Bolton At CPAC On McCain & Iran - With Video

February 8th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Bolton said that he appreciated Sen. McCain’s positions with respect to Iran’s nuclear program, calling them stronger than the Bush Administration position. He remarked that Iran and North Korea’s illicit nuclear weapons programs are the greatest national security threats to the United States. Bolton suggested that McCain is the candidate best prepared to handle these challenges.

Former United States Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, made news today at the Conservative Political Action Conference by announcing his support for the likely Republican nominee, Sen. John McCain. Bolton is very highly regarded by conservatives for his tenure at the U.N. and for his willingness to combat the policies of the State Department, where Bolton was once an assistant Secretary of State for arms proliferation. His assessment of Sen. McCain could carry great weight among conservatives who believe that national security and the war on terror are the most important issues in the upcoming presidential election campaign.

Bolton did not endorse McCain outright, but he gave a strong defense of McCain and his positions on national security. Bolton told the assembled delegates that the state of affairs in the world required that the next president be “ready on day one” to handle national security challenges.

Bolton revealed for the first time in his CPAC address that Sen. McCain was very active behind the scenes in trying to secure his confirmation in the Senate. Bolton said that to his knowledge, McCain had never spoken publicly of his role in trying to secure confirmation for the controversial nominee; and suggested that it was a measure of McCain’s character that he was willing to vote for and work for Bolton’s confirmation in the face of very difficult opposition.

Bolton said that he appreciated Sen. McCain’s positions with respect to Iran’s nuclear program, calling them stronger than the Bush Administration position. He remarked that Iran and North Korea’s illicit nuclear weapons programs are the greatest national security threats to the United States. Bolton suggested that McCain is the candidate best prepared to handle these challenges.

Click here for more Bolton at CPAC.

Bolton concluded his comments on the presidential race by making a surprise comparison of conservatives wary of supporting McCain to Vladimir Lenin. He said that those conservatives who would rather see a Democrat elected than support McCain are essentially espousing the former Soviet revolutionary’s axiom “Worse is better.”

Bolton said that conservatives should realize that their failure to support McCain for president would lead to the election of a president they would consider far worse. “I will be supporting John McCain for president, and I hope you will too,” he told the conference.


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10 Responses

  1. bill-tb

    Bolton for Pres …

  2. Jeff

    “…conservatives who would rather see a Democrat elected than support McCain are essentially espousing the former Soviet revolutionary’s axiom “Worse is better.”

    Who are you callin’ a commie?

    Settling for second best only encourages more of the same in future elections. The Dems aren’t settling for a mainstream liberal, they’ve been pulling us further left-wing-whacko every year. Appeasement is not the answer. Ask Neville Chamberlain how that worked out for him.

  3. Mark Tanberg

    I agree bill-tb and if McCain would come out before november with a signed contract putting BOLTON in the Sec. of Defense position then I’ll vote for him because that means theres a future for the Republican party with a leader that really knows his stuff.

  4. Gregory Donald Hiel

    He just convinced me. I guess that I will have to show up and vote McCain. Thank you Sir for helping to clear my head.

  5. EDinTampa

    Jeff by not doing your civic duty to choose one of the candidates in November, you are settling for worse than 2nd best and you are shrugging your responsibility.

    If you feel that Obama or Clinton would be a better POTUS than McCain you should vote for him or her. If you don’t feel that way then you should vote for McCain.

    How much rocket science is involved?

    I was for Fred Thompson, then Mitt but the GOP has chosen McCain, be adult and support your party and work on change to the party from the inside, not the outside.

    VOTE! Please :beer:

  6. Jeff

    Hey EDinTampa

    Absolutely! I agree with you. Voting is a responsibility and I won’t slack next November. I doubt I’d vote for a Dem, we’d probably see ice form in hell first.

    Voting for McCain isn’t totally out of the question either but he’ll have to show a little more enthusiasm towards stopping illegals and locking the border down, promise to stay away from the First Amendment and quit snuggling up to the radical Dems. Lots of time left so anything is possible. I do believe McCain will commit himself to something if he says he will.

  7. 007

    I have and allways supported McCain, Just for this reason! He has been a good leader in the fight. And there is not another person running for President PAST or Future that can say better.

    I understand the Animosity, But I still support him.

    When a man can be Tortured for as long as he has? Something tells me I am SMALL!

  8. 007

    Sorry but I have to vent! I have lived in my second house for about 10 years. A life time has past. Could you Imagine spending 8 years Tortured and away from LIFE and family? I Cannot even pretend to know what he has been through?

    He McCain has givin his life duty to GOVT. Can anyone of us say we have done better? MYSELF the answer is NO!

    I have allways wanted a president that served. I now have one. And I hope he go’s all the way!!!

    Like I said Sorry for Venting.

  9. 007

    And are you all ready to let MSM tell you that John McCain cannot win against a DEM? Watch the News, That Is what they are pushing. :evil: :evil: :evil:

  10. EDinTampa

    Jeff & 007 & everyone else,
    The MSM, Hollywood, Europe, Islamofascists and the Democrat leadership are all going to make this a stark clash between McCain & Obama.

    I say Obama because I believe that he is going to take Hillary down and Kerry is going to be his running mate.

    Obama is an empty suit, touchy feely, tax monger and the young people will turn out in droves for him. He has accomplished NOTHING to my knowledge and gives Islamofascism name recognition.


    I heard Obama say in a clip on O’Reilly that Mitts speech was fear mongering regarding the war. That alone tells me what side he is on. If you don’t want to call the enemy “the enemy”, that is just kissy face mongering to me and we don’t need a POTUS like that.

    That alone should mobilize every American to the cause of defeating radical islam.

    A President John McCain is the most resounding message we could send to our enemy worldwide that we will defend our homeland and our friends around the world.

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