“Afraid To Act Against Honor Crimes In Case They Are Called Racist”

February 4th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Honour killing victim: Surjit Kaur Athwal

From Merry Old England…

The Daily Mail:

Teachers, police and councils are afraid to take action against so-called honour crimes for fear of being accused of racism, it is claimed.

Women are also being betrayed by community figures who believe those who break traditional taboos deserve to be punished, the report found.

Researchers say taxi drivers, police and government workers of Asian origin are returning women to the domestic abuse they want to escape.

The report by the Centre for Social Cohesion think-tank voices the concerns of activists who say they are seeing more women fleeing “honour-based” violence.

But lack of funding means shelters have been forced to turn victims away.

The Crown Prosecution Service says about 12 women are victims of honour killings in the UK each year.

The researchers fear the real figure is much higher.

The study found that honour crimes are being carried out by third and fourth generation immigrants.

It also says there is evidence that Asian policemen and councillors try to block the activities of women’s groups.

“The Government is still not taking honour crime seriously,” said James Brandon, one of the report’s authors.

“Until this happens, the ideas of honour which perpetuate this violence will continue to be passed from generation to generation.”

The report says women have been attacked for forming “inappropriate” relationships, wanting to go to university or listening to Western music.

It found that “political correctness” was preventing bodies from tackling crimes which exist in the country’s Muslim, Sikh and Hindu communities.

The authors said families withdraw teenage daughters from school because they fear men will be unwilling to marry them if they are educated.

Many men brought up here want “freshies” - women “uncontaminated” by ideas of independence.

Rahni Binjie of the Roshni Asian Women’s Aid, a refuge in Nottingham, said: “We’ve had women who have disappeared from the education system. We don’t know if they’ve been taken abroad or killed or anything.”

Activists say there are particular problems with taxi firms who return women fleeing from abuse.

Jasvinder Sanghera, of the Karma Nirvana refuge in Derby, said: “We just can’t trust them. This can be a matter of life and death for these girls.”

Honour cases include that of Surjit Kaur Athwal, a Sikh lured to India and killed on the orders of her husband and mother-in-law.

Bachan Athwal and her son Sukhdave, 43, ordered the honour ‘killing’ of the 27-year-old Customs officer at Heathrow after she had an affair and started divorce proceedings. They were jailed in

The young Sikh woman vanished after going to a family wedding in India in December 1998. It is believed the grandmother’s brother Darshan strangled her in the Punjab before throwing her in a river. Her body has never been found.

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8 Responses

  1. JTS

    Sounds like the caliphate has already been established, maybe we should invade britain next?

  2. allahlovesporkchops

    Those pieces of shit beat, rape, throw acid on, and murder women, then they want the rest of the world to believe they know what the fuck HONOR means?

  3. ERS

    Nothing in this report surprises me, though it does dismay me. Something is really wrong in this world when protecting delicate feelings is a higher priority than protecting precious lives.

    Ellen R. Sheeley, Author
    “Reclaiming Honor in Jordan”

  4. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Take a good look America.
    We have over 1,000,000 of these people in the nation.
    Bad freaking news.
    Who the heck is letting them in?

  5. Seane-Anna

    Honor killing is not just among Muslims but the Sikhs and Hindus, too? We Westerners had better get enough balls to tell ALL immigrants that living in our lands means living by our values, and “honor” killing isn’t one of them. And anyone who believes that being “anti-racist” is more important than protecting human life doesn’t deserve his own.

  6. John Cunningham

    And these crimes are being committed by third and fourth generation immigrants? As Seane-Anna expressed surprise about the Sikhs and Hindus I am also surprised. The Sikhs left India because of religious discrimination by the Hindus. They’re bringing that third-world shit over here.

  7. mindy abraham

    dammit this pisses me off-why do they not act civililized? :evil:

  8. Karen Tintori

    It is not our custom in the West for male family members to murder wives, sisters, daughters, cousins for real or imagined affronts to family “honor.”

    If we are afraid to speak up for basic human dignity and rights, to stand up for the victims of these heinous crimes, if we hide behind murmurs of cultural or moral relativism, shame on us. We are simply handing over our own culture in the most cowardly way.

    Karen Tintori, author
    Unto the Daughters: The Legacy of an Honor Killing in a Sicilian-American Family

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