ABC Host Helps Geraldo Fight “Anti-Illegal Fear”

February 26th, 2008 Posted By Bash.



Good Morning America” co-host Chris Cuomo used an interview with Geraldo Rivera on Tuesday to once again showcase his liberal views on illegal immigration. Touting the Fox News host’s new book “His Panic,” Cuomo gushed over the “beautiful” title and immediately accepted the premise of the book by stating, “But it is about why Americans fear Hispanics in the U.S.–You believe to be the case.”

Later in the segment, he again dropped any objectivity and opined, “There is a lot of history, a lot of fact in this book. Interesting in a discussion that’s usually fueled by passion–” In comparison, the host offered no such accolades to Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo, a foe of illegal immigration. During a June 2007 interview with the then-presidential candidate, Cuomo asked if Tancredo, who fought for tough border security bills, was “driving anti-immigrant sentiment?” He also chided Tancredo for using “scary” words in regard to the contentious subject.

During the February 26 segment with Rivera, Cuomo asked a single question from the conservative perspective. (He pointed out to the FNC host that previous waves of immigrants came to the America legally.) However, the GMA anchor never seriously discussed negative aspects to illegal immigration, such as the national security threat that comes with an open border. (The only mention of terrorism came in a derisive comment about baseless fear. On opposition to such immigration, Cuomo dismissively wondered, “Is it fear? Is it fear of terrorism, fear of the unknown?”)

Instead, Cuomo provided leading queries, such as when he played a clip of Rivera’s famous April 2007 immigration debate with FNC anchor Bill O’Reilly. Cuomo followed up by asking, in a completely perplexed tone, “Why the passion? Why the paradox here?” Returning to his editorialist mode, the ABC host expounded, “America is about who is in it more than any other country in the world, about the diversity. But so much anger and passion on this issue. Why?”

Cuomo also allowed Rivera to take a shot at CNN host Lou Dobbs, who he insisted, “has resurrected a failed career on the backs of [immigrants.]” The GMA anchor closed the segment with the kind of comment that could end up as a blurb on the book’s dust jacket: “The book is called ‘His Panic.’ A lot in here of fact and history in here. Takes the argument forward.”

Full article and transcript of Geraldo’s segment at Newsbusters.

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7 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    This is such “So, when did you stop beating your wife?” bullshit spin … Geraldo’s a fucking self-imposed dolt.

    This is NOT anti-”Hispanic” … It IS anti-illegal alien … “Hispanic” or otherwise.

    Damn it! I am so sick of this …

    Perhaps I should steal a copy of Geraldo’s book, Xerox copies of it, and sell them for MY profit …

    MAYBE then he MIGHT get a clue here?

    He is empowering CRIMINALS … Yeah, even the “gardener” who IS the nicest guy you might ever meet IS a criminal … if he is here illegally!

    BTW, you poll LEGAL Hispanic immigrants to this country and the vast majority of them are pissed at these illegals.

  2. CJW

    It is not a racial issue against one group. It is totally a geographic issue.

    If Hungary were on our southern border and they had 20 million illegals here in the U.S., we would be bitching and griping about the illegal Hungarians.

    And Geraldo is an ass wipe.

  3. Paslode

    I am all for Hispanics coming to this country as long as they do it legally and I would rather have 1 million legal immigrants than one muslim any day.

    The fact of the matter is that some people want illegals here so they can profit. The profiteers are corporations, lawyers and lobbiest.

  4. scene1

    I don’t have a problem with illegal immigrants. Before 9/11 we had lots of good looking, talented, english speaking Irish folks here, illegally. they did a great job, were great people and added something to our country and culture. The shit people sneaking in from the south are inferior in every way. they are for the most part, short, ugly, dumb as dirt, exclusively spanish speaking, disease riddled scum. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but WTF, these are the facts.

  5. John Cunningham

    Cuomo, you fuck nut, it’s the cost of illegals. If there were illegals in previous immigrating groups they didn’t start collecting welfare the minute they go off of the boat. We can’t afford to pay uneducated people to dump themselves on our doorstep and expect us to set them up so they can breed and play house at taxpayers expense. Especially when the country they’re coming from is awash in oil revenue that their corrupt government won’t let trickle down to those poor. Again, you stupid fuck, it’s the cost they bring with them. There will be no return on the “investment” until their children learn English, become educated and then get a job which is more than grounds keeping and restaurant work. Not that there’s anything wrong with those jobs. We have American young people that will do those jobs. They’re called entry level jobs, Americans will do them. But, they’ve been underbid by illegals.

  6. TJ (The Kafir)

    scene1 STFU. you are exactly what the dickheads like cuomo point to. Racists. In fact, I have a feeling you are a libtard in disguise. do me a favor grab a :gun: and end it all!

  7. MAC

    A few more points Geraldo and the MSM fail to mention are: The United States had very few social programs with our past mass immigrations. A portion of these “immigrants” are not motivated to learn English or assimilate. Do we really want to risk a “Quebec” in our southern states? The percent of immigrants to the general population could be greater than any mass immigration in our past. Do we want to risk importing (through a new massive voting block) the failed Latin America culture/politics?

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