Al Qaeda Preparing Attack On U.S.

February 6th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Washington Times:

Senior al Qaeda leaders have diverted operatives from Iraq across the globe and are increasing preparations to strike the United States, senior intelligence officials told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence yesterday. They said the terrorists had plans to attack the White House as recently as 2006.

“Al Qaeda is improving the last key aspect of its ability to attack the U.S. — the identification, training and positioning of operatives for an attack in the homeland,” said Michael McConnell, director of national intelligence, which oversees all 16 U.S. intelligence agencies.

Intelligence officials also said they used a controversial interrogation tactic known as “waterboarding,” which some people regard as torture, only on three senior al Qaeda members early in the war on terror and that it has not been used in five years.

The officials added that al Qaeda is recruiting Westerners to terror camps in Pakistan.

“While increased security measures at home and abroad have caused al Qaeda to view the West, especially the U.S., as a harder target, we have seen an influx of new Western recruits into the tribal areas since mid-2006, ” Mr. McConnell said.

Mr. McConnell revealed that al Qaeda had plans to specifically target the White House.

“It [al Qaeda] probably will continue to devote some effort towards honoring bin Laden’s request in 2005 that al Qaeda attempt to strike the United States, affirmed publicly by current al Qaeda leader Abu Ayyub al-Masri in a November 2006 threat against the White House,” he said.

White House officials would not comment on specific security threats to the president or the White House.


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8 Responses

  1. T Double Dash

    Why doesn’t this suprise me?

  2. Wolfman

    haven’t they always been planning?

  3. Dave M.

    Go on punks,
    Make our day.

  4. PhilNBlanx

    How can this be?

    Did John Edwards not tell us the war on terror is just a bumper-sticker slogan?

  5. Vanessa

    And when arn’t the gatekeepers for the death cult called islam prepareing our demise.

    Stupid asses.

  6. GBU43

    No more water boarding when McCain becomes president. A strike on the white house with him in it.. Wouldn’t that be ironic.

  7. danielle

    Heckk noo! They’re not takin’ GWB and the White House down! I just don’t see it happenin’ to Bush and Cheney.

  8. Gaige Mosher

    Doesn’t this line up with an earlier article that the instances of terrorists entering Iraq from Saudi Arabia has dropped drastically? Makes sense. They’re diverting them here! :sad:

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