At USAF Academy: Muslim Student Threatens Ex-Muslim Speaker

February 8th, 2008 Posted By The Bashman.


We told you about the ex-muslim jihadi speakers who are speaking to groups here in America in an attempt to help Americans, especially those in the military and law enforcement, understand the mindset of jihadis so that we may better learn how to turn them into rat food and send their souls straight to Hell.

This from MMDW:

Former terrorists Walid Shoebat, Kamal Saleem and Zak Anani addressed cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, during their annual political forum. They shared their experiences as terrorists and helped cadets understand the Islamic fundamentalist mind set.

During the event a Jordanian college student, identified as Omar Khalifa of Metro International, approached Kamal Saleem and spoke to him in Arabic, “you are an enemy of Islam and you must die.” The incident was reported to Military Police, who investigated Khalifa’s threat.

“The men receive threats of this nature all of time and we take each one very seriously,” said Keith Davies, Executive Director of the Shoebat Foundation. “That is why each of the men live in seclusion.”

Numerous media outlets (New York Times, the Associated Press, The Colorado Springs Gazette, the Rocky Mountain News) did not report on the former terrorists’ message, but instead focused on the [inaccurate] media statements distributed by CAIR (Council for American Islamic Relations), in an all-out campaign to discredit the speakers credentials and background.

“We have all been told that Islam has been hijacked by extremists,” said Walid Shoebat. “Yet CAIR, who professes to be ‘Moderate Muslims’ are the Three Ex Terrorists biggest critics, and pull out all stops to try and keep out voices from being heard. I beg to ask the question; if CAIR is indeed moderate as they claim, then WHY are they not supporting our campaign against ‘extremists? If they are sincerely against the Fundamentalist Muslim agenda why do they appose us?”

According to the Air Force Academy’s public affairs office CAIR spokesman, Ibrahim Hooper, contacted them numerous times criticizing the scheduling of the three men, and requesting an opportunity to have a CAIR representative share with cadets information about the Islamic faith. The Academy informed Hooper that the event was not about religion, but about terrorism, and he denied CAIR’s request.

Each of the men can document their stories and identities. Shoebat has spoken at more than 50 events, including many prestigious organizations and venues. He has also addressed audiences at numerous government agencies, who always scrutinize his credentials and background, and they have cleared him each and every time. He has spoken at the National Constitution Center, Columbia, Stanford and Harvard universities, the Department of Homeland Security, and the FBI Academy, to name only a few. The advisory board of the Walid Shoebat Foundation is comprised of Generals and other senior officers from the U.S. Military.

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11 Responses

  1. Paslode

    A one way ticket back to Jordan for Omar is in order……and CAIR can fuck off.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    CAIR and the rest of their Muslim extremist brethern are unable to debate these three guys…so they resort to the only thing that works for them: a smear campaign of lies (tagyiya) and then this puke goat-fucker tries to threaten them with death.

    What’s the matter Mooslems? Afraid that these three guys are telling the truth?

    We’ve read your playbooks assholes and your version Mein Kampf (aka the Koranic Koloring Book). We’re wise to you. And we know that these three warriors are right.

    Nice job Walid, Zak and Kamal. You guys are the real Shaheen in this story.

    Oh, and fuck you CAIR. And give Omar a ride on the next banana boat to that Shangra-la of Islam that he came from. Either that or deep-six his ass.

  3. TBinSTL

    If you haven’t seen it you should watch this version of “Open Season” by Stuck Mojo and Walid Shoebat.

  4. drillanwr

    :arrow: TBinSTL

    Yeah, the more I hear Stuck Mojo (”Open Season”) the more I hope Pat uses it in YA.

  5. JWalk

    CAIR clearly makes the tie that so many refuse to make and that is that terrorism is ISLAM. now according to them it’s not their brand of islam, but that’s just them practicing taqquiya or however you spell it.

  6. Sbmt2no1

    Omar was so fug his momma had to tie a porkchop around his neck so his dog would play with him - oh wait mooslimbs don’t like pork they don’t mind explosives though…fuck them and the camel they rode in on - i dont mind anyone except those who demand that I bow down to their superiority, demand a new law just for them, demand what cartoons I draw, demand whether my religion is valid

  7. John Cunningham

    Why can’t anyone tell CAIR to go fuck themselves. How about it Sestak?

  8. A. S. Wise- VA

    Because of this, Shoebat & Co. have gained more credibility in my mind.

  9. Theresa, MSgt (ret), USAF

    I sure hope Jordanian college student, Omar Khalifa, is being charged with making death threats and then the student visa he is here under revoked and his stupid jihadi suppporting ass sent home pronto. WTF is he at the USAFA? The more these islamic nutjobs creep into our system, the less faith I have in our government to protect this country.

  10. Dan (The Infidel)

    And for anyone not yet up to speed on why the term Islamo-facism is correct, I direct your attention to this symposium:

  11. Egfrow

    Why are we letting enemy mindsets into our military infrastructure and culture? Multiculturalisms is destroying the backbone of the nation. These cultures have had thousands of years to do their deeds for the world.

    Yet the USA which is less than 300 years old has changed the lives of mankind forever. Now we are trying to water down that very greatness which made it all possible by assimilating collective tribal cultures into the center of our power structures which should be reserved for truly free men which honor the constitution and not their tribal sensibilities and superstitions.

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