Arizona To Get “Virtual” Border Fence

February 22nd, 2008 Posted By Bash.



WASHINGTON- A 28-mile “virtual fence” that will use radars and surveillance cameras to try to catch people entering the country illegally has gotten final government approval.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff on Friday was to announce approval of the fence, built by the Boeing Co. (BA) and using technology the Bush administration plans to extend to other areas of the Arizona border, as well as sections of Texas. These projects could get under way as early as this summer, officials said.

The virtual fence is part of a national plan to secure the southwest border with physical barriers and high-tech detection capabilities intended to stop illegal immigrants on foot and drug smugglers in vehicles. As of Feb. 8, 295 miles of fencing had been constructed.

The virtual fence already is working.

On Feb. 13, an officer in a Tucson command center - 70 miles from the border - noticed a group of about 100 people gathered at the border. The officer notified agents on the ground and in the air. Border Patrol caught 38 of the 100 people who tried to cross illegally, and the others went back into Mexico, a Homeland Security official said.

The virtual fence system includes 98-foot unmanned surveillance towers that are equipped with an array of sophisticated technology including radar, sensor devices and cameras capable of distinguishing people from cattle at a distance of about 10 miles. The cameras are powerful enough to tell group sizes and whether people are carrying backpacks that may contain weapons or drugs.


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4 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    I would just set up tons of trip wire and claymore mines.

    but ill settle for a virtual fence. anything that helps to stop this problem

  2. ECM

    Hello? How about a good ol’ double-layer fence/wall like the Israelis have?! A .380 average might be great for the MLB, but I’m a lot less impressed by it for our borders.

  3. Caligula

    28 mile? that’s NOTHING!!! we need 300miles!!!

  4. JonnyMordant

    :arrow: Caligula

    How about 28 miles of that fence line and 272 miles of the fence line Kurt(the infidel) suggested? I like that plan better!

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