Andrea Mitchell: Maybe Hussein Will Push Gun Control After Illinois Shootings

February 15th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Interesting catch by Mark Finkelstein at Newsbusters:

Andrea Mitchell stopped just short of donning an impromptu Obama campaign-advisor hat. But the NBC correspondent has left little doubt she personally feels the time is ripe for Barack Obama to promote gun control as a campaign issue.

Guest co-anchoring today’s Morning Joe, Mitchell was discussing yesterday’s shootings at Northern Illinois University with Willie Geist.

ANDREA MITCHELL: You know, it does bring to mind all the debates we’ve had over the years about gun control. I remember covering it on the Hill in the ’80s. Of course I know the Bradys and all the efforts they made, and it eventually persuaded Ronald Reagan to switch his position on gun control and depart from what was traditional consersative Republican ideology. And gun control is not yet a big issue in this campaign, but you wonder: Barack Obama is a senator from Illinois. Maybe this will become propelled to the front of the –


My reading of the subtext: bien pensant people in the DC set like me of course favor gun control. Even conservative ideologues like Ronald Reagan are redeemable. Surely the time has come for Barack Obama to step up to the plate.

I wonder what specific law, in addition to the hundreds already on the books, Mitchell believes would have averted these murders?

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16 Responses

  1. Caligula

    all gun control will do is make us say “hmm, where’d they get those guns” the next time there’s a shooting

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    Gun control wont work because we already have restrictions on felons having guns and they always get them anyways. and i dont want my ass on the line when they have guns and we dont have any to defend ourselves

    Obama did say we need to stop gun violence in this country so he will probably push for something.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    “Quemadmoeum gladis nemeinum occidit,
    occidentis telum _est” - Lucius Annaeus Seneca “the younger” ca. (4 BC - 65 AD)

    “There exists a law, not written down anywhere, but in our hearts; a law which comes to us not by training or custom or reading; a law which has come to us not from theory but from practice; not by instruction but by natural intuition: I refer to the law which lays it down that, if our lives are endangered by plots or violence or armed robbers or enemies, any and every method of protecting ourselves is morally right.”

    Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 BC-43 BC) Roman Orator and Statesman

  4. John Cunningham

    Andrea and Willie, please don’t have children. I know Andrea Mitchell’s in her sixties, but stranger things have happened. Why do we have to keep saying, “when they take away everyone’s weapons the only one’s with weapons will be criminals”?

  5. John Cunningham

    Dan, we’ve been saying it that long?

    I’m going to go to the store and get a six pack and a cheese steak hoagie.

  6. ticticboom

    They banned weapons in England. How’s that working out?

  7. BILL

    Bottom line all of America should be a gun free zone like our schools! It works! Can’t you tell? Scumbags can walk into a school and have a field day. Isn’t that what Liberals feel is the correct solution to violence? Gun free zones. See then the only people committing any type of violent act will be the sickos. Liberal America…

  8. Kevin M

    Typical liberal (non)mentality: There’s a problem, so let’s pass a law!

    ACT I

    1. People take drugs and become stupid.
    2. We don’t like stupid people.
    3. Make drugs illegal (on the assumption drugs will go away).
    4. Drugs are now illegal. People still want them.
    5. POOF!
    6. Now, in addition to drugs and stupid people, we have the Al Capones of the drug world, raising holy hell in addition to legions of stupid people financing their terrorist behavior.

    ACT II

    1. Vicious people use guns to kill unarmed sheep.
    2. Libs like unarmed sheep. Libs are afraid of vicious people. Libs are also afraid of guns.
    3. Let’s make guns illegal. Like drugs, they’ll just go away.
    4. Guns are now illegal. People still want them. Vicious people are still around (golly!).
    5. POOF!
    6. Law-abiding citizens don’t/can’t buy guns. Vicious people get them (or manufacture them) very easily.
    7. Vicious people don’t even have to give a second thought about an armed sheep. Now instead of the sheep arming themselves, they are slaughtered in unprecedented numbers.

    Libs are evil, stupid retards. We have asylums.


    1. Incarcerate/Euthenize all liberals. They are not capable of living like sentient human beings anyway. Put them in daycare centers or zoos so they can’t hurt people any more.

    Here endeth the lesson.

  9. 0311inOHio

    :shock: NIU IS a gun free zone.. WTF? Should have never happened. :roll:

  10. A. S. Wise- VA

    He would, the opportunist bastard.

    It happened at Tech, it’s happened on other campuses, it’ll happen again.

    I’m part of a campaign to let CCW holders be permitted to carry on-campus. When will they learn criminals won’t obey the rules?!

  11. Joe in MD

    Hey let’s be like Scotland! It has been gun free for 60 years.
    Of course, it’s now the most violent developed country in the world:

    The weapon of choice?

    Their solution?
    Knife registration. Knives can only be purchased by adults from registered knife dealers.

  12. Schlitz

    I believe the big question here is whens enough going to be enough? When are laws and constution going to start sticking again? Anyone here spent some time in England and visited there lovely gun store? More of a toy shop of pellet guns that look like real ones. Guys in there buying them for defense even though you cant carry even a baseball bat in you trunk of your car without a glove and ball.Other wise your going to jail. Women cant carry any mase or any weapons to defend themselves. I had to give my wife a shrap pencil and a spray can for back pain as a form of mace.

    Me and my marine buddys totally believe there going to try to impliment the same laws as they did on CA and NY for gun control as a start,but we will see wont we.

  13. JCD

    Thousands of gun control laws exist on the books right now, in total combined state/federal.How many more laws need to be passed before we finally realize that you cannot regulate away violence?

  14. drillanwr

    I’m willing to let Hussein have “gun control” … but ONLY if he personally goes to EVERY house to collect them.

  15. old11B

    Bash: I’m glad you didn’t show a picture of “ANDREA MITCHELL”,…..phew!

  16. Dan (The Infidel)

    @John Cunningham

    Yeah, I know. That reminder was for the libshits. I also took a stab at the Saidists. :mrgreen:

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