Deadly Ricin Found In Vegas - 7 Rushed To Hospital

February 29th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


There is no use for Ricin other than as an agent of death. Fox News is reporting that 3 of the peole exposed are cops.

Reports as of 10:00 AM PST are that one of those people is gravely ill.

LAS VEGAS - Ricin, a deadly poison, was discovered in a hotel room in Las Vegas but is not thought to be terrorism related, police and FBI officials said on Friday.

A Las Vegas police spokeswoman said officers were called to an Extended Stay America Hotel on Thursday after a suspicious substance was reported in one of the rooms.

Preliminary tests indicated the substance was ricin, which can be deadly even in small quantities. Results from further tests were expected later on Friday.

Homeland Security and the FBI are investigating along with the Las Vegas police. “This event does not appear to be terrorism related,” FBI spokesman Richard Kolko said in a statement.

Three police officers, three hotel employees and another person were taken to the hospital for testing and observation on Thursday but were released on Friday in good health, police said.

Ricin is made from castor beans and in proper doses can be used for cancer treatments. It attacks cells, preventing them from making necessary proteins, and an amount the size of a grain of salt can be deadly.

In 2003 an envelope containing ricin was sent to the White House but was intercepted by the Secret Service. Ricin also was found in a similar envelope at a South Carolina postal facility.

It also was detected in a Senate mailroom in 2004.

In 1978 dissident Bulgarian writer Georgi Markov was killed after a passerby in London jabbed him with an umbrella that injected a tiny ricin-filled pellet.


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8 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    1) WHOSE room was it?

    2) Are you checking the cat houses and bars for freshly shaved young men of a “certain” ethnic/religious persuasion?

    3) Check their [shoes] for traces of soil/sand indigenous to the Mexico border …

  2. bill-tb

    Why would anyone but a terrorist have ricin?

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    Always makes me suspicious when every strange story you hear always has the following words: “not thought to be terrorism related”

    I swear i dont think they would tell us if something was terror related out of fear it would mess up our economy. people staying home and avoiding certain places ya know.

    Why would someone have Ricin? like bash said, there is no other use for it other than trying to take someone or mass quantities of people out

  4. TBinSTL

    Latest I’ve seen:

    Looks like at least one has been exposed. No word on who/what/why so far….

  5. drillanwr

    UPDATE (with little ‘new’ info) :;_ylt=Aq6SqYMq8yfT1r5P6INhtjqs0NUE

  6. Paslode

    There is no legal manufacturer of ricin, no real use except to kill and it is nicely bottled in vials………I smell something foul in the air.

  7. kozanne

    The person who was renting the room at the Extended Stay hotel off strip was hospitalized on the 14th for ’severe respiratory distress’. He is comatose and not capable of answering questions from the LEO’s.

    Faux News had a live presser this morning. Two things 1) SEVERAL vials of ricin were found in a sealed baggie and 2) there was a dog in the unit that had been without food and water for 2 weeks. It was euthanized. While that doesn’t seem all that important, I understand that having dogs as pets is haram to muslims, so even though the ethnicity and name of the guy in the hospital has not been publicized, I am not sure he is muslim.

    I used to live in Vegas and know where that hotel is. It’s off strip. Too many eyes in the sky in the more popular hotels.

    So….if you’re going to cook some castor beans and manufacture ricin, a quiet little off strip hotel complete with microwave and coffee pot works well.

    This is FAR from over. NASCAR races are at the speedway there this weekend. More people than usual in Vegas at that time of year.

  8. allahlovesporkchops

    Internment camps. Denounce shitslam and live. Maybe

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