCain is the best option to lead America to victory in the GWOT and to convince moderate independents and democrats of the necessity of victory. Remember, as much as we hate to admit it sometimes, we’re all in this together. GO MCCAIN 08!

  4. Jim

    The politics and the border of Mexico start here

    Total Imports of Petroleum (Top 15 Countries)
    (Thousand Barrels per Day)
    Country Nov-07 Oct-07 YTD 2007 Nov-06 Jan - Nov 2006

    CANADA 2,428 2,411 2,431 2,637 2,343
    MEXICO 1,581 1,417 1,553 1,591 1,737
    SAUDI ARABIA 1,609 1,400 1,470 1,507 1,461
    VENEZUELA 1,375 1,388 1,359 1,281 1,433
    NIGERIA 1,276 1,241 1,116 970 1,118
    IRAQ 508 490 495 573 566
    RUSSIA 466 452 422 223 369
    ALGERIA 447 410 677 462 657
    VIRGIN ISLANDS 414 357 342 337 327
    ANGOLA 408 342 513 521 526
    UNITED KINGDOM 202 287 281 265 279
    ECUADOR 161 230 203 251 282
    BRAZIL 88 197 204 182 195
    NETHERLANDS 58 175 124 152 181
    COLOMBIA 219 175 157 46 162

    Crude Oil Imports (Top 15 Countries)
    (Thousand Barrels per Day)
    Country Nov-07 Oct-07 YTD 2007 Nov-06 Jan - Nov 2006


    CANADA 1,919 1,889 1,872 2,093 1,800
    SAUDI ARABIA 1,530 1,370 1,432 1,460 1,418
    MEXICO 1,484 1,322 1,426 1,459 1,608
    VENEZUELA 1,227 1,221 1,141 1,088 1,152
    NIGERIA 1,215 1,184 1,067 917 1,040
    IRAQ 508 490 495 573 566
    ANGOLA 408 342 502 505 504
    COLOMBIA 197 164 139 42 148
    ALGERIA 184 213 452 253 357
    ECUADOR 154 222 198 246 275
    KUWAIT 154 150 178 253 180
    CHAD 107 93 75 118 93
    ARGENTINA 86 26 32 0 30
    RUSSIA 81 118 120 16 105
    BRAZIL 78 172 167 156 134

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    McCain is a loose canon on deck. His motto according to those who served on ships that knew him was basically “all for me and you get yours.”

    So what’s changed? His NY Slimes endorsement? LOL BFD.

    If McCain gets the nod, I’ll hold my nose and vote for him. We’ll see after tuesday. I don’t like Romney either. But I like him better than the loose canon.

    McCain’s views on the border were wrong. McCain-Feingold is wrong and so is his views on waterboarding. And his wife Cindy is as screwey as Kerry’s old bitch.

    No thanks. Boo…McCain…

  6. Jenfidel

    McCain does very little for reasons that are either “Republican” or “Conservative.”
    He’s too old, too cranky and frankly, too unstable, to be President.
    My vote goes for Rudy first, then Romney.
    Those are the only 2 men who come even close to being experienced, mature and qualified enough to be President.
    As for the Dhimmicrat candidates, fuggedaboutit!

  7. John

    I would never fucking vote for john McCain after what he has done, he should be a democrat.

  8. John H

    I don’t agree with everything he’s took a stand on or voted for either.

    But I’m curious what particularly has he done that makes you feel he should be a Democrat for that one issue?

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