Berkeley Backs Down From USMC - But Won’t Apologize
Pictured: Members of Move America Forward on the streets of Berkeley yesterday.
I watched the live streaming video of the Berkeley City Council meeting last night and will put my thoughts out there later today.
Seems Berkeley has decided not to send the letter to the Marines telling them that they are unwelcomed visitors (makes me sick these pukes even thought the thought)…aw heck, here’s a report from KTVU:
BERKELEY, Calif. — City councilmembers who were heavily criticized for telling Marine recruiters they don’t belong in Berkeley have moderated their position, saying they oppose the war in Iraq but support the troops.
Berkeley’s City Council voted two weeks ago to send a letter to a downtown recruiting station advising the U.S. Marines they are not welcome.
After a marathon session that stretched into early Wednesday, the council decided not to send the letter, saying they recognize recruiters’ right to be in Berkeley. The council said they still strongly oppose the war and the recruitment of young people into it, but “deeply respect and support” the men and women of the armed forces.
A member of Move America Forward testifies to the Berkeley city council.
Some on the council had pushed for issuing an apology. But others rejected that, saying they just wanted to clarify their position.
Councilwoman Linda Maio said the council opposes recruitment, not the military. “It’s behavior that we oppose, not the people,” she said.
The meeting drew hundreds of people on both sides of the issue who rallied from dawn until well into the night outside City Hall.
Inside the chamber, scores of speakers addressed the council.
Some decried the council’s earlier action.
“You owe our military an apology,” said Kevin Graves, a San Francisco Bay area resident who said his son died serving in Iraq.
But others applauded the council’s stand.
In rallies outside, members of the pro-military group Move America Forward waved flags and held signs including “Boycott Berkeley for Bashing Our Boys” and “Support our Troops.”
Meanwhile, protesters with Code Pink waved signs saying “Peace Now” and “Bring Our Troops Home.”
At its height, police estimated the crowd at about 2,000. A handful of people were arrested for scuffles between protesters, said Berkeley police spokeswoman Sgt. Mary Kusmiss.
The recruiting office opened in Berkeley in late 2006 and operated quietly until four months ago when Code Pink began holding regular protests.
The City Council’s initial vote Jan. 29 outraged several lawmakers, who have threatened to withhold millions in state and federal money destined for Berkeley.
On Tuesday, more than 40 House Republican members asked President Bush to immediately rescind over $2 million in earmarks awarded to Berkeley.
“At its height, police estimated the crowd at about 2,000. A handful of people were arrested for scuffles between protesters, said Berkeley police spokeswoman Sgt. Mary Kusmiss.”
me: Who’s that? A new character on Reno 9-11? Wanna bet those arrested didn’t belong to Code Fink?
February 13th, 2008 at 9:21 amI didn’t think it would happen but whoever said the city council would claim to “oppose the war but support the troops” was right on the money! I wouldn’t believe these people would lack such creativity but here it is in black and white. Its time to put the Blight on Berkeley.
February 13th, 2008 at 9:27 amThe Vietnam troops taught us a very important lesson: NEVER AGAIN!
We got your backs, boys … Just keep shooting and winning over there.
February 13th, 2008 at 9:30 amBerkeley where we “oppose the war but support the troops”
Translation: “I love Al Qaeda and all enemies of the United States”
February 13th, 2008 at 9:41 amAnd where’s the head nuts Cyndi Sheehan and Hanoi Jane? Did we kick their asses? Well then, keep turning the screws on these punks too.
Evil only triumphs when good people do nothing to stop it.
February 13th, 2008 at 10:05 am“We support the troops… Not their mission, but in supporting them, we’re going to prevent any of them from being recruited ever again.”
That’s like saying you love someone so much that you hate them.
We support you, but for your own good, we’re going to prohibit you and your growth.
Commie clowns.
February 13th, 2008 at 10:17 amRemember what Melanie Morgan (MAF’s resident Psychic) said yesterday?
“I don’t know what will happen with the Berkeley City Council, but I would bet you dollars to donuts, that they’ll issue some mealy-mouthed WE SUPPORT THE TROOPS, JUST NOT THEIR MISSION crap”.
And what did they say?
“The council said they still strongly oppose the war and the recruitment of young people into it, but deeply respect and support the men and women of the armed forces.”
Here’s the idiotic comments that really make my blood boil!
Councilwoman Linda Maio said “the council opposes recruitment, not the military.”….
WTF? How do you have an all volunteer military without recruitment? Impose a Draft or mandatory service are the only other options you dumb bitch! (Personally I support the mandatory service model!)
…Maio continues “It’s behavior that we oppose, not the people.”
What Fucking “behavior” is this stupid ass biotch talking about? The only “behavior” issues that there has been is the “behavior” of a bunch of shrieking old hens wearing pink while blocking the entrance to an establishment….. The “behavior” of Police that refuse to Protect/serve when people are being assaulted…. The “behavior” of High school kids that think they can just leave school whenever they want…. The “behavior” of School administrators that encourage the bad “behavior” of their students, placing them in danger by allowing them to go unsupervised while their parents are expecting them to be in school…. And finally the “behavior” of a City council that allows/encourages this shit at tax payer expense!
When I was in school if you left campus without written permission from your parents then you got detention!
Phil Hendrie really broke it off in Code Pinks Brown Eye with this interview:
February 13th, 2008 at 10:57 amCode Pink has a distorted view of reality. It goes something like this: because we want the world to live in peace, anyone who participates in war must be opposed. We can’t oppose those who fight against the U.S. soldiers because, on principle, we oppose those soldiers as well. Consequently, whatever others who oppose U.S. soldiers do is irrelevant and outside the scope of any moral argument.
Failure to condemn the actions of those who oppose the U.S. soldiers is not a failure of communication; it is a specific decision that those actions are not important enough to consider when assessing what U.S. soldiers are doing.
I’m sure that, should the time come when the Marines [or National Guard] are needed for support inside of the U.S., they will be pleased to defer such to Code Pink within the City of Berkeley.
February 13th, 2008 at 11:20 amDan (The Infidel)
And where’s the head nuts Cyndi Sheehan and Hanoi Jane? Did we kick their asses? Well then, keep turning the screws on these punks too.
The traitorous bit*h Sheehan is over in Egypt with her friends from the Muslim Brotherhood.
February 13th, 2008 at 11:36 amIt is growing very near the time of violent armed conflict in our streets.
It is high-time that the United States Marines be unleashed on these jihadists supporting, maggot infested, communists sympathizing, puke covered, trash wads. Let them face the wrath of those of whom they so detest.
I’d like to dog-slap every single one of their heads myself, personally, and individually, with emphasis and enthusiasim. I would not be so kind, while attempting to enter a recruiting station, being blocked by those scum-bags.
February 13th, 2008 at 12:11 pmDr Jerry, you’ll have to get in line.
February 13th, 2008 at 12:50 pmI want to send them to saudi arabia, and see how women in other countries really live. Then they would appreciate our Marines.
February 13th, 2008 at 1:29 pmSamir, Samir?! HELLOOOOO?!?!?!?!?
How can you support the troops yet not support the mission at the same time? Please riddle me that.
February 13th, 2008 at 2:22 pmThe Federal Government needs to cut all funding to Berkeley!!!!
April 2nd, 2008 at 11:56 am