Bash Just Thinking Out Loud - What Do You Think?

February 9th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Just thinking out loud here, but I’ve been boiling things down to brass tacks here in this upcoming Presidential election and facing some stark realities.

I don’t agree with McCain on so many issues it ain’t even funny…for one thing, I am a conservative and I don’t believe that he truly is…and then there is his illegal immigration approach. I don’t think of the southern border security as a Mexican illegal worker issue because quite frankly, it is way down on my list of day-to-day living priorities.

My concern with the borders has more to do with the number of Jihadi cells that have been setting up and spreading in Central and South America. Do your research, dig, and you will see that Hezbollah is fucking puking all over South America, and spawning piglets daily down there. Not to mention Al Qaeda sympathizing wannabes. Smuggling personnel and weapons up through the border is of more concern to me than Jose picking strawberries.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want amnesty for illegals either, I’m just showing you my own personal priorities here. My priorities have more to do with National Security against Jihadi terrorism, than National Economics and the crowds hanging out at the 7/11 in Solana Beach looking for work.

Obama and Hillary seem to want to try and convey the message that it is time for America to ease up on the offensives against Jihadis in the Middle East due to pressure from their base, the lunatic fringe left, and the mainstream media.

This is a fatal flaw.


So what is it, boys and girls?

Vote McCain and stay on offensive in the Global War on Terror and have the headache of illegals, which by the way, we already have this very day? Or stand aside because we disagree with liberal loving McCain the RINO (just in case you don’t know RINO stands for “Republican In Name Only”) and let Jihadis take solid root again, and this time with a vengeance because that is what Hillary and Obama will do if they get elected?

I have heard the argument that says “If America is going to be fucked over for at least the next four years, we might as well let it be a Democrat so we have a better shot at putting a Republican back in in 2012,” and I have to tell you that it sounds like a good plan…but is it?

At least with McCain we know we’ll be on the offensive against radical islam. That is the big thing he has in the plus column with me, and it is the only plus for me with any of the current 3 possible future Presidents.

With the Dems, we won’t be on offense anymore, they‘ll pull out.

And I don’t ever want to wake up one day to Fox News carrying live, all-day coverage of the events unfolding in Manhattan or San Francisco or Dallas or Boston where the Jihadis have pulled off a worse terror attack than 911.

Fuck that.

Not saying I’m going to vote for McCain…but man alive, reality dictates some serious soul searching on this election. The word “Compromise” keeps rearing its head and I don’t fucking like it.

Just thinking out loud here, what are you thinking?

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21 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    what happened to this thread? its all blank now

  2. CJW

    It’s way too early to just give in to a candidate who thinks he can take his base for granted. He will have to earn my vote, not hold me hostage for it.

    Right now, I won’t vote for McCain. He has time to earn it.

    But, just like all typical Washington insiders, I believe he thinks he’s just entitled. I don’t believe he’ll do the right thing and make the effort he should make.

    He has been part of the problem in the gridlocked Congress, especially as to not securing the borders and having others respect our sovereignty. How does that thinking make him a “true conservative”? It doesn’t. His conservative record is from the last century. In the 21st century, he has taken a hard left on too many issues.

  3. Texas Mom

    I posted this earlier - I hope it doesn’t come back and duplicate . . .

    McCain will NOT win. (or Huckabee either)

    The numbers do not add up. The media has brained washed people for the last 7 years to hate Republicans - all Republicans. The only way a Republican WAS going to win this election was if they put forth a pure and strong conservative. ** Conservatism is logical and can be argued for truth over flash every time. ** It would have taken a lot of work to educate voters, but the country could have been persuaded with logic for conservatism. I have faith in conservatism. I have faith in this country to do the right thing when presented with logic and fact. When practiced purely, conservatism can not lose.

    Now all we have are three big fat flashes and Obama has the best flash.

    It is going to be President Obama. Everybody better get ready because I know it is going to be him and we are all screwed.

    I have seen the future of rock and roll . . . and it sucks. Hide your money and stock up on ammunition.

  4. Bash (the infidel)

    There were technical difficulties with the post, it erased all comments, so feel free to repost whatever you said before.


  5. Jeff

    Second try…..

    If the war on terror were the only issue, I’d still have reservations about voting for McCain. As mentioned above, the border is on the front lines of that war and I’m not at all convinced he is sincere in closing the border.

    Unfortunately, the war is not the only issue. There are quite a few serious dangers to this country and for McCain to either ally himself to those who promote the dangers or turn a blind eye to them, is irresponsible and unforgivable.

    In his current form, I cannot in good conscience vote for McCain. Should he decide to lean a little toward the conservative side of the isle, then anything is possible.

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    Happi-ness is a warm gun baby…Oh and where was I? Got distracted by the georgeous pics. Wow, that first one is a stunner. Chicks and guns. Yes sir.

    Anyways, as I was saying before…McCain sucks.

    However, come Nov, I’m voting for anyone who has an “R” next to their name…even if it is Captain Queeg.

  7. Kurt(the infidel)

    War in Iraq and the GWOT as a whole are too important. I will vote for whoever is our Republican nominee. I dont want to wake up and find out we lost an American city one day.

    We all damn well that either of these 2 running on the wrong side of the political spectrum will destroy this country and all progress our troops have made. I wont sit back and see a repeat of the Klinton days. setting ourselves up for a better chance in 2012 isnt a good enough excuse for the damage that will be done in the 4 years between that time.

  8. Texas Mom

    Kurt - The problem is that I consider the border as part of the GWOT.

  9. Kurt(the infidel)

    I know Texas Mom. this is the crappy part about this election. Clinton or Obama definitely wouldnt do anything about this and would also pull our troops out. We could put so much pressure on McCain he would have to do something about it. Look at what the pressure did to their ‘Shamnesty’ bill. im going to have to show up at the polls drunk this year because its going to be tough pulling that lever.

  10. John Cunningham

    Texas Mom, I agree, the border is part of the GWOT. It must be a mad house down there.

  11. Dannyboy

    Not going to vote McCain until he makes more concessions to conservatives. No amnesty legislation. Seal the border NOW. No trying enemy combatants in our legal system. He’s already agreed to make the tax cuts permanent, which is a good start, but it simply isn’t enough. I cannot get behind him because I don’t believe he is a “straight talker” and certainly not a uniter of the GOP. If he can’t make these concessions, then he won’t reach out to conservatives in congress as president.

  12. Hugh

    Bash, keep your powder dry. No king but King Jesus! Perhaps it’s time to quit looking for one single man to carry the day, and just work our butts off filling Congress and the Senate with men and women who love God, love the Constitution, and love our land.

    If we have enough, it won’t matter who the president is. They’ll just be a big bonus when they’re good.

    The Left’s turnout is going to be ferocious. We need to call on OUR side to come out for Congress. It should be a war cry. Maybe then, Congress can finally declare a war again. Then like it or not, the President will have to conduct it.

    In short, I’m not staying home, I’m not going to watch the country go down without a fight. But I’m never going to vote for McCain.

  13. ticticboom

    We really, REALLY, need to get some honest-to-God conservatives in Congress. No matter what, there’ll be a nanny-state lover who thinks profit is a four letter word and who considers the Bill of Rights as potential toilet paper in the White House.

    Choosing between McCain and Hillary is like picking a side on the Eastern Front in 1943. No good, just bad and worse. I’m actually hoping Obama gets the Dem nod. Then, I can vote for McCain without hesitation.

    Whatever happens, we CAN NOT let them have Congress. It will be all that stands in the way of socialized EVERYTHING. In a sane world, McCain, the Bush clan, Schwarzenegger, and Rudy would be Democrats. Instead, we have a bunch who look back at the Khmer Rouge, Cultural Revolution, and the Five Year Plans, and think, “Hey, I bet it’ll work this time!”

  14. Mike

    McCain is similar to Bush, Good on the WOT and pro amnesty and open borders. remember every McCain bill that you don’t like was signed into law by Bush. The one exception I can think of is the tax cuts Mccain voted against. Mccain is ignorant of the economy. If he listens to Dems on domestic policy, and he will, more jobs will leave.

  15. Paslode

    I am no McCain fan, but he is a better choice than Shillery or the Magic Negro. And if things continue on as they did yesterday we will have a new version of Jimmy Carter in the Magic Negro as the nominee for the demis.

    McCain will support the troops. He will be easier on the pocket book.

    As for the open borders……..the Jihadis are already in country and have been for some time. They are in my city and most likely yours as well. The question isn’t if or when, the question is how many more will come in under the radar.

    McCain is the lesser of the evils and I will begrudgingly pull the lever in his favor.

  16. Jerbb

    Yeah, getting Congressman and Senators seems to be our only option at the moment. Personally, I feel come November, as it stands now, Obama is the next POTUS. He’s young, charismatic, can deliver a darn good speech about nothing and get people to believe him, and, to be honest, he’s like most liberal guys I meet. He’s a nice guy. Not someone I would want to lead my country, but to most liberals the fact that he seems genuinely nice is good enough for them.

    McCain has too many things for the Dems to hammer him on(his age, his temper, etc which they’ll use on democrats and his policy issues for the republicans to vote against him) Put him against Hillary, he has a good chance, but next to Obama? nuh uh.

    But yeah, I’m with Hugh. The only hope for this world is God and his Son, Jesus Christ. I am advocating giving up by any means, I just like to keep things in perspective :) Time for figure out which Congressmen and Senators are conservative and get behind them.

  17. skh.pcola

    Y’all are making the error of thinking that McCain will actually act like the conservative that he’s trying to act like. I have no such illusions. He’ll shoot us all the bird if he gets elected and he has no compunctions when it comes to siding with the Dhimmicraps. We’re screwed either way, but I will never vote for this turd.

  18. Mike F.

    There are 3 major issues in my view: (1) the war the Islamic extremists started against us back in the ’70’s, which MUST be won, (2) the Supreme Court makeup, and (3) tax cuts.

    The borders only interest me insofar as they are an open highway for Islamic extremists to continue their flow into the US. No, I don’t want the 20 million Mexicans (and a few others) who have gotten in here illegally to skate with no penalties, but I don’t consider that to be an urgent issue that MUST be dealt with NOW. The makeup of the SCOTUS for the next 30 years will be extremely important. Maintaining the Bush tax cuts (and cutting more) will do far more for the economy than a one-time giveaway, although the giveaway does return tax money to its producers.

    Because the only alternative will be Billary or HopeChange Obama,conservatives can and should vote for McCain, but only after they lock him in on these 3 issues so securely that he cannot renege. If he wins and does renege (only on 2 and 3, he is solid on winning the war), he’ll be likely to be the cause of the demise of the GOP. Why, because his policies will prove he was lying to the American people (while looking right at them like Bubba did). You’ll get an early clue from McCain based on who is in his cabinet. If Lindsay Gramnesty is either AG or a SCOTUS nominee, you know we’re fucked. Conservatives (and many Republicans) will be outraged and the creation of a third party with real conservative muscle may be the outcome. Dems will be giddy that he has come over to their Party, while he was President, citing his defection as proof that their ideas are the better ones.

    Still, bottom line, how can you vote for someone, either one, that you KNOW is going to act to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in Iraq and possibly the rest of the war on Islamic extremism. How can you elect someone so naive they promise to “talk” to OBL? Allowing either of these two to assume the mantle of Commander-in-Chief would be a disaster for our country that could take a generation to undo. Conservatives must “trust, but verify” with McCain. Hold your nose, vote for him and then dog his every move to be sure he lives up to the promises he’s now making that no one believes he’ll honor.

  19. Paslode

    @Mike F

    ‘The borders only interest me insofar as they are an open highway for Islamic extremists to continue their flow into the US. No, I don’t want the 20 million Mexicans’

    I’ll take 20 million Illegal ‘Christian Loving’ Mexicans over a Dune Coon anyday!

  20. Jarhead68

    Right on, Bash. Let’s keep our options open but, when it comes down to a liberal Republican v. Marxist-socialist #1 or Socialist-marxist #2, there won’t be much of a choice. Once again it’s the “lesser of 2 evils” choice. Just like every election I can ever remember.

  21. old11B

    The die has been cast………

    Major internal strife/chaos is what the political system wants, and is what the political system WILL get. None of the candidates can change that.

    It is a Chess game that has been in progress for a Lo-oong time. We are in Check….. not just by the left, but by corrupt manipulators who use ALL the politicians (R and D).

    The object of the strife/chaos is to allow political types to re-emerge as a unifying force (i.e. “one world order” as Bush sr. announced, or whatever…).

    My suggestion to all, would be to get as much weapons training and CQB training as you can (I wouldn’t mind training with the girls in Bashes camp WoWWW )… Organize your teams and communities.

    If you can’t physically participate, collect and distribute info. Assess your areas for tactical and strategic advantage. Develop your supply lines, and :


    If strife happens, doing the above will limit the damage, if not,… you will be having a good time……

    Above all…….

    ps Bash when you finish training with the girls, send them over this way !

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