Ask Hussein, Hillary Your Questions
Politico editor-in-chief John F. Harris and ABC 7 News anchor Leon Harris are interviewing Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama on Monday — one day before the Chesapeake primaries in Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C. — and you can submit questions for us to ask the Democratic presidential hopefuls.
The discussions will air live at 7 p.m. Monday on ABC 7 News and News Channel 8 and will be streamed on
Click here for page to submit your questions
Obama wants to chat with Iran when he becomes President. We hear the word “change” a lot with the Democrats. Number one on Iran’s list of things to do is to kill all of the Jews. Number two is to have all of the rest of us on a prayer rug five times a day or we will have to be killed. If he gets the opportunity to “chat” does he think he will be able to “change” their minds and accept just killing half of the Jews and will they accept just all of the Presbyterians and the Sikhs to be on the prayer rug five times a day? Will they “change” their minds and leave the rest of us alone?
February 9th, 2008 at 8:17 am1. If you were the first generation American son of a communist russian and the stepson of a communist chinese do you think you would be running?
2. What accomplishments have you ever completed vs talk that qualifies you to be President and CIC.
3. Have you read America Alone by Mark Steyn
February 9th, 2008 at 9:47 am@John Cunningham
I would bet this Q&A session will be scripted and they won’t accomodate any questions regarding your concerns.
February 9th, 2008 at 9:48 amOsama Obama:
“Obama? He’s missing a trick. If he were to announce that he was raised, or was considered by some to be, a Muslim, but never accepted the faith, and openly demonstrated his Christianity just as soon as he safely could, that could gain him support. If he could depict himself, perhaps correctly, as an apostate, that would be even better: it would put him in the company of Ibn Warraq, Wafa Sultan, Ali Sina, Nonie Darwish, Walid Shoebat, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali. (He should start seeing her, start learning from her, and make sure those photographs of him with her are widely distributed, if he knows what’s morally and intellectually good for him.) When it comes to totalitarian belief-systems, always learn from, in depth, those who were born into societies ruled or suffused with that belief-system, and who mentally fought their way out. They should be the guides.”
Qusetion: Magic Boy will you do this? And how are you kafr enough to be CIC? Prove it. Also where does the rhetoric end and the substance begin? A man is known by his deeds, not his words and you have lots of the latter, but none of the former.
As for Hilda:
“Hillary Clinton has not uttered a word to distance herself from her husband’s insensate courtship of Yasir Arafat, or his unshakeable determination to misunderstand the Islamic basis of Arab opposition to Israel — a misunderstanding that explains not only his failure at “peacemaking” but all the failures before his tenure, including that at Camp David, which resulted not so much a “peace treaty” as a gang-up on Israel, with Carter and Brzezinski outdoing even Sadat (that’s Saint Sadat), in making demands on a hapless, hopeless, sentimental, uncomprehending Begin.
There is the matter of the huge Saudi contributions to Bill Clinton, of his offer to defend the Dubai deal, of his fantastic payments for lectures either in the Gulf (as in Qatar), or in Arab-funded lecture series (the Fares Lectures at the Fletcher School). There is the matter of that Saudi girl who has in the last month or two disappeared from view. There is the matter of the Turkish financier who paid for the movie “Valley of the Wolves” — a movie depicting American soldiers in Iraq as Nazis, and with a piquant “Jewish doctor” who, Mengele-like, cuts out the organs of dead Iraqis to sell them in New York and Tel Aviv. That movie is equivalent to “Jud Suss.” Would we support a candidate who had as one of his delegates to some convention in the 1930s someone akin to Joseph Goebbels? No? Then why — if we are to believe Debbie Schlussel — do we pass by, without a word, such a Clinton delegate as the Turkish(-American?) movie-financer in question?”
Question: Hey Hilda, why are you and your husband so fucking corrupt? And why do you keep hiding from these facts? Why would I elect an official with the crap you have in your closet…bitch?
Yeah, that’s the ticket.
February 9th, 2008 at 10:24 amat least we know who the witch is,,
That we are giving the keys to all the western world’s economic and military secrets to Osama and the new black panthers and minister Farrakhan/Libya is pretty amazing.
February 9th, 2008 at 12:00 pmWhy isn’t obama’s hand on his heart?! he doesn’t care about this country…
February 9th, 2008 at 1:18 pmHe may not wish to offend the Muslims he intends on appeasing.
February 9th, 2008 at 1:24 pmHe may not wish to offend the Muslims but he is worse than an infidel; he someone who has rejected Islam. They won’t even be in the same room with him unless it is to kill him.
February 9th, 2008 at 6:39 pmHe is clueless. He could only be nominated by the vacuum heads in the democrat party that has long stood for nothing but their own corrupt power.