Bash Just Thinking Out Loud - What Do You Think?

February 9th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Just thinking out loud here, but I’ve been boiling things down to brass tacks here in this upcoming Presidential election and facing some stark realities.

I don’t agree with McCain on so many issues it ain’t even funny…for one thing, I am a conservative and I don’t believe that he truly is…and then there is his illegal immigration approach. I don’t think of the southern border security as a Mexican illegal worker issue because quite frankly, it is way down on my list of day-to-day living priorities.

My concern with the borders has more to do with the number of Jihadi cells that have been setting up and spreading in Central and South America. Do your research, dig, and you will see that Hezbollah is fucking puking all over South America, and spawning piglets daily down there. Not to mention Al Qaeda sympathizing wannabes. Smuggling personnel and weapons up through the border is of more concern to me than Jose picking strawberries.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want amnesty for illegals either, I’m just showing you my own personal priorities here. My priorities have more to do with National Security against Jihadi terrorism, than National Economics and the crowds hanging out at the 7/11 in Solana Beach looking for work.

Obama and Hillary seem to want to try and convey the message that it is time for America to ease up on the offensives against Jihadis in the Middle East due to pressure from their base, the lunatic fringe left, and the mainstream media.

This is a fatal flaw.


So what is it, boys and girls?

Vote McCain and stay on offensive in the Global War on Terror and have the headache of illegals, which by the way, we already have this very day? Or stand aside because we disagree with liberal loving McCain the RINO (just in case you don’t know RINO stands for “Republican In Name Only”) and let Jihadis take solid root again, and this time with a vengeance because that is what Hillary and Obama will do if they get elected?

I have heard the argument that says “If America is going to be fucked over for at least the next four years, we might as well let it be a Democrat so we have a better shot at putting a Republican back in in 2012,” and I have to tell you that it sounds like a good plan…but is it?

At least with McCain we know we’ll be on the offensive against radical islam. That is the big thing he has in the plus column with me, and it is the only plus for me with any of the current 3 possible future Presidents.

With the Dems, we won’t be on offense anymore, they‘ll pull out.

And I don’t ever want to wake up one day to Fox News carrying live, all-day coverage of the events unfolding in Manhattan or San Francisco or Dallas or Boston where the Jihadis have pulled off a worse terror attack than 911.

Fuck that.

Not saying I’m going to vote for McCain…but man alive, reality dictates some serious soul searching on this election. The word “Compromise” keeps rearing its head and I don’t fucking like it.

Just thinking out loud here, what are you thinking?

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One Response

  1. mike3481

    Bashman:At least with McCain we know we’ll be on the offensive against radical Islam. That is the big thing he has in the plus column with me, and it is the only plus for me with any of the current 3 possible future Presidents.

    mike3481: Bash, that was one of the most compelling pieces I’ve read in the last month, so yes, I agree and I’ll probably vote the GOP party line and hope & pray the GOP does well enough in the Congressional elections to put the brakes on McCain’s issues that I don’t agree with. Well done and well written keep up the excellent work!

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