Berkeley Vid: O’Reilly & Da Judge Get It On Over Free Speech

February 13th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Napolitano tries to argue for the people he himself hates because none of the Pinkos would come on…

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10 Responses

  1. ticticboom

    Caught that live. Sometimes Napolitano drives me nuts.

    O’Reilly was right. Once the city took action, it stopped being a First Amendment issue. The problem isn’t Code Pink. It’s the city materially supporting them and trying to kick part of the federal government out of the city. If you want the Marines out, fine. They’ll take all your road and ‘entitlement’ money with them.

  2. Jeff

    The First Amendment is not a blank check. You cannot say anything you want any place you want to.

    The hippies can say they are against the war all day long, no surprises there. But when they verbally assault the Marines, all bets are off.

    They should include ‘inciting a riot’ to the charges against the city.

  3. Doug

    Yeah I’m gonna have to side with Bill on this one. They can be jackasses and spew their hate all damn day, but they cannot take legislative action to prohibit the Marines and their duties. With the parking space thing the judge was defending it would be like giving the KKK a parking space in front of a black store owners shop, and telling that store owner to park down the street. No difference what so ever in my eyes. How anyone could say that this is constitutionaly acceptable is beyond me.

  4. PhilNBlanx

    Is the city of Bezerkeley guilty of hate crime?

    Hate crimes (also known as bias motivated crimes) occur when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her membership in a certain social group.

    Hate crimes differ from conventional crime because they are not directed simply at an individual, but are meant to cause fear and intimidation in an entire group or class of people.

    Hate crime can take many forms. Incidents may involve physical assault, damage to property, bullying, harassment, verbal abuse or insults, or offensive graffiti or letters.

  5. 007

    The Judge need’s to see the video of the Puke’s Blocking people from comeing into the USMC’s Office!!!! Listen!! U-TUBE

  6. momps

    some kind of shoe store. what?

  7. CPLViper

    Nuke Berkeley, who the fuck needs it?

  8. Jackal3886

    CPL Viper…. Amen! :twisted: :beer:

  9. devdok

    All I have to say is those that don’t want to stand behind us (Military), please feel free to stand in front of us.

  10. Denghis (Ibn Al-Himar)


    I’ll not stand behind you, but I’ll stand beside you.

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