Warning Graphic Video: Paki Tribal Justice

January 11th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

Text says: “Taliban sentencing an assasin to death and then killing him in public in Darra Adam Khel, which is a tribal area of Pakistan. Taliban have declared war against Pervaiz Musharraf’s government in Pakistan.

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12 Responses

  1. Mark Tanberg

    What bravery and how noble

    I watched a movie called The Kite Runner tonight
    very worth seeing.

    also check out the trailer for this flick

  2. Holland

    i always wonder which version of the Quran those extremists have…

    I have seen documentaries where reporters are forbidden to film the corpses of muslims. But i guess all muslims find it ok when the taliban uses the body of a fellow muslim to spread their reign of hate and terror over the world?


  3. John Cunningham

    There has to be a special place for those that have to listen to that voice their last few minutes. Coming to a mosk near you.

  4. trapper

    these are rabid animals and the only cure is a nuke

  5. allahlovesporkchops

    The RoPieces of Shit. Shitslam is not a fckng religion. Nothing like a religion. It’s a fckng death cult. Period.

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    Oh, they’re observing the right form of Islam all right. That’s the problem. As these psychoids get closer to the false prophet, they look more like Mao and his cultural revolution, or Stalin in the 20’s and 30’s.

    You could accidently drop an entire B-1B load of bombs on this crowd and not have any collateral damage at all.

  7. Humble Janoslav

    I wish I had some pithy or poignant words but I’m afraid I’m rather numb. Perhaps even jaded. It’s not a great stretch of imagination to replace those actors with SS guards and Jews.

  8. blastdad

    The name I know thier god by is “Satan”

  9. Kevin M

    If these barnyard animals are so fucking proud of their death-cult, why do they all wear face masks?

    Nuke Waziristan. Nuke it now!

  10. everydayjoe

    I have to seriously wonder about any society that is comfortable with its citizens hiding their faces behind masks.

    Unbelievable. It’s like an entire culture made up of murderous armed robbers.

    Sure, I can understand the need for facial protection, as it relates to weather-related or regional phenomena, -sand, dirt, sun, etc., but it seems the anonymity ultimately enables violent behavior.

    Fucking savages.

  11. TJ (the Kafir)

    When your leader is a benevolent man of peace we are not surprised by followers such as MLK or mother Theresa, and when your leader is a murderer , thief and rapist we are not surprised when your most earnest followers emulate him. :cry:

  12. Giorgi

    Well at least they shot him and didnt chop his head off…thats an improvement..but maybe they were out of “holy” knife-sets

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