Bash Opinion: Basking In The Demise Of The Bitch

February 20th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


It is becoming obvious that Hillary Clinton is the girl that got invited to the prom only to have her date sneak out with the Prom Queen, and leave her sitting in the corner with a sneer on her lips and bile in her throat.

“But I was supposed to be the Queeeeeeennnnn….”

I have to tell you, I don’t see anybody on the planet, neither newscaster, nor political pundit, nor the all-powerful Internet Blogger shedding a tear for Hillary Clinton.

The left-wing media is all in love and swept up in Obamamania. The Clintons used to own the “Hollywood Elite” and now, they couldn’t get a job as a grip, making coffee.

Billy Jeff Bubba Slick Willie has gone galavanting over hill and dale, spreading his rage disguised as spousal defense, and this has cost The Bitch dearly.

And the Right Wing Conservative Blogosphere couldn’t give a rats ass about Hillary. In fact, I can actually detect, just beneath the surface, underlying pools of joyful glee hither and yon.

I’ll admit, there is a sense of satisfaction in watching Hillary slowly melt into the floor, screaming “But what about day wuuuuuunnnnnnn……”

The scary part of all of this is the Obamamania part.

I’ll get into that another time, but if you guys are counting on the average American voter to use his/her brain and pay attention to the general election debates and keep score on the actual issues, I have to tell you I think you’re in for a rude awakening.

Just keep in mind all of the Phil Keating across America election link interviews with the average Joe We’ve put up recently.


Feel free to chime in with your two coppers.

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16 Responses

  1. Chad

    hillary still has my vote! :!:

    pssssh. im not gonna lie. she can sit on my face.

  2. TBinSTL

    Yeah but, I really wanted it to be us taking her down. Expect Obama to use her “friendship” with McCain in his attacks.

  3. Ivan the Kafir

    “sit on my face”? I wouldn’t let her leave an assmark on a patch of my lawn. Remember, this is Ol’ Pumpkin Legs we’re talking about. And come to think of it, she’s looking older by the day. Frankly, she looks like she could easily be someone’s g-ma.

  4. Paslode

    Nice to see the Clintons getting flushed, but she could settle for the first woman VP…or maybe not…either way I am afraid with the number Obama Cultists we’re on the verge to have 4 very scary years ahead of us with the Magic Negro at the helm.

  5. Eddie in Cali

    Yah I agree with Paslode. Hillary is evil but a known Evil. Obama the Magic Negro is new Territory of stupidity. :???:

  6. Barbara

    Guess the moral of this story is…be careful what you wish for….

  7. Rhune

    Well my hopes are with Larry Sincliar…. never thought I would be so caught up with what some coke snortin fag had to say.

    /crosses fingers that Larry wins 100k

  8. Paslode

    Hillery is a , and she is power crazed…. if she were VP I wouldn’t put it past her to hire a hitman and thus achieving her aspirations. :shock:

    What bothers me with BHO are the droves of estatic zombies that in my opinion have not looked bayond that magic word ‘CHANGE’. It is like watching the Night of the Living Dead and the smiling zombies are chanting OBAAAMA, OBAAAMA, OBAAAMA…….and I worry that zombies are going to come out of their trance to find that what changed wasn’t the positive change they expected.

  9. POD1

    Slightly off topic:
    Last night the magic negro was speaking to 20,000 of his drones.
    At one point they all started this call and response with him, “Yes We Can, Yes We Can”.

    It sounded just much like a newsreel of Hitler and his crowd:
    Hitler: Zeke!
    Crowd: Heil!
    Hitler: Zeke!
    Crowd: Heil!

    It sent a chill up my spine.

  10. Mart (just another infidel)

    I’m not sure Hillary is finished off yet…I think with her super delegates she will steal the nomination. Now that’s my prediction for what it’s worth. Ignore the Clintons at your own peril! Hillary and Bill I’m sure still have some tricks up their sleeves.

  11. Brian H

    Hillary would be easier to beat in the real showdown. Ideally, the superdelegates nominate her, she runs with outraged Obamaniacs refusing to vote, McCain romps.

  12. EDinTampa

    woah, Chad… that first comment. :shock:

    But you know what, I don’t have a problem with her sitting on your face either, just push the dingle berries aside because as you know, that woman is full of crap.

    Everyone else, celebrate Hildabeasts demise and focus on Hussein, he and the lovely Michelle are due to be brought back to reality.

  13. BILL

    Obama Mama is flat out communist but has no clue. His wife is a flat out communist and a racist. What more could conservatives ask for. If the Liberal Republican leadership were not in power (our fault becasue we hold our nose and vote)and we were running a true conservative (Duncan Hunter) they would be easy pickings in the general election. Well, I guess we will have to wait on 2010 and 2012 to fix it if conservatives can regain control of the Republican leasdership in time. A liberal is a liberal no matter what party it belongs to!

  14. Goodbye Natalie

    Though no fan of Hillary Rotten, and yeah, the Clintons have had this coming, I have never been terrified of her supporters. We adamantly disagree on virtually every issue of importance but I never thought them stupid.

    This Obama following. I’m telling you every rube, clinger, welfare queen, guilt ridden whitey, black marxist, and socialist is lining up behind this obviously inept couple for unknown reason.

    I see a very black time (no pun intended) for America if this Afro-centrist wins. God help us…

  15. jam

    Mark my words: Hildabeast ain’t done yet. It makes my stomach hurt to say it, but I think it’s true.

  16. Lee Howard

    We might be ok. Just remember that the Founders formulated a system of checks and balances on gubmint power by forming a constitutional republic instead of a democracy. They foresaw the time when a bullshit artist might talk his way to leadership, one of the real dangers of a pure democracy.

    Their long-range solution was to spread the actual decision-making among the states of the republic, by assuming that there would be enough regional diversity to counter the popularity of one person or group. That was one of the reasons for creating the electoral college- to temper mob stupidity. It has been working pretty good; over the long-run, we as a country have been able to remain relatively stable.

    Another protection against mob-inspired stupidity was to have the US Senators chosen by the state legislatures. This protection was taken away by the 17th ammendment.

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