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The criminal is always portrayed as the victim.
January 20th, 2008 at 1:59 amHey…this happened in Indianapolis, IN. I live in Indy and we have one of the highest per-capita crime rates in the nation. You have posted the story on your site, today, that describes a brutal shooting of two mothers, while they were holding their two children (one 4 months old and the other 23 months old), who were also slain, just days ago. Four pukes were arrested for that crime yesterday.
But, the local media wants no one to be able to defend themselves against crime and criminals. Evertime there is a citizen response to crime the media cries like babies and presses some governmental action(s) against armed and agressive citizens who “Take the law into their own hands.”
The former mayor, Bart Peterson, had so cut the manpower and morale of the police department that it takes 20-40 minutes for an officer to respond, in his own dictrict.
Citizens of Indianapolis had better properly arm themselves; the dangers are far too real. And you can count on the fact that more of the citizenry shooting back is on the way, because folks just are tired of taking it, they are going to fight back and they should fight back.
Perhaps the guy, in the above story, was somewhat over-zealous and not practicing good weapons safety, but I’m telling you; unless there is a major turn around in this crime-spree, Indianpolis is going to experience many more of these type of events. Most folks have concluded: Enough is enough!
By the way, that was the newly elected mayor, Greg Ballard’s, campaign slogan: “Had enough? Vote ballard.” He is a 23 year retired Marine Corps Lt. Colonel. Perhaps he can bring a swift end to this criminal rich environment that the last administration fostered.
January 20th, 2008 at 6:29 amLol, that guy busted a cap in that old ladies barcalounger.
January 20th, 2008 at 7:28 amDon’t you love the advice they give! Never warm your car up with the keys in the ignition while inside your home. How about the warning to the criminal, you steal I shoot. We are an ass backwards society now.
January 20th, 2008 at 8:24 am