Baghdad: Sadr City Shia Go Crazy Over Danish cartoons

February 22nd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


“We demand from the Iraqi government to break off relations with Denmark.”

Thousands of supporters of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr demonstrated Friday against Denmark and Danish newspapers for reprinting a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad.

The demonstrations in the sprawling Shiite Sadr City slum, in the Shiite holy city of Najaf and in neighboring Kufa came after Friday prayers.

“There is no God but God and Denmark is the enemy of God,” they chanted as they carried banners demanding that Iraq sever diplomatic ties with Denmark.

“We demand from the Iraqi government to break off relations with Denmark,” al-Sadr aid Sadiq al-Eisawi said during his sermon in Sadr City.

The rally also condemned the U.S. presence in Iraq, while protesters burned American and Israeli flags.

In Copenhagen, Iraqi religious and political leaders meeting in Denmark
condemned Danish newspapers for reprinting a caricature of the Prophet

It is an offense to all Muslims, according to a declaration issued Thursday by delegates at the conference.

The drawing, which shows Muhammad wearing a bomb-shaped turban, was one of 12 cartoons that sparked major protests in Muslim countries in 2006.

Danish newspapers reprinted it last week in a gesture for free speech after three men were arrested in an alleged plot to kill the cartoonist who created the drawing.

“We condemn this irresponsible behavior from some Danish media institutions under the cover of freedom of expression,” the declaration said. It also said the re-emergence of the cartoon had created an atmosphere of hatred.

Islamic law generally opposes any depiction of the prophet, even favorable, for fear it could lead to idolatry.


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8 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    Come on, what’s holding up that urban renewal?

  2. RojoNixon

    So, they are afraid that someone will worship a picture of some guy with a bomb on his head? :shock:

  3. Zeke Eagle

    I guess selling those 8 page Tijuana Bibles with Muhamad fuckin’ sheep and sows will have to wait awhile. Dasn’t wanna upset the throwbacks.

  4. EDinTampa

    Can you imagine if the idiots of this cult DO get their caliphate?

    I say let’s nuke em now before we lose a couple million Americans and will have to nuke em anyway.

    We can start with Mecca & Medina and then move on from there.

  5. PhilNBlanx

    And why is al Sadr still taking up space above ground?

    “…the re-emergence of the cartoon had created an atmosphere of hatred.”

    Er….no. I believe it would be the conerstone of the teachings of Islam creating that atmoshphere of hatred. Think about it — No teachings of Islam, no people for Muslims to hate. Pretty simple.

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    Image there’s no Islam. No Sadr too. No evil Muzie to kill or die for. Blah, blah blah. A “trinity test” above Mookie’s palace when the wind is right would carry over into Iran. Just a thought. :mrgreen:

  7. mike3481

    They’re a bit thin-skinned eh?
    this might explain it!

  8. Mark

    These Sadr City types are uneducated, easily manipulated people who are hopefully a small minority of the Iraqis population. They surely do not represent the majority view point. I hope … :???:

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