Afghans Headed To France Busted With Mexican Passports

February 13th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Is it just me? Or does anyone else see a big connect-the-dots thing here…?

Kochi, INDIA, Feb 13-Three Afghan nationals were arrested at the Nedumbaserry International Airport, near here, today for travelling on fake Mexican passports, Immigration officials said.

The three were earlier in the day deported from Kuwait after authorities there doubted their claim to be Mexican nationals.

Immigration and other security officials interrogated the three for several hours and finally arrested them on charges of travelling on forged passports.

According to Immgiration officials, they were Afghan nationals trying to go to France. However, their real names have not been disclosed so far.

The Mexican passports which they were carrying identified them as Antonio Lopez Juan (42), Javier Sanchez Alberto (20) and Atonio Lopez Ernesto (16). They had left from Nedumbaserry Airport on February 11 for Kuwait en route to France.

However, the emigration officials at Kuwait had found them to be suspects as they reportedly could not understand any Spanish. They also suspected the passports to be forged. The three were then deported to Nedumbaserry today.

The three had reportedly arrived in New Delhi on January 23 this year, as per the stamps on their passports. However, there was some doubt about the authenticity of the arrival stamps on the passports also, emigration officials said.


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12 Responses

  1. Paslode

    Juan Hernandez says with a big smile an open border is esssential to our economy…..What will impact our ecomony more? 20 million illegals or 3 Illegal Afghans posing as Mexicans and a WMD?

  2. Ranger

    Fucking idiots. Mexicans and Arabs don’t look that similar.

  3. Laura

    Wow, those names are dead giveaways.

  4. Jeff

    It’s just a matter of time. They’ll learn some Spanish and one of our cities will melt.

    Meanwhile, we sit on our asses, grinning and ignoring the flood pouring in every day.

  5. q_mech


    I had to look that up. It turns out to be real, but I had to check to make sure there wasn’t any dumb-assery going on.

  6. dad3-7

    roger ur racial profilling,,, naughty naughty,,,

  7. Tom in CO

    mccain probably wants to give them z-visas now as a good-will gesture.

  8. jgee

    ok… did those dumbshits screw up the order of the names so that their “last names” were in the “middle names” spot??????? if so… wow… that’s amazing… f’in dirka dirkas

  9. Vanessa

    I dunno if its just me but whenever I see Juan Hernandez’s smug face I just want to bash his face in.
    Who do these people think they are to tell us about our country and by G*d what fools are those who let them.

    Americans do not realize how many there are in and out trying to harm America.

    America works because of its past….the same as all the other failures countries because of their pasts.

    The farther we stray from our forefathers the more we lose our country. I really believe this.

  10. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Ya Vanessa, I agree. I can’t stand him. (Juan Hernandez)
    He reminds me of one of those Spanish Conquistadores who talked to Montezuma telling him how cool everything will be if he would only see it their way.
    Then we all know what happened.

    And yes, stay close to the “Founding Generation.”
    God bless General Washington and the Continental Army.

  11. 007

    Don’t Forget Obama is going to save the day???????

  12. Laura

    For the Mexican names, the last two names are (supposed) to be surnames - the first is the father’s, the second the mother’s. What a bunch of losers.

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