Argentina & Brazil Co-Opt To Make Nuke Subs

February 25th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


We launched our first Nuke sub, the USS Nautilus, 54 years ago, thats fifty-four, that’s FIFTY-FOUR, that’s five and a half decades, that’s 54 years ago…

Sarkozy has France in that deal somewhere, as well…

Argentina and Brazil are to jointly build nuclear-powered submarines by pooling their expertise in atomic technology, Brazilian Defense Minister Nelson Jobim said in an announcement published Sunday.

The project will also involve France, which is to contribute to the non-nuclear side of building the vessels, he told the Argentine newspaper Clarin.

The plans were revealed after an agreement Friday between the presidents of Argentina and Brazil, Cristina Kirchner and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, to set up a joint uranium enrichment company to build a power-generating nuclear reactor to serve both countries.

Jobim said talks with his counterpart, Nilda Garre, and three military chiefs in Argentina resulted in an accord “to build a bi-national company to make the reactor” that would propel the submarines.

The Argentines are to bring their experience in building nuclear reactors to the deal, while the Brazilians will apply their knowledge in atomic combustion, he said.

The French input comes from a “strategic alliance” offered by French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

During discussions with Sarkozy last week, “we agreed to create good conditions for a bilateral company aimed at the non-nuclear part of the submarine,” Jobim said.

His comments were made as he accompanied Lula on an official two-day visit to Buenos Aires.

The joint enrichment program announced by Lula and Kirchner was presented as being exclusively for peaceful, power-generating purposes.

Argentina is the first South American country with a nuclear power industry. It currently boasts of two nuclear plants, with a third under construction, and also exports nuclear technology.

Lula last year decided to relaunch his country’s nuclear program, taking advantage of the fact that Brazil has the sixth largest uranium reserves in the world.

Kirchner and Lula have agreed to meet every six months to review joint projets. They will next meet September 8 in Brasilia.

Jobim said Brazil also proposed the creation of a South American security council that would address regional defense issues.

He said the idea was “very well received” by Argentina and he planned to head to other countries soon to promote the initiative, starting with Venezuela, which Lula is to visit at the beginning of April.


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2 Responses

  1. RogueCode

    LOL ! Brazilians and Argetinians togheter is such a project is a sure way to sink it (in the worst possible way)…

  2. Brian H

    Co-opt? Doesn’t that mean subvert, or cause to switch allegiances? Oh, well …

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