Berkeley Outrage: Cops Hang Up On, Refuse To Aid Assaulted Pro-Troopers
Berkeley Cops refuse to help Patriots under assault in MLK Park. We are also receiving word that some teachers at a local Berkeley High School have removed their students from classes and walked them down to the demonstration to side with…Code Pink.
This just sent to us from Catherine Moy of Move America Forward:
Berkeley erupted in violence Tuesday morning when the Communist, terrorist-supporting anti-war group crossed into Martin Luther King Park and assaulted pro-troop individuals. Riot police stood by, but did not stop the assaults.
Police agencies did not respond to calls for help.
Move America Forward, the nation’s largest pro-troop organization, received permits from the City of Berkeley to hold a daylong demonstration in MLK park against the City Council who passed three outrageous resolutions calling U.S. Marines “unwanted intruders.”
“It is mayhem on here,” MAF communications director Danny Gonzalez said from the park early Tuesday morning.
Code Pink was permitted for across the street. The two sides were to stay separated, according to rules laid down by the city. But the city has a history of giving Code Pink special preference. The City Council gave free parking permits and a free noise permit to the radical group, which has helped fund terrorist families in Iraq with a $600,000 gift.
MAF Exeutive Director Catherine Moy attempted to get help from the Berkeley police as the mayhem unfolded, but an officer hung up on Moy. Moy asked the California Highway Patrol to help in the emergency, but the CHP refused.
“I have never in my life experienced such inaction in the face of an emergency, “Moy said. “I will ask the Federal Government to investigate, as well as the State Attorney General. It is one thing to give free parking places to the City Council’s special interest anti-war groups, it is another to take sides and endanger the lives of others.”
Move America Forward and other pro-troop organizations will stand in support of the Marines all day Tuesday until they can enter the City Council chambers to address the City Council.
Bash Note: I’m calling Berkeley now and all day until we get some answers…
This is what happens when you hire cops and city officials who are fags? Anyone not yet convinced that we need a revolution yet?
February 12th, 2008 at 8:46 amcan we nuke Berkeley? I think we need more parking
February 12th, 2008 at 8:47 amI have been convinced that we need a revolution. I have clearly chosen my side. we need to have something called National Choose your side day. that way can get an idea of who is who in this country. time to stand and be counted
February 12th, 2008 at 8:51 amI think Berkeley hates America more than Iran! Thats fine though, I think GWB should give them alittle “shock and awe” then turn the whole city into the next gitmo!
February 12th, 2008 at 8:54 amThis is sedition by our law enforcements obligation to all the people of these United States.
February 12th, 2008 at 8:55 amOh i think this is still a developing story. The word about the cops not doing their jobs has already been released. Im sure there will fallout from this very soon and im hoping we finally pull their funding.
February 12th, 2008 at 9:06 amAiding and abetting the enemy.
You know damn well our feckless politicians and worthless judicial system (especially there) aren’t going to do a damn thing.
Can good Americans finally declare war on Berkeley and do everything humanly possible to make its residents as miserable as possible each and every day from the minute they wake up to the minute they go to bed? They need a taste of living in squalor. Got an old couch? I got a great place to dispose of it.
You get about 1,000 willing people that have had enough of this shit and I’ll guarantee you we could bring it to a quick halt. Don’t punish the perpetrators. Punish the city and the powers that be that are letting this crap happen and let them take care of their problem.
You don’t stop prostitution by arresting the hookers.
February 12th, 2008 at 9:07 amWow Bush Administration just announced a freeze on home foreclosures for the next 30 days too. fox news reporting on it
February 12th, 2008 at 9:13 amI pray for an investigation of the Berkley Police and CHP. Those who ignored the situation / refused to help, should be FIRED.
Hopefully, Jim DeMint (one of the few remaining ’sane’ Senators on the Hill) will add this to his agenda - a bill to rescind Berkley’s $2M in federal funds AND an investigation.
February 12th, 2008 at 9:13 amGood. This way there is more ammunition to take away the funding and shine the light of truth on these people to show exactly who and what they stand for.
Biting the hand that feeds. Geniuses.
February 12th, 2008 at 9:19 amHey Dan,
February 12th, 2008 at 9:24 amWhat waters the tree of Liberty?
The city police do EXACTLY what the city fathers tell them to do….no more, no less!
And since the city is full of fags, degenerates, and code pinko’s, you can’t expect any opposing views to theirs to be met with any kind of fair or balanced enforcement.
SO….go ahead all you pro-marine protesters and bust heads. It won’t matter who started the fight, you’re gonna get blamed for it anyway.
February 12th, 2008 at 9:54 amBingo. What Jett said. These are tax-paying citizens, and they deserve the protection of law. The sad thing is that if a pro-military citizen did the same thing to Westboro Baptist Church members while being blatantly provoked at a funeral, you’d see the police out en masse. There is a double standard.
February 12th, 2008 at 10:06 amThose peaceful leftists that care sooooo much about the troops — masks off. And just before a national election. Good timing morons.
February 12th, 2008 at 10:21 amThis is Bullshit! Where is the President on this outrage. If we had a man if office there would be an executive order signed the same day this bullshit transpired in the city counsel. Then, if necessary, federal troops deployed to put these shitheads in their place.
February 12th, 2008 at 10:32 amThe feminization of the American leadership is appauling, this crap simply should not be allowed to happen.
By the Bash, great pic! The tutu and pink leotards are classic! LOL
February 12th, 2008 at 10:32 amThey want lawlessness in the streets of Berkeley. Sounds like a marshal law should be implemented.
February 12th, 2008 at 10:51 amPULL THE FUNDING. Oh, and vote Republicans in the house and senate this year.
February 12th, 2008 at 11:05 amI hope MoveAmericaForward has LOTS of video footage. If they do, they can use it to sue the Berkeley PD for gross negligence: the police have a duty to protect them and they failed to fulfill that duty. Also, and this is the good part, since this is a civil rights violation, they can use the Civil Rights “attorneys fees” act which makes the LOSER PAY both sides’ attorneys fees.
February 12th, 2008 at 11:19 amOh hell, who is surprised by this really?
Right after San Fran Nan took over the speakership the San Fransisco schools dropped JROTC. The radicals know that the Dem leaderhip has their back. The MSM sure isn’t going to point any of this out to Mr. and Mrs. average American.
February 12th, 2008 at 11:21 amThis report is false, there were no attacks from my side.
February 12th, 2008 at 11:28 amThe state AG has a duty to investigate the police misconduct.
February 12th, 2008 at 11:33 amI’m not sure why they called the CHP, as far as I know they do not have jurisdiction over the city of Berkeley unless asked in for assistance by Berkeley Police (usually for an third-party internal investigation) or in pursuit of perpetrators that enter the city while fleeing.
The Alameda County Sheriff’s Department should have been called. Even then it becomes a minor turf “war” between the two departments.
That aside, this is typical of the Left. Do whatever they want, whenever they want. There are no repercussions because they have no standards.
February 12th, 2008 at 11:34 amQuick, send in UN peacekeepers. Maybe a year of UN corruption taking every penny they can lay their hands on and undisciplined third-world armies raping everyone they can will point out just how good they have it now.
February 12th, 2008 at 11:39 amit is approaching time to quit looking to the government to act in a manner that is in the interest of the sovereignty of the United States of America and to look to the population to defend the nation against enemies foreign and domestic
February 12th, 2008 at 11:41 amLaw Student -
It’s standard operating procedure to bring video and still cameras to these events.
Stay tuned.
February 12th, 2008 at 11:50 amNuke Berzerkely and, heck, Oakland too, while you’re at it.
Turn Emeryville into an island, but leave it intact. There’s a good Dim Sum restaurant there right on the Bay that I’d hate to see lost. The romantic view and the eatin’s just too danged good.
February 12th, 2008 at 11:55 amI’ve often wondered why conservatives never fight back. We should welcome altercations with these effeminate brownshirts. If they swing at you, you get to swing back
February 12th, 2008 at 11:56 amIt is time to put up or shut up, chest-thumpers.
Show us the evidence that you were “attacked” by peace activists.
End the war and there wouldn’t be these silly confrontations.
February 12th, 2008 at 12:03 pm1. I am waiting for video first..
2. I as a veteran will NOT stand for TREASON.
3. My family is in the military and we WILL support the USA
4. After the FACTS come out (if its true) then..
We stand up and demand this CRAP ends… NOW
I do QUESTION not only their patriotism but..
If the Democrats are WORKING with our enemies?
If the Republicans have by ommission or commission Allowed the FIFTH column to Inflitrate and take over major us cities and political posts threatening the very security of the United States of america (deriliction of duty demands a remove from their post) at the minimum.
If the Leftists are actually WORKING with the Islamic Nazis..
then a revolution seems to be the only way to clean out the FILTH that now infests the Government of the United States of America..
We must await the facts before proceeding further..
But to BOTH parties and to all of Americans i say this
1. Socialism (communism) (the clintons or osama err obama) either one both are the same
2. Corrupt republicans on the TAKE (mccain) and corporations who want Illegals to overrun the USA so they can make more money
Or Choose What our founding fathers had orginally designed
A constitution based on the Holy Bible and backed up by regular people who not only are armed but have the BALLS to take thier country back by FORCE if the situation requires it.
We must decide ALL of us (every LEGAL american) …
I am waiting until the election and will watch whom america chooses to elect…
If they overwhelmingly elect osama (err obama) then its obvious that except for the us military most of america wants to live under communism..
If they choose mccain then its obvious that americans want a government corrupted by money and greedy selfish men and women…
Or …
Whe could elect a third party candidate (but that person would have to be both a christian and not corrupt) as well as throwng out ALL members of BOTH parties…
And folks i am not a libertarian either …
Im just a working class american..
February 12th, 2008 at 12:24 pmI reside in lovely Jacksonville, NC. Home of the largest Marine base in the world. We don’t have a problem with the ilk that hang out in the socialest state of california. I wonder why???? Come and visit you’ll get an attitude adjust for all times.
February 12th, 2008 at 12:25 pmOh and one more thing
I am not about violence…
I dont like it..
I would much rather we all live in peace and be honest with each other ..
But there is serious evil corrupt forces working to
Absolutly and positivly
turn america into another North Korea.
or worse
Destroy the United States of America Completly..
And folks i believe both parties are not only in on it..
But are WORKING to ensure our enemies prevail…
It is difficult to consider the options and we all must
get on our knees before almighty God and pray for america..
Before we do ANYTHING..
February 12th, 2008 at 12:30 pmHey samir,
So there won’t be any confrontations when YOU’RE happy, huh? Just like a lefty. Only quits whining when they get their way.
February 12th, 2008 at 12:31 pmSo nice to know liberals don’t support our troops. I guess that leaves one clear choice as for who to vote for.
February 12th, 2008 at 12:35 pm“Samir
It is time to put up or shut up, chest-thumpers.
Show us the evidence that you were “attacked” by peace activists.
End the war and there wouldn’t be these silly confrontations.”
As usual, Samir, you have a tough time saying something sensible, based on something other than your uneducated fantasies.
How can you end ’silly confrontations’ that, according to your callow self, never happened? Have you read a book yet? Other than Mad Magazine, the Koran, or Das Kapital, that is.
Why don’t you do your Code-Pinko buds a favor and prove the attacks didn’t happen, eh, Samir? If you can…
February 12th, 2008 at 12:41 pmMore great picks from Zombie Time from last weeks bezerkeley shanninigans –
I’d recommend checking back for photos from todays craziness.
February 12th, 2008 at 12:54 pmIf I had to choose between universal healthcare and feeding the war marchine, I’d vote for universal healthcare.
February 12th, 2008 at 12:54 pmMohammed the Teddy-Bear,
This blog entry is claiming there is some outrage over an assault by peace activists upon pro-war activists.
The burden of proof is on the blogger to prove it.
I won’t hold my breath.
February 12th, 2008 at 1:00 pmin the 1950’s liberalism still meant
Justice for the poor
Rights for ALL Americans
A helping hand up
and did a GREAT Service to our nation.
But that was over 58 years ago
Since 1960 (roughly) the definition of liberalism was changed to mean
Redefining marriage and actual Gender roles
Unlimited Sex
Environmentalist extreemism (humans are not created in Gods image but are the actual cause of All the worlds problems.
The end result after 48 years of liberalism is
environmnent disasters (like dengue fever) and starvation
Communism (50 MILLION - 150 MILLION since 1960 DEAD
Drugs (UNTOLD Millions dead due to Drugs and violence).
Re-defining marriage (Black america now has a 75 % divource rate while white america is moving over th 50%
Homlessness (no shelters for all of those children from divources)
Rape and child molesting up 2500% of reported cases.
And whats really scary is the wako environmentalists ACTUALLY WANT ALL People DEAD.. (their words folks) just go to any liberal college in the usa and you will find a wakademic who wants all humand wiped out..
And now your surprised about the wakos supporting the Islamic Nazis (on both sides of the aisle)??
Im not…
I am surprised at one thing though to be honest..
I am SHOCKED that the USA hasent been WIPED out yet..
Its has to be Gods grace and / or The islamic Nazis just havent got all of their NUKES placed yet…
So if you want to believe in liberalism go ahead but when they start killing you in the streets…
So when the islamic nazis begin their long awaited assault..
Why dont you leftists go out and try to talk to them while
the Islamic terrorists are slicing your head off
while a Democrat and a liberal republican are making sure
Teh terrorists civil rights arent violated by your resiting DEATH
February 12th, 2008 at 1:01 pmTo all the people who hate America, this is becoming us vs them. I think you are already seeing it. God Bless America!
February 12th, 2008 at 1:06 pmCatherine Moy of Move America Forward has always been reliable in her assessments… If she said this is how it went down then you can bet your ass that “This is how it went down”!
Ticket to Berkley… Check
Popcorn Maker……. Check
Cap-Stun………… Check
Anyone know if Cap-Stun is legal in Berkley?
February 12th, 2008 at 1:39 pmSamir
‘If I had to choose between universal healthcare and feeding the war marchine, I’d vote for universal healthcare.’
Always looking for a free hand out it appears, your a Candy Ass who thinks they are ENTITLED. But when Haj is fucking your 6 year old daughter or killing your ass becasue your a fag you will wish you would have voted for ‘The War Machine’……
This liberal BS is appalling….I would like to see a seige on Berkley, let it be the catalyst to void the US of all this liberal filth and get us back to comon sense.
February 12th, 2008 at 1:47 pmSamir, keep it up and you won’t have to hold your breath because someone will hold it for you!
Also educate yourself on important issues like Universal health care because all those who practice it are in dire shape. There is a reason that the average Brit has dental issues and it’s called “free” health care. Loser.
February 12th, 2008 at 1:48 pm“If I had to choose between universal healthcare and feeding the war marchine, I’d vote for universal healthcare.”
So you’re opposed to jihad? A simple yes or no will suffice.
February 12th, 2008 at 2:01 pmSend in the Marines!!!!
February 12th, 2008 at 2:07 pmPhilNBlanx,
I do not support war no matter which side is committing it. I think we should support providing first class health care to our servicemen and the people they are dying for — us!
February 12th, 2008 at 2:14 pmThat wasn’t my question Samir. I’ll try one more time:
So you’re opposed to jihad? A simple yes or no will suffice.
February 12th, 2008 at 2:21 pmExcellent live-bloggin of the traitors versus Patriots here.
February 12th, 2008 at 2:47 pmIt’s times like this when violence becomes necessary. If the government won’t help you, then you have to help yourself.
February 12th, 2008 at 2:54 pmPhilNBlanx,
I oppose violence and war. I don’t want to get into semantics on the meaning of the word you are using, but if you intend to mean the violent path, then no, I do not support that. Violence must be a last resort; we can only make progress through peace and dialogue with willing parties.
February 12th, 2008 at 2:59 pmPathetic…
February 12th, 2008 at 3:00 pm
That is a sly way of saying you must convert or die.
February 12th, 2008 at 3:13 pm“we can only make progress through peace and dialogue with willing parties.”
Examples please.
February 12th, 2008 at 3:21 pmFrom Samir:
I oppose violence and war. I don’t want to get into semantics on the meaning of the word you are using, but if you intend to mean the violent path, then no, I do not support that. Violence must be a last resort; we can only make progress through peace and dialogue with willing parties.”
Hey, Samir, have you tried telling your friends at Al-Quaeda this? Maybe you should start with them; I’m just SO SURE they’ll listen to you. Do you think they and their various affiliates (including the ones trying to kill a Danish Cartoonist!) would consider protesting, instead of killing? If your Al-Quaeda buddies think that violence is their last resort for them, how do you propose to stop them in their aims? What if your Al-Quaeda buds aren’t “willing parties”? Or is it only the West that should stop being offensively defensive (i.e. we should just lay down & die)?
But I won’t hold my breath until you talk to them…’cause you won’t, will you?
You are the same Samir from Lawhawk’s blog; uneducated, illiterate, uninformed, and STILL being beaten to a pulp by a teddy-bear…
February 12th, 2008 at 3:30 pmJust get Samir some vaseline for his eventual goat partner, he’s too stupid to realize the threat of the jihad.
But I would like to know if he thinks Cuba is great because it has UHC.
February 12th, 2008 at 3:34 pmSamir
The correct spelling of your name should be Smear. As in, Smear US Troops (under the guise of peace). If you’re so keen on dialogue, why don’t you book a one-way trip to Iran, Syria, Afghanistan or the likes - - anywhere, you feel peaceful dialogue would PREVENT beheadings, IEDs, honor killings, suicide bombings, child rape, the repression of women, etc.
Report back when you are successful and I’ll pay for a lifetime of healthcare for you!
February 12th, 2008 at 3:40 pmSAMIR…… You Suck !!!!
February 12th, 2008 at 3:45 pmFuck this shit.
February 12th, 2008 at 3:57 pm“…we can only make progress through peace and dialogue with willing parties.”
What about unwilling parties? Then what is your solution?
You say that you are against jihad yet you support jihadists. Quote — “…there were no attacks from my side.”
Perhaps you are not aware that your “side” (Code Pink) provided $650,000 in cash and supplies to jihadists in Fallujah.
Look man, you want peace stop enabling animals that throw gays off rooftops for sport and stone women simply for walking down a street unescorted. If you really want peace start screaming for the jihadists to get another ideology that doesn’t include blowing up people and things that stand in their way.
February 12th, 2008 at 4:00 pmBut I solmenly tell you that you will not find peace by denegrating the only hope of the victims of Jihadists in Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur, Kenya, Iran and the rest of the world. Their only hope lies in the people that are willing to do more than just wish things were better, they are willing to put their very lives at risk to make things better — The US military.
This has got to be the same SAMIR that posted at Gathering of Eagles awhile back.
Yes, i remember you Saaaaamear.
Samir….You’re a fucking IDIOT.
Please Die, will ya. You’re just making Global Warming worse by expelling so much CO2.
C’mon, just die. You’ll be a Hero to your Comrads in Berkeley.
February 12th, 2008 at 4:42 pmSamir:
February 12th, 2008 at 4:45 pmPhilNBlanx asks a legitimate question that deserves a direct answer - not the bullshit doublespeak you have provided. Answer yes or no. Inquiring minds want to know.
I know america and the west have tons of problems
I know america and the west are corrupt in a lot of places
But Samir you cant really bellieve anyone in the USA
buys the standard Islamic LIE of “islam is the solution”…
The only thing communism and Islam / Nazism have done for the entire world is give us both the First attempt at a final “Solution” (estimates 125 million dead between ww II) and the communist purges..
Since we know that
1. No real americans are buying the islam is
2. We as americans will NOT bow down before islamic nazism.
3. We would rather DIE FREE than live as Islamic SLAVES.
and since like the leftistsyou love islamic countries so.
and if islam provides a wonderful life
and if islam provied so much peace and harmony
and if islam provides so many blessings from God..
Then i must ask you and all muslims..
A. why are you here (since the west sucks) why stay?
B. Why are ALL the Islamic countries in the world Such a mess
C. Why is it when islam goes into a country all HELL breaks loose and then the bombs start going off..
D. what has islam done for the entire world except cause death and destruction (same for comunism)…
Since the west is such a dump and the islamic countries such a heaven on earth …
WHY are you HERE since you hate us so much?
February 12th, 2008 at 4:45 pmPlease enlighten us…
I know this is about the outragous actions by the leftist terrorist supporters in berkley but i had to ask..
I apologize if i am a little too blunt..
But i really want to know why all the leftists, communists and islamic nazis keep on wanting to come to the west..
Shouldnt it be the other way around
If the islamic and communist countries are such a paradise
If you dont like the US ..
February 12th, 2008 at 4:47 pmfuck berkeley, let us continue our war! War is good for business, don’t they like capitalism?
February 12th, 2008 at 7:02 pmSamir, samir, hellooooo?
February 12th, 2008 at 9:56 pm“Tom in CO
Samir, samir, hellooooo?”
Shhhh, everybody, Samir’s sleepin’.
fuck berkeley, let us continue our war! War is good for business, don’t they like capitalism?”
Has somebody been reading old John Edwards speeches, again?
February 13th, 2008 at 8:33 amWhy are you people ignoring the real problem here?
It’s not the fucking fags, it’s the goddamned Jews. They’ve been behind every atrocity for the last 1000 years, and faggotry is just one of them.
When are we going to stop letting them distract us with meaningless bullshit and burn them out of their homes?
February 23rd, 2008 at 10:35 pmFaggotry is just a mental disorder originated by germs in the negro endocrine system. They’re the real cause of our problems.
Speaking about negros: if they hate inequality so much, why don’t they just go back to Africa and have savage monkey orgies in their horrid equality?
February 24th, 2008 at 12:08 am